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  Environmental Technology Verification Report, Evaluation of a Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Technology, International Wastewater Systems, Inc., Model 6000 Sequencing Batch Reactor System (PDF) (97 pp, 816 KB) (EPA/600/R-06/130) August 2006
Verification Statement (PDF) (7 pp, 160 KB)

International Wastewater Systems, Inc., assembles, installs, and operates decentralized wastewater treatment systems designed to treat wastewater to meet the regulatory requirements for secondary treatment, surface water discharge criteria to lakes and streams, or standards for Class A water for reclamation and reuse (actual numerical standards for direct discharge or water reclamation will vary by location). One of those systems is the Model 6000 sequencing batch reactor (SBR).

The Model 6000 SBR is designed to meet secondary wastewater treatment standards, which are typically 30 milligrams per liter (mg/L) total suspended solids (TSS) and 30 mg/L biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). The entire Model 6000 system with coagulation, filtration, and UV disinfection processes, is designed to meet direct discharge standards and water reclamation and reuse standards, depending on the local requirements. The Model 6000 SBR tested in this verification is a full-scale, commercially available unit. The discharge from the system is to a lake within the housing development.

The objective of this verification was to determine the performance of the Model 6000 SBR when used to treat domestic wastewater. Reductions in contaminant loads were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the system to remove suspended solids (TSS), BOD, nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen), and total coliform. The SBR was evaluated separately and in combination with the additional treatment steps.

The treatment system was monitored over a one-year test period. Influent and effluent samples from the SBR and effluent samples after additional treatment by the sand filtration and UV disinfection units were collected and analyzed for various contaminants or contaminant indicators. After additional treatment by the sand filtration and UV disinfection units, effluent samples were collected and analyzed for various contaminants or contaminant indicators including BOD, chemical oxygen demand, TSS, nitrogen compounds, phosphorus compounds, and total coliform. These parameters and other operating parameters (flow, pH, alkalinity, turbidity, temperature) were monitored to meet the objective of providing an overall assessment of the technology. The treatment system was also monitored for operation and maintenance characteristics, including the performance and reliability of the equipment and the level of required operator maintenance.


Ray Frederick

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