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  New Technology for Environmental Solutions – Collaborating for Results, U.S. EPA ETV and SBIR Programs Regional Workshop, May 8, 2007, U.S. EPA Region 6, Dallas, Texas, Meeting Summary Report (PDF) (43 pp, 324 KB) (EPA/600/R-07/115) September 2007

EPA’s Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Programs hosted a workshop on May 8, 2007, at the EPA Region 6 office in Dallas, Texas. One goal of the workshop was to provide information about innovative technologies to help solve important environmental issues, such as polluted air, land, and water, and the need for cleaner energy. Another goal was to learn from the regional and local participants about their particular technology needs.

Technologies that were discussed included:

  • Diesel retrofit and baghouse filtration for air pollution control
  • Fuel cells, microturbines, geothermal systems, and low-cost biodiesel production for greener energy
  • Storm water and on-site residential wastewater treatment for protecting water quality
  • Grouts, coatings, and linings for water infrastructure rehabilitation
  • Mercury emission monitors and immunoassay test kits for better source and ambient air and water monitoring
  • Water quality monitors for detecting pathogens and hormonal activity to protect drinking water, source water, and recreational water
  • Nano-, micro-, and ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis for drinking water treatment, and emergency mobile drinking water treatment units
  • Cleaner coating processes for reduced volatile emissions

Approximately 140 participants, representing the EPA regional office, state and local governments, technology developers, academia, and others, participated in the workshop. Representatives from the ETV centers and their collaborators presented on recent and upcoming verifications. SBIR technology developers discussed technology development and commercialization supported by EPA. ETV and SBIR vendors exhibited and demonstrated their technologies, and ETV provided posters highlighting collaborative verifications. Representatives from EPA Region 6 presented on the regional technology information needs and priorities. A local television station highlighted the workshop with a brief news clip on the evening news.


Abby Waits

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