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Circular Letter No. 613

(Supersedes Circular Letter No. 457 dated December 8, 1989)

May 30, 2006

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Use of GPO Form 3868, Notification of Intent to Publish

Title 44, U.S. Code, requires that the Superintendent of Documents be advised of ALL publications to be printed by Federal Government agencies with the following exceptions:

  • Publications determined by their issuing components to be required for official use only or for strictly administrative or operational purposes which have no public interest or educational value
  • Publications which are classified for reasons of national security.

How to Advise the Superintendent of Documents of an Agency's Intent to Publish

1. The primary means of notifying the Superintendent of Documents of a forthcoming publication is the "Notification of Intent to Publish," GPO Form 3868. Agencies should fax or e-mail copy of the completed form to the following addresses at least 30 days prior to submission of the job for printing and binding through the Government Printing Office (GPO) or other authorized channels (e.g., in-house, on waiver):

Content Acquisitions
Library Services & Content Management
Mail Stop: IDAD
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20401
Telephone: 202-512-1071
Fax: 202-512-1636

2. Individual copies of GPO Form 3868 do not need to be prepared for documents if they are produced regularly under a term contract. Dated (i.e., regularly issued) periodicals, which are part of an annual subscription service, are an example of this type of publication. However, if a publication is printed under a "general usage" or miscellaneous publication contract, a Form 3868 should be submitted for each individual title published.

Copies of the "Notification of Intent to Publish" (including instructions for completion) may be obtained from GPO's Regional Printing Procurement Offices, Content Acquisitions at the address listed above, your GPO Account Representative, or as a PDF file via GPO Access at To fill out and submit
it electronically, go to:

The Purpose of Notifying the Superintendent of Documents via the GPO Form 3868

1. The information on the GPO Form 3868 will be used for two purposes:

a. To determine the quantity requirements of the Federal Depository Library Program. Under Title 44, U.S. Code, the Superintendent of Documents distributes Government publications to over 1,200 depository libraries throughout the United States. Title 44, U.S. Code, Sections 1901-1903 and OMB Circular A-130 "Management of Federal Information Resources" requires agencies to furnish copies of Government publications that are not printed through GPO. The agency does not bear the cost of depository copies if the document is printed through GPO. In these cases the agency must provide a full, accurate description of the publication on the GPO Form 3868, so that GPO has sufficient information to order the correct depository quantity and thereby avoid later back-to-press costs to the Government. The actual number of copies distributed depends on the type and content of the publication.

b. To provide the Superintendent of Documents with a general description of the publication. This information is used to determine whether to include the publication in the Publication and Information Sales Program. The Superintendent of Documents sells 5,500 different titles, both publications and subscriptions, to the public. When a publication is included in the Publications and Sales Program, our Marketing Staff can use the information supplied on the GPO Form 3868 to assist them in marketing your publication to the appropriate audience.

2. Personnel from Publication and Information Sales and Depository Library areas will provide the publishing agency with copy requirements.

3. Questions regarding the GPO Publications and Sales Program, Marketing or Depository Library programs should be directed to the following:

GPO Customer Contact Center
Phone: 866-512-1800 (toll free)
202-512-1800 (Washington, DC area)
Fax: 202-512-2104

Content Acquisitions
Library Services & Content Management
Mail Stop: IDAD
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20401
Telephone: 202-512-1071
Fax: 202-512-1636


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