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Circular Letter No. 606

February 23, 2006

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Consolidation and Co-Location of New York GPO Regional Printing Procurement Office and Transfer of Agency Work to Philadelphia GPO Regional Printing Procurement Office

The purpose of this Circular Letter is to notify you that on February 13, 2006, GPO's New York Regional Printing Procurement Office (RPPO) was consolidated and co-located with the Department of Justice in New York City's 26 Federal Plaza. The New York RPPO has experienced a steadily declining workload over the past several years. Therefore, the decisions to consolidate the workload with the Philadelphia RPPO and co-locate the New York employees with another agency are carefully planned strategies to stem the financial losses resulting from this decline. Effective, February 13, 2006, this office was renamed the New York Customer Service Office (NYCSO).

While we expect that the majority of pending and future agency work will continue to be processed in New York by the NYCSO, some of the work may be directed to the Philadelphia RPPO. Although we cannot guarantee which office will process each of your jobs, as our customer, you have the option to send your orders to either of these offices. To date, all term contracts that were administered by the New York RPPO have been transferred to and are administered by the Philadelphia RPPO.

In the near future, a GPO representative will contact many customers of the New York RPPO to discuss their specific work requirements. We want to assure you that all work will continue to be processed quickly and that the final products will be delivered at the requested quality level and on time. GPO will work closely with agencies to ensure that we meet their requirements.

New York Customer Service OfficePhiladelphia Regional Printing Procurement Office
26 Federal Plaza928 Jaymore Road
Room 29-30Suite A-190
New York, NY 10278Southampton, PA 18966-3820
Telephone 212-264-2374 or 2252Telephone 215-364-6465
Fax 212-264-2413Fax 215-364-6479
Manager: Ira Fishkin Manager: Ira Fishkin

If you have any questions regarding this Circular Letter or if you would like more information about the services offered by GPO's Regional Printing Procurement Offices, please contact:

Ira Fiskin, Manager, New York CSO and Philadelphia RPPO, 215-364-6465, ifishkin@gpo.gov

Jon Carr, Assistant Director, Agency Publishing Services, 202-512-0238, jcarr@gpo.gov

Chrissy Gray, National Account Manager, Northeast, 202-641-3407, cgray@gpo.gov


Managing Director, Customer Services

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