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  Field Test Measurements at Five Municipal Solid Waste Landfills With Landfill Gas Control Technology, Final Report (PDF) (65 pp, 815 KB) (EPA/600/R-07/043) April 2007

The objective of this project was to collect and provide current data from U.S. municipal solid waste landfills with state-of-the-science control technology used for reducing landfill gas emissions. Comprehensive testing was conducted of the raw landfill gas and the combustion outlet exhaust.

The data will be used to help develop emission factors for use in updating EPA’s AP-42 for estimating uncontrolled emissions from municipal solid waste landfills and combustion by-product emissions. Pollutants of concern include methane, volatile organic compounds, persistent bioaccumulative toxics such as mercury, and hazardous air pollutants such as benzene, vinyl chloride, and methyl ethyl ketone. The data will also be used to supplement AP-42 and to provide quality assurance to data previously supplied by industry and others as part of the AP-42 update.


Susan Thorneloe

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