Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)

SAFETEA-LU Legislative Implementation Plan (as of October 12, 2005)


Section  Title Action Required Lead Coord. Date Due
1101(b) Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Existing DBE Program: Implement new minimum networth level and expansion of program to NHTSA 403 R&D program C-50 S-40, FHWA, NHTSA,FTA  
1103(e) Post Annual HTF Obligation Report on the Web Submit to Congress the current report, and also make it available to the public in a user-friendly format via the Internet. FHWA Budget 12/31/2005
1104 Equity Bonus Program Implement new "minimum percentage allocation" to States annually FHWA    
1109(f) Recreational Trails: Encourage Use of Youth Conservation/Service Corps The Secretary shall encourage the States to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with qualified youth conservation or service corps to perform construction and maintenance of recreational trails under section 206 of title 23, United States Code. FHWA    
1110(b) Regulations to Improve Work Zone Safety DOT to issue regulations on use of funds for "positive protective measures" in work zones. FHWA    
1114(f) Annual Highway Bridge Construction Materials Report DOT shall publish annually in the Federal Register a report describing construction materials used in new Federal-aid bridge construction and bridge rehabilitation projects. FHWA   8/10/2006
1115(a) Annual IRS Report on Highway Use Tax Evasion Projects The IRS Commissioner and each State submit to the Secretary an annual report that describes the projects, examinations, and criminal investigations funded by and carried out under this section. The report shall specify the estimated annual yield from such projects, examinations, and criminal investigations. FHWA Policy 9/30/2006
1115(b) Highway Use Tax Evasion: DOT/IRS MOU on Better Reporting MOU with IRS to develop new Highway Use Tax Evasion reporting. Note that an annual 09/30 report from IRS to DOT is also specified FHWA Policy 11/10/2005
1117 Transportation, Community, and System Preservation Program Update guidance as needed and make discretionary grants for TCSP program FHWA OST  
1118(c) Territorial Highway Program-Technical Assistance Provide technical assistance on Highways to the governments of the territories. Unless existing Agrement is in place, new program funding is conditioned on concluding an Agreement within one year of enactment. FHWA    
1118(e) Territorial Highway Program-Technical Assistance Agreement Agreement between Secretary and Territorial CEO on Highway technical assistance FHWA   8/10/2006
1119(f) Federal Lands Highways-National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory In cooperation with the DOI Secretary, complete comprehensive national inventory of transportation facilities eligible for assistance under the Indian reservation roads program. Not later than 90 days after the date of completion of the inventory, DOT shall prepare and submit a report to Congress that includes the data gathered and the results of the inventory FHWA   11/10/2007 Report due 90 days after the date of completion of the inventory
1119(g)(4) Federal Lands Highways-Indian Reservation Road Projects On request by an Indian tribe or the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary may make funds available for preliminary engineering for Indian reservation road bridge projects and for construction and construction engineering after approval of applicable plans, specifications, and estimates in accordance with this title. FHWA    
1119(k) Annual Report on Tribal-State Road Maintenance Agreements Effective in fiscal year 2005, the Secretary shall prepare and submit to Congress an annual report that identifies-- ``(A) the Indian tribes and States that have entered into agreements under paragraph (1); ``(B) the number of miles of roads for which Indian tribes have assumed maintenance responsibilities; and ``(C) the amount of funding transferred to Indian tribes for the fiscal year under agreements entered into under paragraph (1). FHWA   10/1/2005
1119(l) Appointment of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Tribal Government Affairs DOT shall have, within the office of the Secretary, a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs appointed by the President to plan, coordinate, and implement the Department of Transportation policy and programs serving Indian tribes and tribal organizations and to coordinate tribal transportation programs and activities. OST-I Policy  
1119(n) Federal Lands Highways-Wildlife Vehicle Collision Reduction Study DOT to conduct study of methods to reduce collisions between motor vehicles and wildlife; report to Congress on study findings; prepare a manual and training course on ways to reduce vehicle collisions with wildlife. FHWA   8/10/2007
1120 Implement Puerto Rico Highway Program DOT shall allocate funds made available to carry out this section for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2009 to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to carry out a highway program in the Commonwealth. FHWA    
1121 HOV Facilities:EPA Rule on Low-Emission Vehicles EPA Adminstrator to issue final rule on requirements for certification of low emission and energy efficient vehicles to use HOV lanes. FHWA Policy, NHTSA 2/8/2006
1201 Real-Time System Management Information Program Establish a real-time system management information program FHWA FTA, Policy, RITA 8/10/2007
1301 Criteria for Projects of National and Regional Significance Establish Criteria for project selection FHWA Policy, FRA  
1301(f) Projects of National and Regional Significance - Project Approval FHWA to administer grants; OST to approve work scope for each project. FHWA Policy, FRA  
1301(f)(6) Regulations for Projects of National and Regional Significance Within 180 days, issue regulations on how projects will be evaluated and rated. FHWA Policy, FRA 2/10/2006
1301(g)(1)(B) Projects of National and Regional Significance: 60-Day Notice At least 60 days before committing funds to a project, notify House and Senate Committees FHWA Policy, FRA  
1301(k) Annual Report on Projects of National and Regional Significance Annual Report to House and Senate Committees on future funds for the program and a listing of proposed projects and their evaluations. FHWA Policy 2/1/2006
1302 Establish National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Grant Program Specifies National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Grant Program FHWA Policy, RITA  
1303 Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program Specifies Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program FHWA Policy, RITA  
1305 Pilot Program to Increase NHS Truck Parking Facilities Establish pilot program and Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the results of the pilot program. FHWA Policy 8/10/2008
1306 Freight Intermodal Distribution Pilot Grant Program Establish program and within 3 years report to Congress on its progress. FHWA Policy, FRA, RITA 8/10/2008
1307 Deployment of Magnetic Levitation Transportation Projects Make available financial assistance to pay the Federal share of full project costs of eligible projects FRA Policy, FHWA  
1308 Delta Region Transportation Development Program Carry out Delta Region Transportation Development Program FHWA Policy  
1309 Extension of Public Transit Vehicle Exemption from Axle Weight Restrictions   FHWA FTA  
1310 Interstate Oasis Program Establish an Interstae Oasis program and within 180 days develop standards for a facility that can be designated as an interstate oasis. FHWA Policy 2/10/2006
1401 Highway Safety Improvement Program States must submit an annual report to the Secretary on 5% of locations with most severe safety needs and potential remedies with the estimated costs and impediments. DOT annual report is made biennial. FHWA Policy, NHTSA, FRA 4/1/2006
1402 Regulations to Prevent Roadside Worker Injury Establish regulations on high visibility garmts for workers and other work area safety measures. FHWA   8/10/2006
1403 Toll Facilities Workplace Safety Study Within 1 year, submit report to Congress on results of toll facility workplace safety study with recommendations. FHWA Policy, NHTSA 8/10/2006
1404(h)(1) Safe Routes to School Program The Secretary shall establish a national Safe Routes to School task force composed of leaders in health, transportation, and education, including representatives of appropriate Federal agencies, to study and develop a strategy for advancing safe routes to school programs nationwide. FHWA Policy, NHTSA  
1404(h)(2) Report on Safe Routes to School Program Not later than March 31, 2006, submit report containing results of Safe Routes to School study and a description of strategy developed and information on use of funds for infrastructure-related and noninfrastructure-related activities FHWA Policy, NHTSA 3/31/2006
1405 Roadway Safety Improvements for Older Drivers and Pedestrians Carry out program to improve traffic signs and pavement markings in all States consistent with the recommendations included in FHWA's 10/01 Guidelines and Recommendations to Accommodate Older Drivers and Pedestrians FHWA Policy, NHTSA  
1408 Improvement or Replacement of Highway Features on National Highway System In cooperation with AASHTO, update FHWA Policy on NCHRP Report 350, "Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features" and publish updated guidance FHWA    
1409(a) Work Zone Safety Grants establish and implement a work zone safety grant program under which Secretary makes grants to nonprofit organizations and not-for-profit organizations to provide training to prevent or reduce highway work zone injuries and fatalities FHWA    
1409(d) Work Zone Safety Grants:Alaska Per Diem Payments Ensure that a worker employed on remote project for highway construction located on a Federal-aid system in the State of Alaska and who is not a domiciled resident of the locality receives meals and lodging. FHWA    
1410 Grants for National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse Secretary shall make grants for fiscal years 2006 through 2009 to a national nonprofit foundation for the operation of the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse FHWA    
1411(a) Roadway Safety-Public Road Safety Enter into agreement to assist national nonprofit organization to improve public road safety FHWA Policy  
1411(b) Roadway Safety-Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Make grants to a national, not-for-profit organization engaged in promoting bicycle and pedestrian safety to operate a national bicycle and pedestrian clearinghouse; to develop information and educational programs; and to disseminate techniques and strategies for improving bicycle and pedestrian safety. FHWA Policy, NHTSA  
1501 Revised Advance Construction Authorities (23 USC 115) Revises Advance Construction Authorities. FHWA    
1502 Highways for Life Pilot Program Establish program, select 15 projects each FY, establish technology transfer program FHWA Policy  
1601 TIFIA Amendments and Biennial Report Report on TIFIA projects on June 1, 2006 and every 2 years thereafter FHWA Policy, Budget, FTA, FRA 6/1/2006
1602 SIB Amendments and Annual Report to Secretary SIB annual report to Secretary FHWA Policy,Budget, FTA, FRA 8/10/2006
1603 Annual Report: Use of Excess Funds and Funds for Inactive Projects Submit a report describing any action taken by the Secretary under this section FHWA Budget 8/10/2006
1604(b) Tolling - Express Lane Demonstration Program (annual report) Carry out 15 demonstration projects during the period of fiscal years 2005 through 2009 to permit States, public authorities, or a public or private entities designated by States, to collect a toll from motor vehicles at an eligible toll facility for any highway, bridge, or tunnel, including facilities on the Interstate System. FHWA Policy 8/10/2006
1604(b) Tolling - Express Lane Demo Successes (trienniel report) Carry out 15 demonstration projects to collect a toll from motor vehicles at an eligible toll facility for any highway, bridge, or tunnel, including facilities on the Interstate System.Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 3 years thereafter, a report that describes any success of the program under this subsection in meeting congestion reduction and other performance goals established for express lane programs. FHWA Policy 8/10/2008
1604(c) Tolling - Interstate System Construction Toll Pilot Program. Establish and implement Interstate System construction toll pilot program permitting a State or an interstate compact of States to collect tolls on a highway, bridge, or tunnel on the Interstate System for the purpose of constructing Interstate highways on 3 facilities on the Interstate System. FHWA Policy  
1801 Ferry Boat Program   FHWA FTA  
1801(e) National Ferry Database and Update to Report Publish 30 Day PRA Notice as part of the OMB approval process for the information collection activity associated with this project. RITA   8/10/2006
1802 National Scenic Byways Program Issue guidance on program revisions FHWA    
1803 America's Byways Resource Center Allocate funds to the America's Byways Resource Center FHWA    
1804 National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Conduct research and provide grants to States FHWA    
1807 Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program Establish the pilot program; Select 4 communities to construct a network of nonmotorized transportation facilities including Columbia, MO; Marin County, CA; Minneapolis, MN Develop statistical info on changes in motorized and nonmotorized vehicles in communities and effects on congestion, energy usage, health and the environment Submit report to Congress on program by 9/30/07. FHWA Policy, RITA, NHTSA 9/30/2007
1808 Addition to CMAQ-Eligible Projects EPA in consultation with DOT to publish list of diesel retrofit technologies for emission reduction. - DOT shall encourage States and MPOs to consult with State and local air quality agencies on estimated reductions from CMAQ projects. - DOT and EPA shall evaluation and assess the projects funded under CMAQ. - Maintain and disseminate database on results of CMAQ projects. - DOT and EPA shall consider the results and recommendation of NRC study of CMAQ program. FHWA Policy, FRA  
1808 Addition to CMAQ-Eligible Projects Evaluation and Assessment of Projects The Secretary, in consultation with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, shall evaluate and assess a representative sample of projects funded under the congestion mitigation and air quality program FHWA, FRA OST/Policy  
1904 Stewardship and Oversight of Grant Project Funding Establish an oversight program to monitor effective and efficient use of highway funds. FHWA Policy, FTA  
1906 Grant Program in Support of Racial Profiling Bans Establish grant program in support of racial-profiling bans. NHTSA Policy, S-30, RITA  
1907 Pavement Marking Systems Demonstration Projects Conduct demonstration project in Alaska and Tennessee. FHWA   6/30/2009
1909 Future of Surface Transportation System Establish the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission with the Secretary as the chairperson. - within 120 of establishment of commission, appoint members of the commission. First meeting to be held within 30 days of all appointments. - Establish Technical Advisory Committee. - Deliver final report to the Congress by July 1, 2007. Policy FHWA, FTA, RITA, FRA 2/10/2006
1910 Motorist Information Concerning Full Service Restaurants Within 180 days initiate rulemaking on appropriate signing for full service restaurants. FHWA   2/10/2006
1911 Approval and Funding for Certain Construction Projects. The Secretary shall make a final decision on the approval of the project within 30 days after the date of receipt by the Secretary of a construction authorization request from the department of transportation for the State of Georgia. FHWA    
1914 Motorcyclist Advisory Council Establish a Motorcycle Advisory Council to coordinate with and advise the FHWA Administrator on infrastructure issues of concern to motorcyclists, FHWA Policy, NHTSA  
1917 Opening of Interstate Ramps Expedite the project to improve I495 (DC Beltway) through the area of the Arena Drive interchange to allow for safe exit, and submit to Congress a report on the status of opening the Interstate Route 495/Arena Drive interchange to full-time use. FHWA   8/10/2007
1919 Road User Fees By July 1, 2009, submit a report on results of Study by University of Iowa on field test of user fees assessed based on annual miles and type of vehicle using on board computers. FHWA Policy, RITA 7/1/2009
1923 Transportation Assessment and Needs of Delta Region Within 180 days, enter into an agreement with the Delta Regional Authority on assessment of the transportation assets and needs of Delta region. Within 2 years, the Delta Regional Authority shall report to the Secretary and the House and Senate Committees on results. FHWA Policy 2/10/2008
1924 Alaska Way Viaduct Study Not later than 02/10/2006, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that describes the findings of the study FHWA Policy 2/10/2006
1925 Community Enhancement Study By September 20, 2006 report to the House and Senate Committees on the results on the role of well-designed transportation projects in promoting economic development; protecting public health, safety and the environment; and enhancing the architectural design and planning of communities; and the positive economic, cultural, aesthetic, scenic, architectural, and environmental benefits of such projects for communities. FHWA Policy 9/20/2006
1926 Budget Justification Submission Requirement to Authorizing Comms. Department of Transportation and each agency in the Department shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate a budget justification concurrently with the President's annual budget submission to Congress OST/Budget All Modes 2/1/2006
1927 Study of Alabama 14th Amendment Highway Secretary to carry out a study and submit a report that describes the steps and estimated funding necessary to construct a route for the 14th Amendment Highway, from Augusta, Georgia, to Natchez, Mississippi FHWA   12/31/2005 Study must be initiated by 12/31/2005
1927 3rd Infantry Division Highway Secretary to carry out a study and submit a report that describes the steps and estimated funding necessary to designate and construct a route for the 3rd Infantry Division Highway, extending from Savannah, Georgia, to Knoxville, Tennessee, by way of Augusta, Georgia (formerly the Savannah River Parkway in the State of Georgia). FHWA   12/31/2005 Study must be initiated by 12/31/2005
1939 BIA Indian Road Program The 10/01/2004 final rule relating to the Indian reservation road program administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs of the Department of the Interior, shall not apply to certain Alaska villages with respect to named projects, which shall be subject to a special rule and the Secretary shall pay for fiscal year 2006 the Federal share of the costs of the projects. FHWA Budget 10/1/2006
1945 Infrastructure Awareness Program, Alaska Fund production of documentary about infrastructure that demonstrates advancements in Alaska, the last frontier. $1,500,000 for fiscal year 2005 and $1,450,000 for fiscal year 2006. FHWA    
1946 Gateway Rural Rail Corridor Pilot Program. Establish a pilot program in the State of Vermont to be known as the 'Gateway Rural Improvement Pilot Program' to demonstrate the benefits to a rural rail corridor of a freight transportation gateway program. FRA    
1951 Minority Resource Center to provide assistance to DBE's in obtaining performance bonds DOT Minority Resource Center to provide assistance to DBE's in obtaining bid, payment, and performance bonds S-40 C-50  
1952 Congestion Relief The Secretary shall conduct a design and feasibility analysis to alleviate southbound traffic congestion along the George Washington Parkway, Virginia, between Interstate Route 495 and the 14th Street Bridge and shall take appropriate action in response to the results of that analysis. FHWA Policy  
1960 Denali Access System Program Not later than 11/10/2005, the Secretary of Transportation shall establish a program to pay the costs of planning, designing, engineering, and constructing road and other surface transportation infrastructure identified for the Denali access system program under this section. FHWA   11/10/2005
1961 I-95/Contee Road Interchange Study DOT shall conduct a study on the I-95/Contee Road relocated interchange project (Maryland) to assess the proposed interchange. The Secretary shall report by 02/10/2006 on the results of the study, including any recommendations of the Secretary. FHWA   2/10/2006
2002(b) Highway Safety Programs Administration of State Programs 402 grant program. NHTSA RITA  
2002(d) Highway Safety Programs; Consolidation of Grant Applications The Secretary and the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall establish an approval process whereby a State may apply for all grants under this chapter thorugh a single application with one annual deadline. NHTSA RITA  
2003(c) Highway Safety Research: On-scene Motor Vehicle Collision Data Collection Conduct a nationally representative study to collect on-scene motor vehicle collision data and to determine crash causation. Enter into a contract with the National Academy of Sciences to conduct review of the research, design, methodology and implementation of the study. Report due to Congress no later than 2 years after the enactment. NHTSA FHWA, FMCSA 8/10/2007
2003(d) Highway Safety Research: Distracted, Inattentive, Fatigued Drivers carry out not less than 2 demonstration projects to evaluate new and innovative means of combating traffic system problems caused by distracted, inattentive or fatigued drivers NHTSA Policy, FHWA, FMCSA  
2003(e) Highway Safety Research: Pedestrian Safety Identify effective advanced technology and ITS along with recommendations on how to incorporate new technology into education and enforcement efforts and how to integrate these in AASHOT design guidelines. Report to Congress. FHWA OST/Policy, FHWA, FTA, NHTSA 8/10/2007
2003(f) Highway Safety Research: Refusal of Intoxication Testing Study the frequency with which persons arrested for DWI refuse to take a test to determine blood alcohol concentration levels, examining effect of refusals on States'ability to prosecute offenders and include recommendations for legislation (including model legislation) that might be necessary to decrease refusals. Consult with the Governors, State Attorneys General and U.S. Sentencing Commission and submit report Congress no later than 2 years after enactment NHTSA Policy, FHWA, FMCSA 8/10/2007
2003(g) Highway Safety Research: Impaired Motorcycle Driving Conduct a study on the educational, public information and other activities designed to reduce motorcycle accidents, fatalities and injuries when the motorcycle operator is impaired. Report due to Congress no later than 2 years after enactment. NHTSA Policy, FHWA 8/10/2007
2003(h) Highway Safety Research: Reducing Impaired Driving Recidivism Conduct study on reducing alcohol-related crashes and fatalities by using advanced vehicle-based alcohol detection systems. Study, due no later than 2 years after enactment, to include an assessment of the practicality and cost effectiveness of these systems. NHTSA Policy, FHWA 8/10/2007
2004 Occupant Protection Incentive Grants   NHTSA    
2005 Grants for Primary Safety Belt Use Laws Establishes new incentive grant program focused on primary SB laws: Sec. 406 grants. The Secretary shall make grants to States to encourage enactment and enforcement of safety belt use laws in passenger vehicles. Grants to go to qualifying States with primary SB laws, also to States that have SB use rates of 85% or higher for two consecutive years. Eligible use of incentive funds includes highway infrastructure safety. NHTSA OST/Policy, FHWA  
2006 State Traffic Safety Information System Improvements Amends existing state traffic records grant program. New guidance to states will be required. The Secretary shall make grants to eligible States to improve data quality, timeliness, accuracy, completeness and uniformity. Adds requirement for State to certify present or future use of model data elements. Also for States to collect data on impact of use of electronic devices while driving. NHTSA Policy, FHWA, RITA  
2006(e)(1) State Traffic Safety Information Systems Improvments-Guidance to States Guidance to States on traffic records grant program, to include information on model data elements, that are useful in determining State traffic safety information NHTSA    
2007 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Countermeasures New alcohol incentive program aimed at countermeasures to decrease underage drinking & driving. Requires NHTSA to Issue guidelines to the States specifying the types and formats of data that States should collect relating to drivers who are arrested or convicted for violation of laws prohibiting the impaired operation of motor vehicles. NHTSA Policy, FHWA  
2007(c) Alcohol-Impaired Driving Countermeasures - NHTSA to Issue Regulations Guidelines to States on data collected on alcohol impaired driving enforcement no later than 12 months from enactment. NHTSA FHWA  
2008 NHTSA Accountability- Report on Best Practices Issue uniform managment review and program review guidelines to be used by Regional offices in reviewing the States. Not later than the September 30, 2008, the Comptroller General shall submit a report on the results of the analysis of best practices. NHTSA Policy 02/10/2006 SAFETEALU requires report 180 days after enactment. NHTSA requests 9/30/2008 date.
2008(a) NHTSA Accountability - Triennial State Management Reviews At least once every 3 years the Secretary shall conduct a review of each State highway safety program. The review shall include a anagement evaluation of all grant programs funded under this chapter. The Secretary shall provide review-based recommendations on how each H. R. 3—391State could improve the management and oversight of its grant activities and may provide a management and oversight plan for such grant programs. NHTSA    
2008(b) NHTSA Accountability - Program Recommendations NHTSA will provide data-based recommendations to the States for their highway safety plans at least 90 days prior to the plans submission. NHTSA    
2008(c) NHTSA Accountability - State Program Review Provide program reviews to States taht are not making progress toward priority areas over a three-year period, and provide technical assistance in incorporating improvements to reach priorities in the State's highway safety plan. NHTSA    
2008(d) NHTSA Accountability - Regional Harmonization The Secretary and DOT IG will conduct a review of the process by which the Regional offices are conducing the management and program reviews and prepare a written report of best practices and procedures for use by the regional offices in conducting such reviews. The report shall be completed within 180 days after the date of enactment of this section. NHTSA Policy 2/10/2006
2008(e) NHTSA Accountability - Best Practices Guide Report on NHTSA's best practices and procedures for regional offices NHTSA Policy 2/10/2006
2008(f) NHTSA Accountability - Annual Evaluation of Effectiveness of HVE Campaigns Annual evaluation of effectiveness of HVE campaigns NHTSA Policy 2/10/2006
2009(a) High Visibility Enforcement Program Conduct at least two high-visibility enforcement campaigns to reduce alcohol and/or drug impaired driving and to increase seat belt use for each fiscal year 06-09. NHTSA    
2009 (f) High Visibility Enforcement Program - Annual Evaluation of Effectiveness The Secretary shall conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of High Visibility Enforcement campaigns. NHTSA Policy, FHWA 8/10/2006
2010 Motorcyclist Safety New grants to States that adopt and implement effective programs to reduce number of single and multi-vehicle crashes involving motorcyclists. Sets criteria for grant eligibility. Within 1 year Secretary will develop and provide to States model language to be used in traffic safety education courses, driver’s manuals and other instructional materials on the importance of sharing the roads with motorcycle riders. NHTSA Policy, FHWA 8/10/2006
2010(g) Motorcyclist Safety - Model Language Within 1 year Secretary will develop and provide to States model language to be used in traffic safety education courses, driver’s manuals and other instructional materials on the importance of sharing the roads with motorcycle riders. NHTSA Policy, FHWA 8/10/2006
2011 Child Safety and Child Booster Seat Incentive Grants New grants to States that are enforcing law requiring that children too large to be secured in child safety seat be secured in a child restraint. States receiving these grants will transmit to the Secretary a report describing how the grant funds were used “in a format as prescribed by the Secretary”. NHTSA Policy  
2011(g) Child Safety and Child Booster Seat Incentive Grants - Report Issue a format for States receiving grants in which to report. NHTSA    
2012 Motor Vehicle Crash Safety Data Improvements Collect data and compile statistics on motor vehicle crashes that take place on public and nonpublic roads, residential and commercial driveways, and parking facilities when those crashes result in injuries and fatalities. Report to Congress on the accident data collected and statistics and recommendations on how to reduce crashes, fatalities and injuries no later than January 1, 2009. NHTSA Policy, RITA, FHWA 1/1/2009
2013(c) Drug Impaired Driving Enforcement-NIH Study In cooperation with the National Institutes of Health, the Secretary shall submit report to Congress on the problem of drug impaired driving not later than 18 months after enactment of this Act. NHTSA Policy, FHWA 2/10/2007
2013(d) Drug Impaired Driving Enforcement-Model Statute Secretary shall develop and provide to States a model statute on drug-impaired driving not later than 1 year after date of submission of the report to Congress. NHTSA Policy, FHWA 2/10/2008
2014 First Responder Vehicle Safety Program. In consultation with the NHTSA Administrator, not later than 1 year after enactment of this Act the Secretary “should” develop program to increase safe and efficient operations of first responder vehicles compiling best practices for States and local governments, analyzing State and local laws and developing model legislation NHTSA Policy, FHWA 8/10/2006
2015 Driver Performance Study Make $1M available out of Sec 403 to conduct study on risks from the glare of on-coming vehicles, increased risks from 2-lane highways, increased risks for drivers over age 50, and overall effects of glare on driver performance. Transmit report to Congress on study results and recommendations to reduce risks from glare of on-coming vehicles not later than 18 months. NHTSA FHWA, Policy 2/10/2007
2016 Rural State Emergency Medical Services Optimization Pilot Program The Secretary shall make $1M from 403 available to conduct a pilot program for optimizing emergency medical services in a rural State. Secretary shall enter into an agreement with the State of Alaska to conduct the pilot program. Not later than 12 months after completion of the pilot program Secretary shall transmit a report to Congress on the results and recommendations on applications to other rural States. NHTSA   08/10/2008 NOTE: Report deadline depends on completion of pilot program.
2016 Rural State Emergency Medical Services Optimization Pilot Program Report The Secretary shall make $1M from 403 available to conduct a pilot program for optimizing emergency medical services in a rural State. Secretary shall enter into an agreement with the State of Alaska to conduct the pilot program. Not later than 12 months after completion of the pilot program Secretary shall transmit a report to Congress on the results and recommendations on applications to other rural States. NHTSA Policy Not later than 12 months after the completion of the pilot program
2017(a) Older Driver Safety Secretary shall allocate $1.7M from 403 for FY 06 -FY09 to conduct research and demonstration programs to improve traffic safety for older drivers and to formulate an older driver traffic safety plan and submit the plan by 08/10/2006. NHTSA FHWA, Policy 8/10/2006
2017(b) Law Enforcement Training DOT shall carry out a program to provide guidance to law enforcement agencies on police chase techniques. The Secretary shall allocate $.5M each year from 2006 – 2009 for this purpose. NHTSA FHWA  
2018 Safe Intersections (Traffic Preemption Device Use) Adds fine and imprisonment for sale of traffic preemption devices to non-emergency personnel. NHTSA FHWA  
2020 Presidential Commission on Alcohol-Impaired Driving Establish a Presidential Commission on Alcohol-Impaired Driving and that no later than Sept. 30, 2006 the Council makes recommendations for broad range of policy and program changes to further reduce the level of deaths and injuries caused by alcohol impaired driving. OST Policy, FHWA , NHTSA 09/30/2006 Sense of Congress
3004 Definitions: capital project and public transportation FTA to issue Circular on expanded definition of capital project and public transportation.FTA will include expanded definitions in the FR preceding the apportionments and will also include in each of the Circulars. FTA Policy  
3005 Metropolitan Transportation Planning The Secretary will determine the appropriate form for the transportation plan and issue regulations setting standards for the annual listing of TIP projects within 180 days after enactment of this Act. He will also establish an appropriate phase-in schedule for compliance with the requirements identified in the Congestion Management Process and issue guidance on a schedule for implementation of the changes made in the Metropolitan Transportation Planning section FTA/FHWA Policy, RITA 02/10/2006 180 days after enactment -Request date TBD
3006 Statewide Transportation Planning Issue guidance on a schedule for implementation of the changes made in the Statewide Transportation Planning section FTA/FHWA Policy, RITA  
3008 Private Enterprise Participation Issue circular on revised provision. FTA Policy  
3009 Urbanized Area Formula Grants-Report • Contracted Paratransit Pilot: Not later than January 1, 2009, the Secretary shall submit to [Congressional Committees] a report on the implementation of the contracted paratransit pilot. FTA   1/1/2009
3010 Clean Fuels Program   FTA Policy  
3011 Capital Investment Grants Guidance The Secretary shall publish policy guidance regarding the new fixed guideway capital project review and evaluation process and criteria by 02/10/2006. FTA Policy 02/10/2006 120 days after enactment
3011 Capital Investment Grants - Small Starts Regulations Secretary shall issue regulations establishing an evaluation and rating process for proposed projects requesting capital investment grants less than $75,000,000 that is based on the results of project justification and local financial commitment by 05/10/2006. FTA Policy 05/10/2006 240 days after enactment -requests 6/7/07 date to allow time for reviews
3011 Capital Investment Grants - Non Fixed Guideway Impact Report submit to Congress a report on the methodology to be used in evaluating the land use and economic development benefits of non-fixed guideway or partial fixed guideway projects by 12/10/2005. FTA Policy 12/10/2005 120 days after enactment -request 1/13/06 to allow for OMB and OST review
3011 Capital Investment Grants - Annual Report on Funding Recommendations Submit to [Congressional Committees] the Annual Report on Funding Recommendations not later than the first Monday in February of each year. FTA Policy 2/6/2006
3011 Capital Investment Grants - Before and After Studies • The Secretary shall submit to [Congressional Committees] a report containing a summary of the before and after studies not later than the first Monday of August of each year. FTA Policy 8/7/2006
3011 Capital Investment Grants Contractor Performance Assesment • The Secretary shall submit to [Congressional Committees] the Contractor Performance Assessment Report analyzing the consistency and accuracy of cost and ridership estimates not later than 180 days after the enactment of the Federal Public Transportation Act of 2005 and each year thereafter FTA Policy 02/10/2006 Requests 8/7/06 date adjustment for workforce issues
3011 Capital Investment Grants Contractor Performance Incentive • The Secretary shall submit to [Congressional Committees] the Contractor Performance Incentive Report on the suitability of allowing contractors to public transportation agencies that undertake new 5309 fixed guideway capital projects to receive performance incentive awards if a project is completed for less than the original estimated cost not later than 180 days FTA Policy 02/10/2006 Requests 11/7/06 date based on completion of Contractor Performance Assessment Report
3011 Capital Investment Grants Public-Private Partnership Pilot Program The Secretary may establish the Public-Private Partnership Pilot Program to to permit the establishment of 3 public-private partnerships for new fixed guideway capital projects to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of public-private partnerships for certain new fixed guideway capital projects; within 2 years, report containing an assessment of the costs, benefits, and efficiencies of a public-private partnership program for new fixed guideway capital projects. FTA Policy 8/10/2007
3012 Formula Grants for Special Needs of Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities- Pilot Program The Secretary shall establish an Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities Pilot Program in FY 2006 that will allow Wisconsin, Alaska, Minnesota, Oregon and 3 other State to use not more than 33 percent of their Section 5310 funds for operating costs associated with public transportation projects. The Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities Pilot Program not later than 2 years. FTA Policy 12/31/2008
3012 Formula Grants for Special Needs of Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities-Guidance Allow public land sliding scale for non-federal share requirements. Require human service transportation coordination plan. Make program structure consistent with other State-run programs. FTA Policy 8/10/2007
3013 Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Areas -Indian Reservation set aside Make Indian Tribes direct recipients and set aside funding FTA   8/10/2007
3013 Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Area - Intercity Bus Guidance Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Area program revisions. Guidance required on program changes including Intercity bus certification procedures FTA Policy  
3014 Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment Projects   FTA RITA  
3016 National Research and Technology Programs-Med Transportation Demo Regulations • The Secretary shall award medical transportation demonstration grants to provide transportation services to individuals to access dialysis treatments and other medical treatments for renal disease. • The Secretary shall issue regulations to implement and administer the medical transportation demonstration grant program. FTA Policy  
3016 National Research and Technology Programs-Med Transportation Demo Report The Secretary shall submit a report on the results of the demonstration projects funded under this paragraph to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives.'. FTA Policy  
3016 National Research and Technology Programs-National Technical Assistance Center for Senior Transportation • The Secretary shall award grants to a national not-for-profit organization for the establishment and maintenance of a national technical assistance center FTA Policy, RITA  
3016 National Research and Technology Programs-Alternative Fuels Study • The Secretary shall conduct an alternative fuels study of the actions necessary to facilitate the purchase of increased volumes of alternative fuel. • The Secretary shall submit a report to [Congressional Committees] containing the results of the alternative fuels study not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act. FTA Policy, RITA 8/10/2006
3018 Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula Grants -Guidance Codifies JARC and change to formula-based program. Projects selected based upon local coordination plan. FTA   8/10/2006
3018 Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula Grants - DOT Study The DOT shall conduct a study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula grant program no later than 3 years after enactment of this act. FTA Policy 8/10/2008
3019 New Freedom Program - Guidance Create new program FTA Policy 8/10/2006
3021 Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands-Annual Report The Secretary in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior may award a grant.The Secretary shall develop cooperative arrangements with the Secretary of Interior. The Secretary of Interior, after consultation with and in cooperation with the Secretary, shall determine the selection of qualified projects.The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, shall submit a report on the allocation of amounts made available to assist qualified projects FTA Policy, RITA 2/1/2006
3021 Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands- Leasing To set up parameters for the potential lease of vehicles or facilities where more cost effective than purchase. FTA Policy 2/10/2006
3023 General Provisions on Assistance Bond Proceeds Pilot Program Report Not later than July 31, 2008, report on status and effectiveness of pilot program to reimburse not to exceed 10 eligible recipients for deposits of bond proceeds in a debt service reserve that the recipient establishes pursuant to section 5302(a)(1)(K) from amounts made available to the recipient under section 5307. FTA   8/10/2008
3023 General Provisions on Assistance Buy America New authority permitting a grantee to request a non-availability waiver from the Buy America requirement, and In any case in which a negotiated procurement process is used, compliance with the Buy America requirements shall be determined on the basis of the certification submitted with the final offer. FTA   02/10/2006 Requests revised date of 1/7/07 to allow sufficient time for reviews
3023 General Provisions on Assistance Charter Bus Specifies a rule barring further financial assistance based on pattern of violations per manager's report. FTA Policy TBD
3028 Investigations of Safety Hazards and Security Risks-MOU Not later than 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall execute an annex to the memorandum of understanding between the Secretary and the Secretary of Homeland Security to define and clarify the respective roles and responsibilities of the DOT and the DHS relating to public transportation security FTA DHS; OST/Policy 09/24/2005 Completed 9/8/05
3028 Public Transportation Security Grants: Rulemaking Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall issue jointly final regulations to establish the characteristics of and requirements for public transportation security grants. FTA Policy 02/10/2006 Request 8/14/06 date to allow sufficient time for reviews
3029 State Safety Oversight of Certain Fixed Rail Systems Specifies State Safety Oversight of Certain Fixed Rail Systems. FTA Policy  
3030 Controlled Substances and Alcohol Misuse Testing - Revised Reg May exclude testing requirement where covered by other departmental or federal testing statutes. No requirement. FTA    
3032 Administrative Procedures Prohibitions Against Regulating Operations and Charges Except for purposes of national defense or in the event of a national or regional emergency, the Secretary may not regulate the operation, routes, or schedules of a public transportation system for which a grant is made under this chapter, nor may the Secretary regulate the rates, fares, tolls, rentals, or other charges prescribed by any provider of public transportation. FTA    
3033 Revisions to National Transit Database Specifies Revisions to National Transit Database. FTA RITA  
3034 Apportionments of Formula Grants-Incentive Funding Report Study: The Secretary shall conduct a study to assess the feasibility and appropriateness of developing and implementing an incentive funding system under section 5307 and 5311 for public transportation operators. Report: The Secretary shall submit a report to [Congressional Committees] on the results of the study no later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the Federal Public Transportation Act of 2005. FTA   8/10/2007
3036 Authorizations.   FTA (RITA responsible for UTC section)    
3038 Apportionments based on growing states formula factors. Distribute funds to the urbanized area formula and rural formula programs under new factors. Half based on population forecasts for 15 years beyond the most recent Census and distributed between urbanized areas and rural areas based on the ratio of urban/rural population within each state. Other half to states with population densities in excess of 370 persons per square mile are apportioned only to urbanized areas within those states. FTA    
3039 Over the Road Accessibility Program   FTA Policy  
3045 National Fuel Cell Bus Technology Development Program Specifies National Fuel Cell Bus Technology Development Program FTA Policy, RITA  
3046 National Research and Technology Programs   FTA Policy,(RITA sections 12,14, 17,23) 08/10/2007 Arbitrary due date of 2 years aftre NAS agreement
3046(a) Public Transportation National Security Study Not later than 6 months, enter into agreement with NAS to conduct a study and evaluation of the value major public transportation systems in the United States serving the 38 urbanized areas that have a population of more than 1,000,000 individuals provide to the Nation's security Not later than 24 months after the date of entry into the agreement, NAS shall submit to the Secretary and Congress a final report on the results of the study,evaluation, and recommendations. FTA Policy 08/10/2007 Arbitrary due date of 2 years aftre NAS agreement
3046(b) Human Services Transportation Coordination To improve and enhance coordination of Federal resources for human services transportation with those of the DOT, provide $1.6 m/yr to national non-profit organization that is competitively selected by the Secretary. Prepare an annual report for the Secretary on activities under this program and make recommendations for improving coordination. FTA Policy 8/10/2006
3046(c)  Remote Infrared Audible Signs Report on pilot program to determine the benefits of remote audible signage technology for provision of wayfinding and information to people who are visually, cognitively or learning disabled. FTA Policy 9/30/2009
3048 Review of Transit Cooperative Procurement Pilot Program Specifies Review of Transit Cooperative Procurement Pilot Program FTA    
3049 Transportation Fringe Benefits Federal Employee Shuttle Service Provides that all qualified federal employees in the National Capital Region will receive tax-free transit benefit to cover their commuting costs up to the maximum allowed by law. In addition, a federal agency may provide shuttle service to a transit facility, a previously restricted activity. FTA OST/M  
3050 Directive to Approve Certain Commuter Rail Projects Directive to Approve Certain Commuter Rail Projects in a timely manner. FTA    
4104 Revised authority to Suspend/Revoke Motor Carrier Operating Authority Specifies Revised authority to Suspend/Revoke Motor Carrier Operating Authority FMCSA    
4105 DOT Study of Predatory Tow-Truck Practices Specifies DOT Study of Predatory Tow-Truck Practices. Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit a report on the results of the study. FMCSA   8/10/2006
4106(a) Revisions to Motor Carrier Safety Grant Program Specifies Revisions to Motor Carrier Safety Grant Program FMCSA Policy  
4106(b) Annual Report: Motor Carrier Safety Grant Effectiveness Specifies Annual Report on Motor Carrier Safety Grant Effectiveness FMCSA Policy 08/10/2006 Note: statute requests annual report but no date identified.
4107 Grants for Motor Carrier High Priority Activities and New Entrants Audits Specifies Grants for Motor Carrier High Priority Activities and New Entrants Audits FMCSA    
4108(b) Report On The Status Of Revision Of Motor Carrier Safety Fitness Rating System Specifies Report On The Status Of Revision Of Motor Carrier Safety Fitness Rating System FMCSA RITA, Policy 8/10/2006
4109 Performance and Registration Information System Management Motor Carrier Grants: Linking State/FMCSA Performance and Registration Information Systems FMCSA RITA  
4110 Grant Program for Border Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Programs Specifies Grant Program for Border Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Programs FMCSA Policy  
4111 Establishment of Motor Carrier Research and Technology Program. Specifies Establishment of Motor Carrier and Motor Coach Research and Technology Program. FMCSA RITA, Policy  
4112 Nebraska Custom Harvesters Length Exemption   FHWA    
4113 Rules on Pattern of Noncompliance by Motor Carrier Management Specifies Rules on Pattern of Noncompliance by Motor Carrier Management FMCSA   8/10/2006
4114 Fitness Reqs for Intrastate Operations of Interstate Motor Carriers Specifies Fitness Reqs for Intrastate Operations of Interstate Motor Carriers FMCSA    
4116 Medical Review Board, etc., for Driver Physical Standards Specifies FMCSA Medical Review Board, etc., for Driver Physical Standards. Delayed effective date of one year from enactment. FMCSA Policy 8/10/2006
4117 Use of Motor Carrier Management Information System for Pre-employment Screening Specifies Use of Motor Carrier Management Information System for Pre-employment Screening FMCSA Policy  
4120 New Financial Responsibility for Private Motor Carriers Specifies New Financial Responsibility for Private Motor Carriers FMCSA    
4123(a) CDL Information System Modernization/Grants Specifies Commercial Driver License Information System Modernization/Grants FMCSA Policy 12/08/2005 SAFETEA-LU states 120 days from date of enactment: 12/10/05
4123(f) IG Baseline Audit: Evaluate CDL (31309) Information Systems Specifies IG Baseline Audit: Evaluate CDL (31309) Information Systems. Provide to congress within one year of enactment. OIG/OST FMCSA, Policy 8/10/2006
4124 Grant Program for Commercial Driver License Program Improvements Specifies Grant Program for Commercial Driver License Program Improvements FMCSA Policy  
4126 Grant Program for Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Deployment Specifies Grant Program for Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Deployment FMCSA RITA  
4127(d) Annual Rpts on FMCSA/NHTSA Specifies Annual Rpts on FMCSA/NHTSA "Share the Road" Outreach Campaign FMCSA NHTSA 9/30/2006
4128(a) State Grants for Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Data Reporting Specifies new Program of State Grants for Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Data Reporting FMCSA    
4128(b) Biennial Report on State Grants for Motor Carrier Safety Data Reporting Biennial report to Congress on new Program of State Grants for Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Data Reporting FMCSA Policy 8/10/2007
4130 Permanent HOS Exemptions for Operators of Vehicles Transporting Agricultural Commodities and Farm Supplies Provides for Permanent HOS Exemptions for Operators of Vehicles Transporting Agricultural Commodities and Farm Supplies during harvesting and planting seasons. FMCSA OST  
4131 Maximum Hours of Service For Operators of Ground Water Well Drilling Rigs Directive on Maximum Hours of Service For Operators of Ground Water Well Drilling Rigs FMCSA OST  
4132 Exemption of Utility Service Operators from HOS Rules Provides Exemption of Utility Service Operators from HOS Rules FMCSA OST  
4133 Permanent Exemption from HOS for Television-Motion Picture Production Makes Permanent Exemption from HOS for Television-Motion Picture Production FMCSA OST  
4134 Establish Grant Program for Commercial Motor Vehicle Operator Training Specifies Establishment of Grant Program for Commercial Motor Vehicle Operator Training FMCSA OST  
4135(a) Establish Task Force on CDL Program Effectiveness Establishes Task Force on CDL Program Effectiveness. Has 2-year mandate. FMCSA Policy  
4135(c) Report on CDL Task Force Findings Report to Congress on the task force findings and recommendations of legislative and/or regulatory changes. FMCSA Policy 8/10/2007
4136 Expanded Coverage of 915-Passenger Van Regs Specifies that Federal motor carrier regs shall apply to all interstate operations of such carriers regardless of the distance traveled. FMCSA OST/Policy  
4138 Completion of High Risk Carrier Compliance Reviews DOT shall ensure that compliance reviews are completed on motor carriers that have demonstrated through performance data that they pose the highest safety risk. FMCSA OST  
4139(a)(1) Motor-Carrier Operating Authority: State Outreach and Training FMCSA Adminstrator to conduct outreach and provide training to State personnel re verification of operating authority FMCSA OST/Policy 2/10/2006
4139(b)(1) Review and Report on Foreign Motor Carriers Compliance with Safety Regs - Administrator Report Specifies Review and Report on Foreign Motor Carriers Compliance with Safety Regs FMCSA Policy, International  
4139(b)(2)  IG Review of Report on Foreign Motor Carriers Compliance with Safety Regs Specifies IG 4-Month Review of FMCSA Report to Congress under 4139(b) OIG/OST FMCSA 12/10/2006
4141 Driveway Saddlemount Vehicles   FHWA    
4142 Registration of Motor Carriers and Freight Forwarders Provides for Registration of Motor Carriers and Freight Forwarders FMCSA OST  
4144 Establishment of Motor Carrier Safety Committee Provides for Establishment of Motor Carrier Safety Committee in FMCSA FMCSA Policy  
4146 Establishes NY Grape Harvest Exemption from HOS Rules Establishes NY Grape Harvest Exemption from HOS Rules--ends in 2009 FMCSA OST  
4147 Propane or Pipeline Emergency Exemption from HOS Rules Establishes Propane or Pipeline Emergency Exemption from HOS Rules FMCSA Policy  
4148 Substance-Abuse Professional Rulemaking (Part 40) Mandates a Substance-Abuse Professional Rulemaking (Part 40) to qualify therapists and counselors. No deadline specified. S-1 (Drug Office) C-50, FMCSA  
4149(a) National Intermodal System Improvement Plan Directs Intermodalism Office to prepare a National Intermodal System Improvement Plan. Final Progress Report due four years after enactment. RITA Policy, FRA 8/10/2009
4149(a) National Intermodal System Improvement Plan- Progress Report Directs Intermodalism Office to prepare a National Intermodal System Improvement Plan. Final Progress Report due four years after enactment. RITA Policy, FRA 8/10/2007
4149(b) Interim Rpt: National Intermodal System Improvement Plan Directs Intermodalism Office to prepare a National Intermodal System Improvement Plan. InterimProgress Report due two years after enactment. RITA Policy, FRA 8/10/2007
4204 Additional Registration Requirements for Motor Carriers Of Household Goods Establishes Additional Registration Requirements for Motor Carriers Of Household Goods FMCSA Policy  
4205 Household Goods: Basis for Binding Written Estimates Establishes a statutory basis for binding written estimates for moves of household goods. FMCSA Policy  
4206 State Enforcement of Federal Law on Interstate Household Goods Carriers Provides for State Enforcement of Federal Law on Interstate Household Goods Carriers FMCSA Policy  
4208 New Reqs for Shipper Arbitration (Household Goods) Establishes New Reqs for Shipper Arbitration (Household Goods) FMCSA Policy  
4209 Civil Penalties Relating to Household Goods Brokers and Unauthorized Transportation Expands Civil Penalties Relating to Household Goods Brokers and Unauthorized Transportation FMCSA    
4210 Penalties For Failure To Give Up Possession of Household Goods Establishes Penalties For Failure To Give Up Possession of Household Goods FMCSA Policy  
4211 Posting of Consumer Handbook on Household Goods Movement One-year requirement for Posting "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move' on DOT Website FMCSA Policy 8/10/2006
4212 Release Of Household Goods Broker Information to Shippers Within one year of enactment, requires Release Of Household Goods Broker Information to Shippers FMCSA Policy 08/10/2006 Deadline cannot be met as rulemaking is required.
4213 90-Day Req to Establish Working Group on Federal-State Household Goods Enforcement 90-Day Req to Establish Working Group on Federal-State Household Goods Enforcement FMCSA Policy 11/8/2005
4214(1) On-Line System for Logging Consumer Complaints About Household Goods Motor Carriers One-year mandate to establish On-Line System for Logging Consumer Complaints About Household Goods Motor Carriers FMCSA   08/10/2006 Deadline cannot be met.
4214(2)  Regulations on Consumer Complaint Information One-year mandate to establish On-Line System for Logging Consumer Complaints About Household Goods Motor Carriers FMCSA Policy 8/10/2006
4304 Establishment of Unified Carrier Registration System DOT to issue within 1 year after the date of enactment of the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005 regulations to establish an online Federal registration system, to be named the Unified Carrier Registration. Fee based. FMCSA Policy 8/10/2006
4305(a) Unified Carrier Registration System Plan and Agreement--Restrictions Establishes a Unified Carrier Registration System Plan and Agreement for State Registration of Motor Carriers FMCSA OST 1/1/2007
4305(b) Unified Carrier Registration System Plan and Agreement--Board of Directors Establishes a 15-Member Board of Driectors to oversee the Unified Carrier Registration System Plan and Agreement for State Regisltration of Motor Carriers. DOT Sec makes appointments. FMCSA Policy 1/1/2007
4305(c) Unified Carrier Registration System Plan and Agreement--Regulations Directs issuance of implementing regulations by 15-Member Board of Driectors overseeing the Unified Carrier Registration System Plan and Agreement for State Regisltration of Motor Carriers. FMCSA   1/1/2007
4306 Restrictions on State Reqs for Motor Carrier Identification Establishes Restrictions on State Reqs for Motor Carrier Identification FMCSA Policy, PHMSA  
4307 Use of UCR Agreement Revenues as Matching Funds Provides for Use of Uniform Carrier Registration Agreement Revenues to a State as Matching Funds FMCSA    
4404 MPO (metropolitan planning organization) Membership in Hawaii and Alaska Permits legislators to be members of MPOs (metropolitan planning organization) in Hawaii and Alaska FHWA/FTA    
4405 Special Rules for New Aircraft And Appliances (Airworthiness) Modifications to FAA's Rules for New Aircraft And Appliances (Airworthiness) FAA    
4408 Rialto Municipal Airport (Alaska) Closure Federal Government to permit the closure of Rialto Municipal Airport in Alaska FAA    
4409 Conforming Amendments   FHWA    
4410 Ralph M. Bartholomew Veterans' Memorial Bridge   FHWA    
4411 Don Young's Way   FHWA    
5201(a) Updated Research, Technology, and Education Policy, Authority, and Direction Update to FHWA's Research, Technology, and Education Policy, Authority, and Direction FHWA Policy, RITA  
5201(k) Biennial Rpt: Infrastructure Investment Needs Report Requirement for Biennial Rpt: Infrastructure Investment Needs Report--covering (A) estimates of the future highway, transit, and bridge needs of the United States; and (B) the backlog of current highway, transit, and bridge needs, with comparative data to earlier reports FHWA/FTA Policy, RITA 7/31/2006
5201(m) Updated Research, Technology, and Education Policy, Authority, and Direction Biobased Transportation Research $12,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2009, shall be available to carry out biobased research of national importance at the National Biodiesel Board and at research centers identified in section 9011 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 RITA Policy  
5202 Establishment of 20-Year Long-Term Bridge Performance Program and Innvative R&D Establishment of 20-Year Long-Term Bridge Performance Program and Innvative R&D FHWA RITA  
5203 New R&D Technology-Transfer Activities for Innovative Materials; Cooperative Agreements New requirements for R&D Technology-Transfer Activities for Innovative Materials; Cooperative Agreements FHWA RITA  
5204 New National Highway Institute Requirements/Funding New National Highway Institute Requirements/Funding establish the Garrett Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program, the Transportation Education Development Pilot Program. the Freight Capacity Building Program FHWA RITA  
5205 State Planning and Research   FHWA    
5206 International Highway Transportation Outreach Program-FY Report DOT authorized to establish an international highway transportation outreach program FHWA NHTSA 9/30/2006
5207 Establishment of Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research Program Provides for Establishment of Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research Program. NAS grants authorized. FHWA Policy, RITA  
5208(a) Five-Year Transportation Research and Development Strategic Plan Provides for Five-Year Transportation Research and Development Strategic Plan RITA all modes 8/10/2006
5208(b) Title 31 Annual Rpt: Transportation Research and Development Title 31 Annual Rpt: Transportation Research and Development in conjunction with President's annual budget request describing amount spent in ast completed fiscal year on transportation research and development and the amount proposed in the current budget for transportation research and development. RITA All modes 2/1/2006
5209 NAS National Cooperative Freight Transportation Research Program Establishment of NAS National Cooperative Freight Transportation Research Program; includes Advisory Committee. RITA FRA, Policy, FHWA  
5210 Future Strategic Highway Research and TRB Report Establishes Future Strategic Highway Research Prrogram and associated TRB Report, due to Congressional Committees by 02/01/2009. FHWA RITA, NHTSA 2/1/2009
5211 I 95 Corridor Coalition Transportation Systems Management and Operations Grants Establishes grants for I 95 Corridor Coalition Transportation Systems Management and Operations group FHWA OST  
5301 Five-Year National Intelligent Transportation System Plan DOT to establish Five-Year National Intelligent Transportation System Plan and report biennially, starting one year after enactment. ITSJPO Policy, NHTSA 8/10/2006
5302 SetAside for ITS Outreach, Public Relations, Displays, Tours, And Brochures Establishes annual SetAside for ITS Outreach, Public Relations, Displays, Tours, And Brochures ITSJPO Policy, NHTSA  
5303 Goals and Purposes   ITSJPO RITA  
5304 Infrastructure Development   ITSJPO    
5305 New ITS Policy; Reqs for Information Clearinghouse; Advisory Comm Establishment of revised ITS Policy; Reqs for Information Clearinghouse; Advisory Committee Not later than February 1 of each year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall transmit to the Congress a report including all recommendations made by the Advisory Committee during the preceding calendar year; an explanation of how the Secretary has implemented those recommendations; and for recommendations not implemented, the reasons for rejecting the recommendations. ITSJPO Policy 2/1/2006
5306 ITS Program for Intelligent Vehicles And Intelligent Infrastructure Systems Requirement for ITS Program for Intelligent Vehicles And Intelligent Infrastructure Systems ITSJPO, NHTSA Policy, FTA, NHTSA  
5307 National ITS-Technology Interoperability Architecture and Standards; Expert Panel DOT to pursue National ITS-Technology Interoperability Architecture and Standards; and appoint an Expert Panel ITSJPO Policy,FTA 9/30/2007
5308 Establishment of Road Weather Research and Development Program Establishment of Road Weather Research and Development Program FHWA Policy, ITSJPO  
5309 (c)(1) Establishment of Four Centers for Surface Tsp Excellence-Environmental Excellence Establishment of four Centers for Surface Tsp Excellence at named Institutes/uuniver ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE.--To provide technical assistance, information sharing of best practices, and training in the use of tools and decision-making processes that can assist States in planning and delivering environmentally sound surface transportation projects. sities FHWA RITA, OST  
5309(c)(2) Establishment of Four Centers for Surface Tsp Excellence-Surface Transportation Safety Establishment of four Centers for Surface Tsp Excellence at named Institutes/uuniversities FHWA RITA, Policy  
5309(c)(3)  Establishment of Four Centers for Surface Tsp Excellence-Rural Safety Establishment of four Centers for Surface Tsp Excellence at named Institutes/universities: RURAL SAFETY.--To provide research, training, and outreach on innovative uses of technology to enhance rural safety and economic development, assess local community needs to improve access to mobile emergency treatment, and develop online and seminar training needs of rural transportation practitioners and policy-makers. FHWA RITA, Policy  
5309 Establishment of Four Centers for Surface Tsp Excellence-Project Finance Establishment of four Centers for Surface Tsp Excellence, 2 of which are at named Institutes/universities OST FHWA  
5310 Definitions   ITSJPO    
5401 Ten Targeted Grants to National University Transportation Centers   RITA    
5402 Revised UTC Research Authorities Revised UTC Research Authorities RITA    
5501 FY06-07 Auths for Comprehensive TSIMS (Transportation Safety Information Management System) FY06-07 Auths for Comprehensive Transportation Safety Information Management System FHWA Policy, NHTSA  
5502 Two Surface Transportation Congestion Relief Solutions Research Initiatives Requirements for (1) Two Surface Transportation Congestion Relief Solutions Research Initiatives;and (2) FY06 Training Program to disseminate results. FHWA Policy, RITA  
5503 Annual Report on Wireless Tech Use for Motor Carrier Efficiency FMCSA study and annual report on Wireless Technology Use for Motor Carrier Efficiency FMCSA OST, FHWA,RITA 8/10/2006
5504 Center for Transportation Advancement and Regional Development DOT to establish Center for Transportation Advancement and Regional Development. Grant to National Association of Development Organizations directed. FHWA Policy, RITA  
5505 Authority to Establish Transportation Scholarship Opportunities Program DOT may establish and implement a scholarship program for the purpose of attracting qualified students for transportation-related critical jobs OST RITA  
5506 Commercial Remote Sensing Products and Spatial Information Technologies Policy and Uses DOT to Develop Commercial Remote Sensing Products and Spatial Information Technologies Policy and Uses RITA Policy, FHWA  
5507 Report on Rural Interstate Corridors for Data Communications Targeted DOT study and report on use of Rural Interstate Corridors for Data Communications via fibre and wireless technology ITSJPO OST/Policy, FHWA,RITA 9/30/2007
5508 Deployment of an Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure System Major tuning of an existing ITS contractt/initiative for Deployment of an Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure System FHWA Policy, NHTSA, RITA (ITSJPO)  
5510 Notice of reprogramming or reorganization Note that this section requires notification of Congress of any reorganization involving programs funded under Title V of SAFETEA-LU. This would include the transfer of ITSJPO to RITA. OST/B Policy, RITA  
5511 Grant for Motorcycle Accident Causation - Oklahoma Transportation Center Mandate for Oklahoma Transportation Center grant for Motorcycle Accident Causation using OECD methodology. FHWA Policy, NHTSA  
5512 Continuation and Acceleration of TRANSIMS Deployment Numerous directives for Continuation and Acceleration of TRANSIMS Deployment, including national emergency aspects. FHWA Policy, S-60, RITA, FTA  
5513 Research Grants RITA will assign the various research projects to the appropriate modes. RITA Policy, FHWA, FMCSA, NHTSA, etc.  
5514 Competition for Specification of Alternative Types of Culvert Pipes FHWA must assure, within 180 days of enactment, that States provide for fair Competition for Specification of Alternative Types of Culvert Pipes. FHWA   2/10/2006
5601(1) Statutory Changes to BTS Mandate Substantial revision of BTS authority and responsibilities as set forth in 49 USC 111. RITA Policy 10/6/2005
5601(2)  National Research Council Contract for National Transportation Information Needs Assessment Specifies National Research Council Contract for National Transportation Information Needs Assessment by 11/09/2005 RITA OST, FRA 11/9/2005
5601(3) Submit Assessment of National Transportation Information Needs Specifies Submittal to Congress of NRC Assessment of National Transportation Information Needs within two years of enactment. RITA OST, FRA 8/10/2007
5601(4) DOT 6-Month Followup to NRC Assessment of National Transportation Information Needs Specifies DOT 6-Month Followup to NRC Assessment of National Transportation Information Needs RITA OST, FRA 2/10/2008
6001 Metropolitan and Statewide Transportation Planning Issue guidance on a schedule for implementing planning update cycle and horizon changes in law (no deadline stated). By July 1 2007, State and MPO plan updates must reflect the changes. FHWA/FTA Policy,RITA 7/1/2007
6002 Efficient Environmental Reviews for Project Decisionmaking Establishes an environmental review process with deadlines and dispute resolution process, that applies to all projects processed with environmental impact statements. If dispute cannot be resolved in 90 days, DOT shall notify Committees, CEQ and sponsor. Limits lawsuits to 180 days after final DOT approval/agency action on permits. FHWA/FTA Policy  
6003 State Assumption of Responsibilities for Certain Programs and Projects Secretary may establish pilot program for state assumption of responsibilities for recreational trails and transportation enhancement projects within first 3 years of SAFETEA-LU’s enactment. Up to 5 states can participate. Rulemaking implied. FHWA FTA  
6004 State Assumption of Responsibility for Categorical Exclusions Secretary may assign, and States may assume, responsibility for deciding whether activities are within classes of activities that are categorically excluded from NEPA. The responsibility may be assumed under an MOU with a term up to 3 years. DOT shall monitor compliance and consider this in considering MOU renewal. FHWA Policy  
6005 Pilot Program: State Assumption of NEPA Responsibilities New Highways Pilot Program: State Assumption of NEPA Responsibilities Secretary shall establish pilot program allowing 5 states-- AL, CA, OH, OK, and TX -to assume National Environmental Policy Act responsibilities for 1 or more highway projects. Under MOU, state assumes all responsibility. Within 270 days, Secretary must issue requirements for state application. Secretary shall audit states efforts under program and submit annual report to Congress on administration of program. FHWA Policy 5/10/2006
6006 Modification to NHS/STP for Environmental Restoration, Pollution Abatement, Control of Noxious Weeds, etc. New Requirements for Modification to NHS/STP for Environmental Restoration, Pollution Abatement, Control of Noxious Weeds, etc. FHWA    
6007 Exemption of Interstate System   FHWA    
6008 Integration of Natural Resource Concerns into Transportation Project Planning   FHWA    
6009 Exclusion of Certain Projects With De Minimis Impact- Regulations Secretary must issue regulations clarifying factors to be used and standards to be applied in determining prudence and feasibility of alternatives under 23USC138 and 49USC303. Section 4(f) requirements are met if the Secretary finds that a project has de minimis impacts. Requires Secretary to conduct implementation study on Section 4(f) changes, including an independent review by the Transportation Research Board. of consequences of the change. FHWA, FTA Policy 8/10/2006
6009 Exclusion of Certain Projects With De Minimis Impact- TRB Study Secretary must issue regulations clarifying factors to be used and standards to be applied in determining prudence and feasibility of alternatives under 23USC138 and 49USC303. Section 4(f) requirements are met if the Secretary finds that a project has de minimis impacts. Requires Secretary to conduct implementation study on Section 4(f) changes, including an independent review by the Transportation Research Board. of consequences of the change. FHWA, FTA Policy 8/10/2008
6010 Establish ITS Categorical Exclusion from NEPA Reqs by Rule DOT to initiate a rulemaking process to establish, to the extent appropriate, categorical exclusions for activities that support the deployment of intelligent transportation infrastructure and systems from the NEPA requirement that an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. Commence rulemaking within one year. FHWA Policy 8/10/2006
6011 Clean Air Act Transportation Conformity Changes Stantutory Clean Air Act Transportation Conformity Changes EPA Administrator shall promulgate regulations to reflect changes within 2 years. Concurrence of the Secretary of Transportation is required. - The procedures shall include a requirement that each State include in its state air quality implementation plan criteria and procedures for consultation. FHWA, FTA Policy 8/10/2007
6015 Clean School Bus Program EPA Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy and other appropriate Federal departments, will establish a competitive grant program for the replacement, retrofit, or purchase of alternative fuels for existing school buses. EPA Administrator must establish requirements for use of grant funds and submit annual report to Congress by January 31 each year. Also must develop grant education and outreach program within 90 days. Note: similar provision in Energy Act. FHWA Policy, NHTSA  
6017 Increased Use of Recovered Mineral Component in Federally Funded Projects Involving Procurement of Cement or Concrete New Section 6005 of Solid Waste Disposal Act requiring EPA Administrator and the Secretary to implement within one year procurement requirements/incentives that provide for the use of cement and concrete incorporating recovered mineral component. Also requires EPA Administrator, with Secretaries of Transportation and Energy, to conduct a study to of extent to which such procurement requirements may realize energy savings/environmental benefits, within 30 months. FHWA   8/10/2006
7102 HazMat Definitions Rulemaking to revise definitions of 'hazmat employee' and 'hazmat employer' PHMSA C-50, Policy,FRA  
7104 Change in Limitation on Issuance of Hazmat Licenses Change in Limitation on Issuance of Hazmat Licenses FMCSA Policy  
7108 HazMat Training Outreach and Grants: Rail and other Employees Develop internal procedures for competitive grants program; Sec.7102 rulemaking will revise definition to include RR employees PHMSA Policy, FRA  
7109 HAZMAT Registration and Filing Requirements Rulemaking to adjust registration fees PHMSA    
7110 Retention of Shipping Papers Final rule to incorporate statutory requirement. PHMSA OST, FRA  
7114(b) Annual HazMat Rpt on Planning and Training Grants: HazMat Fund Compile information from states on how grant money was used. PHMSA Policy 4/1/2007
7116(a) Working Group on Uniform State Forms and Procedures for Hazmat Registration and Permits Requirement for Working Group on Uniform State Forms and Procedures for Hazmat Registration and Permits. States, etc. involved. Rpt to DOT Sec due in 18 months. FMCSA Policy 2/10/2007
7116(b) Regulations: Uniform State Forms and Procedures for Hazmat Registration and Permits Requirement for Regulations on Uniform State Forms and Procedures for Hazmat Registration and Permits.Due 18 months after Report on topic submitted to DOT Sec. FMCSA C-50, Policy 8/10/2008
7118 Enhanced Authority To Discover Hidden Shipments of Hazardous Material PHMSA will issue regulations. PHMSA C-50, FRA, Policy,FMCSA, FAA 10/12/2005 Temporary regulations are to be in place by 10/12/05; permanent regulations by 8/10/06
7118(f) Report on Effectiveness of Enhanced Authority-Biennial Report   PHMSA C-50, Policy 7/1/2007
7119 Enforcement Revises existing civil and criminal penalty provisions PHMSA    
7119 Enforcement Revises existing civil and criminal penalty provisions FRA    
7120 Civil Penalty Civil penalty changes, which imply the need for FRA rulemaking to implement them. PHMSA    
7120 Civil Penalty Civil penalty changes, which imply the need for FRA rulemaking to implement them. FRA    
7121 Criminal Penalty Criminal penalty changes, which imply the need for FRA rulemaking to implement them. PHMSA    
7121 Criminal Penalty Criminal penalty changes, which imply the need for FRA rulemaking to implement them. FRA    
7122 Preemption   PHMSA    
7122 Preemption   FRA    
7123 Judicial Review Appellate review changes, which imply the need for FRA rulemaking to implement them. PHMSA    
7123 Judicial Review Appellate review changes, which imply the need for FRA rulemaking to implement them. FRA    
7130 Determining Amount of Undeclared Shipments of Hazardous Materials Entering the United States.   GAO PHMSA, RITA 8/10/2006
7131(a) NAS: Nine HAZMAT research projects from 2005 Special Report 283 Contract with Nat Acad of Sciences for nine HAZMAT research projects PHMSA Policy, RITA  
7131(b) Six-Month Rpt on Need for HAZMAT Cooperative Research Program   PHMSA RITA, Policy 2/10/2006
7132 Authorization for Expansion of Operation Respond Emergency Information System (OREIS)   PHMSA FRA No funds appropriated.
7133 Report on TX/LA/MS/AL Common Carrier Pipeline System for the Transportation Of Aromatic Chemicals Conduct study of economic, environmental, and homeland security advantages and disadvantages of operating a common carrier pipeline system in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama for transport of aromatic chemicals and evaluate the appropriateness of different Federal incentives for pipeline construction and operation;transmit report on study results not later than 12/31/2005. PHMSA Policy, FRA 12/31/2005
7203 Food Transportation Safety Inspections and Training DOT shall establish procedures for transportation safety inspections for the purpose of identifying suspected incidents of contamination or adulteration of food products and an enforcement training program FMCSA C-50, PHMSA, FRA, Policy PHMSA withdrawal of SNPRM on 10/31/2005.
8001 Discretionary Spending Limits for the Highway and Mass Transit Categories Establishes funding guarantees in the Budget Conrol Act for the period of the authorization (FY2005-2009) Budget FHWA, FTA  
8002 OMB Adjustments to Align Highway Spending with Revenues Annually, OMB must make Adjustments to Align Highway Spending with Revenues under Budget Control Act Budget FHWA, FTA  
8003 Level of Obligation Limitations (FHWA and FTA) Establishment of Level of Obligation Limitations annually for FHWA and FTA during the SAFETEA-LU period Budget FHWA, FTA  
9001 High-Speed Rail Corridor Development Shifts High-Speed Rail "Planning" authority to "Development" and provides multi-year authorizations of funding. FRA Budget  
9002 Capital grants for rail line relocation projects (new program) DOT shall carry out a new grant program to provide financial assistance for local rail line relocation and improvement projects. Interim regs by 04/01/2006. FRA Policy 4/1/2006
9003 Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RIF) Program Expansion Publish criteria and standards for approving/disapproving applications for loans/loan guarantees FRA Policy 09/09/2005 RRIF Criteria published in 9/26/05 FR
9004 Report on the Impact of Blocked Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings on Emergency Responders DOT to report by 08/10/2006 to Congressional Committees on study of the impact of blocked highway-railroad grade crossings on the ability of emergency responders to perform public safety and security duties. FRA OST/Policy, FHWA, NHTSA 8/10/2006
9005(a) Welded Track Inspection-Standard Requirements FRA to (1) require railroads to add to their procedures for inspecting continuous welded rail (CWR) track improved procedures for identifying cracks in rail joint bars (which mandate implies the need for FRA rulemaking to implement it); (2) instruct FRA inspectors to get copies of railroads= CWR track inspection programs and use them when inspecting; and (3) establish a program to review CWR joint bar inspection data of railroads and FRA inspectors periodically. FRA C-50 11/10/2005
9005(b)(1)(a) Tank Car Standards Rulemaking FRA to initiate a rulemaking to develop and implement appropriate design standards for pressurized tank cars by 02/10/2007 FRA   8/10/2006
9005(b)(1)(b)  Report and Analysis on Older Tank Car Impact Resistance FRA to conduct a comprehensive analysis to determine the impact resistance of the steels in the shells of pressure tank cars constructed before 1989 and report recommendations to Congressional Committees by 02/10/2007 FRA   2/10/2007
9005(b)(1)(c) Tank Car Standards Report FRA to conduct research to validate predictive model to quantify relevant dynamic forces to establish design standards for pressure tank cars and initiate a rulemaking to develop and implement appropriate design standards for pressurized tank cars by 8/10/2006. FRA   8/10/2006
9006 Alaska Railroad Capital Rehabilitation Grants Authorization for DOT to make grants to the Alaska Railroad for capital rehabilitation and improvements benefiting its passenger operations FRA    
9007(a) Contract for TRB Report on Rail Transportation And Regulation (post Staggers Act) DOT to contract for TRB/NAS comprehensive study of the Nation's railroad transportation system since the enactment of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 and provide report to Congressional Committees NLT 02/10/2007. FRA Policy 2/10/2007
9007(b) TRB Report on Rail Transportation And Regulation (post Staggers Act) DOT to contract for TRB/NAS comprehensive study of the Nation's railroad transportation system since the enactment of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 and provide report to Congressional Committees NLT 02/10/2007. FRA Policy 2/10/2007
9008 MARAD-designated Leadership: Hawaii Port Infrastructure Expansion Program Funds available for an intermodal or marine factility within the Hawaii Port Infrastructure Expansion Program shall be transferred to and subject only to administration by the Maritime Administrator. Project is made eligible for a variety of funding mechanisms. Budget MARAD, Policy  
10201 Notice Regarding Participation of Small Business Concerns (DBE) DOT to notify grantees of relevant eligibility for DBE program of Small Business-qualified entities. C-50 S-40, FHWA  
10202 Federal Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services DOT, HHS, and DHS to establish commission (through FEMA Under Sec at DHS) to seek improvements to EMS and 9-1-1 services. NHTSA Policy, DHS, HHS, CDC, IHS, FCC, etc.  
10204 Report on Catastrophic Hurricane Evacuation Plans DOT and DHS Secretaries to shall jointly review and assess Federal and State evacuation plans for catastrophic hurricanes impacting the Gulf Coast Region. Report to Congress by 10/01/2006. S-60 FHWA 10/1/2006
10205 Port of Anchorage, Alaska, Transportation Maritime Facility Funding MARAD Administrator to control any funds provided for an intermodal transportation maritime facility at the Port of Anchorage, Alaska. Budget MARAD, Policy  
10207 Mississippi and Alabama Rail Rehabilitation And Bridge Repair "Such sums" authorization for FY06-10 for funding to rehabilitate named Mississippi and Alabama railroads. Budget FRA  
10209 Midway Island Airport Grants (USCG MOU) USCG, consulting with DOT and DOC Under Sec, shall issue a Memoranda of Understanding as may be necessary, and to make grants or otherwise provide funding, to provide for the operation of the Midway Airport and its development. Authorization for 06-09. FAA Budget  
10210 Demonstration of Digital Project Simulation DOT one-year report to Committeees comparing the application of digital project simulation for named project to more traditional approaches to planning, design, and construction. Refers to sec. 1934 (TIP) demos, item 31. FHWA RITA Rpt due 1 year following project completion
10212 Rescission of Unobligated Balances ($8.543 billion) Rescission of Unobligated Balances ($8.543 billion) FHWA OST Budget Effectuate Rescission of Unobligated Balances ($8.543 billion)
10301 Vehicle rollover prevention and crash mitigation Rulemakings Vehicle rollover prevention and crash mitigation Rulemakings NHTSA C-50, Policy 10/1/2006
10301(b) Rollover Prevention Rulemaking Establish performance criteria to reduce the occurrence of rollovers consistent with stability enhancing technologies. The Secretary shall issue a proposed rule in this proceeding by rule by October 1, 2006, and a final rule by April 1, 2009. NHTSA Policy 4/1/2009
10301(c)(1)`  Occupant Ejection Prevention Rulemaking   NHTSA    
10301(c)(1) Occupant Ejection Prevention Rulemaking The Secretary shall initiate a rulemaking proceeding to establish performance standards to reduce complete and partial ejections of vehicle occupants from outboard seating positions. In formulating the standards the Secretary shall consider various ejection mitigation systems. The Secretary shall issue a final rule under this paragraph no later than October 1, 2009. NHTSA Policy 10/31/2009
10301(c)(2) Door Locks and Door Retention Rulemaking The Secretary shall complete the rulemaking proceeding initiated to upgrade Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 206, relating to door locks and door retention, no later than 30 months from enactment of this section. NHTSA Policy 2/10/2008
10301(d) Roof Strength Rulemaking shall be to establish performance criteria to upgrade Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 216 relating to roof strength for driver and passenger sides. The Secretary may consider industry and independent dynamic tests that realistically duplicate the actual forces transmitted during a rollover crash. The Secretary shall issue a proposed rule by December 31, 2005, and a final rule by July 1, 2008. NHTSA Policy 7/1/2008
10302 Side-Impact Crash Protection Rulemaking DOT shall issue a final rule for motor-vehicle Side-Impact Crash Protection by July 1, 2008. NHTSA C-50, Policy 7/1/2008
10303 Report on Tire-Aging Research DOT to provide Congressional Committees a one-time Report on Tire-Aging Research by 08/10/2007 NHTSA Policy 8/10/2007
10304 Report on Vehicle Backover Avoidance Technology NHTSA one-time report to Congressional Committees on Vehicle Backover Avoidance Technology not later than 15 months after the date of enactment of this Act. NHTSA Policy 11/10/2006
10305 Nontraffic Incident Data Collection Methodology and Publication In conjuction with requirements under section 10304, DOT/NHTSAhall develop and publish Nontraffic Incident Data involving passenger cars. NHTSA Policy,RITA  
10306 Review of Safety Belt Use Technologies DOT to conduct a review of safety belt use technologies to consider possible revisions in strategies for achieving further gains in safety belt use; complete no later than 07/01/2008 NHTSA Policy 7/1/2008
10307 NHTSA New Car Assessment Program Amendments NHTSA to issue Rules by 09/01/2007 to implement New Car Assessment Program amendments to disclose more information. NHTSA C-50, Policy 9/1/2007
10308 NHTSA FMVSS Std 118 (Power Window Switches) Amendment DOT/NHTSA to require by 04/01/2007 that power windows in motor vehicles not in excess of 10,000 pounds have switches that raise the window only when the switch is pulled up or out NHTSA Policy  
10309 Rollover Resistance Testing of 15-Passenger Vans NHTSA to require the testing of 15-passenger vans as part of the rollover resistance program of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's new car assessment program. Schools generally barred from non-complying purchases. NHTSA Policy  
11141 Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement Advisory Commission Establishes an Advisory Commission for the life of SAFETEA-LU to study and make recommendations on fuel tax enforcement. App'ts by the tax committees. DOT IG, FHWA, DHW, DoD, and others get seats. Policy FHWA  
11142 National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission Infrastructure Financing Comm of 15 members (7 Exec Br, 8 Congress) to evaluate current and alternative funding for Highway Trust Fund over 2006-2016 perdiod and provide report. Policy FHWA, FTA 12/08/2005 Report due not later than 2 years after the date of Commission's first meeting
11143 Tax-Exempt Financing of Highway Projects and Rail-Truck Transfer Facilities $15-billion Private-Activity Bond program OST FHWA, FRA  
11144 Treasury Study of Highway Fuels Used by Trucks for Non-Transportation Purposes Treasury study due 01/01/2007 on proper tax treatment of fuel used for non-propulsion. Policy FHWA 1/1/2007
11145 Diesel Fuel Tax Evasion Report IRS one-year report on diesel fuel tax evasion and use of chemical molecular markers to reduce it--particular markets targeted. OST FHWA 8/10/2006
11146 Tax Treatment of State Ownership of Railroad Real Estate Investment Trust   OST FRA, IRS  

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