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  Proceedings of a Workshop on Suspended Sediments and Solids (PDF) (163 pp, 3.69 MB) (EPA/600/R-06/025) August 2005

The Workshop on Suspended Sediments and Solids was held July 11–12, 2002, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The workshop was conducted by EPA’s National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL). Attendees included representatives from:

  • NRMRL divisions
  • Other EPA offices, regions, and laboratories
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • U.S. Geological Services
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • States
  • Academia
  • Environmental organizations
  • Consulting firms

The purpose of the workshop was to bring together interested EPA scientists and other leading researchers to provide information on the state of the science in sediments management. It was also intended to foster working relationships and partnerships with others working on sediments issues.

The workshop covered models, best management practices, and biological indicators specific to sediments. Six technical sessions were presented during the two-day workshop. These sessions addressed:

  • Federal sediment research programs
  • Regional EPA sediment issues and approaches
  • State sediment issues and approaches
  • Field measurements and field data availability
  • Sediment management models, tools, and analytical approaches
  • Best management practices and models


Joseph Schubauer-Berigan

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