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  Engineering Issue: Indoor Air Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Approaches (PDF) (49 pp, 808 KB) (EPA/600/R-08/115) October 2008

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Engineering Issue in one of a new series of technology transfer documents that summarize the latest available information on selected treatment and site remediation technologies and related issues. The Engineering Issues are designed to help remedial project managers (RPMs), on-scene coordinators (OSCs), contractors, and other site managers understand the type of data and site characteristics needed to evaluate a technology for potential applicability to their specific sites. Each Engineering Issue document is developed in conjunction with a small group of scientists inside the EPA and with outside consultants and relies on peer-reviewed literature, EPA reports, Web sources, current research, and other pertinent information. The purpose of this document is to present the “state of the science” regarding management and treatment of vapor intrusion into building structures. Wherever feasible, this information relies on independently reviewed mitigation performance information. In an effort to keep this Engineering Issue paper concise, important information is summarized, while references and Web links are provided for readers interested in additional information; these Web links, verified as accurate at the time of publication, are subject to change. Although we have endeavored to make these links fully functional with a mouse click, if they do not function on your system, you may need to copy them into your browser or reenter them. As science and technology associated with this route of exposure continues to develop, other mitigation measures may become available.


David Reisman

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