High-Quality Supplemental Educational Services and After-School Partnerships Demonstration

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2008 Awards

The High-Quality Supplemental Educational Services and After-School Partnerships Demonstration program awarded five grants to support partnerships between supplemental educational services (SES) programs and 21st Century Community Learning Centers projects to increase the academic achievement of low-income students in Title I schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring. The projects will serve as models of how these two federally authorized after-school initiatives can be coordinated so that a greater number of students enroll in, participate in, and complete academic after-school services that improve their achievement in reading and math. The three-year grants were awarded to:


Grantee Name:Santa Ana Unified School District
Project Name:High Quality Supplemental Educational Services and After-School Partnerships Demonstration Project
Project Contact:Emy Flores (714) 543-3807, ext. 8129
Mailing Address:1601 East Chestnut Avenue
Santa Ana, CA 92701
SES Partner Entity:THINK Together

The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) High-Quality Supplemental Educational Services and After-School Partnerships Demonstration Project expands the current partnership between SAUSD and its after school provider, THINK Together, by facilitating the alignment of SES and 21stCCLC after-school programs provided by THINK Together at 43 Program Improvement schools in SAUSD. This partnership offers additional after-school academic services to low-income, low-achieving students who are among the 5000 students already being served daily in the after school programs in SAUSD in order to increase their academic achievement. The project's evaluation will deliver a valid, replicable model at a national level that demonstrates how SES and after-school programs can be coordinated so that a greater number of students enroll in, participate in, and complete academic after school services that improve their achievement in reading and mathematics.


Grantee Name:Latin American Youth Center (LAYC)
Project Name:LAYC SES/21st Century Community Learning Center Road Map to Graduation Program
Project Contact:Michael Leon (202) 744-4079
Mailing Address:1419 Columbia Road, NW
Washington, DC 20009
SES Partner Entity:LAYC serves the dual role as the grantee and the SES provider

The LAYC has been serving the District of Columbia community for over 30 years in the areas of social service, housing, advocacy, and of course educational enrichment. Through the High Quality 21st Century/SES Demonstration Program, LAYC is able to offer a complete after-school experience that meets educational, developmental, and emotional needs of our students. The program provides one hour of dedicated homework assistance and supplemental educational services to all program participants. The program offers students their choice of stellar enrichment programs such as chess, fashion, debate, soccer, tennis, art, and computer programming. The LAYC also provides a licensed social worker during the after-school program to assist youth with emotional needs and to act as a behavioral link between the regular school counselor and the after school program staff. Finally, this work is documented by a team of internal and external evaluation experts. The LAYC is a leader in the implementation of the Efforts to Outcomes database system and is committed to demonstrating work efforts with solid outcomes.


Grantee Name:Collier County Public Schools
Project Name:SES-21st Century Partnership
Project Contact:Tom Stephens (239) 377-0323
Mailing Address:5775 Osceola Tr
Naples, FL 34109
SES Partner Entity:SI2 (Supplemental Instructional Services, Inc.)

The project establishes innovative methods to fill existing gaps that have developed between 21st CCLC and SES. The project uses an effective student-centered learning model created by Si2 for explicit instruction in small group SES tutoring settings that will be sequentially reinforced through intentional experiential learning opportunities delivered through the 21st CCLC programs. Several key components include: using the individual student progress monitoring plans to inform instruction; understanding the learner (e.g., educational history, input from current teachers and school stakeholders, as well as parents); strategic approaches to develop and deliver individualized lessons to meet students instructional level in small group settings; using informal assessments to guide individualized instruction; and increasing consistent communication between child's current classroom teacher, key school/district personnel, as well as parents. The project will increase the number of students served by both SES and 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs at the six Immokalee schools. The project is created to represent a breakthrough in purposeful, targeted after-school academic opportunities that will raise the achievement levels of Collier's most needy students as well as demonstrate an innovative and viable national model for after-school partnerships.


Grantee Name:Albuquerque Public Schools
Project Name:Partnership for Improving Collaboration for Academic After-School Outcomes
Project Contact:Delores D. Stroud (505) 855-5264
Mailing Address:6400 Uptown Blvd.
Albuquerque, NM 87110
SES Partner Entity:Advantage Tutoring, Rio Grande Educational Collaborative, and Youth Development Incorporated

The Partnership for Improving Collaboration for Academic After-School Outcomes (PICAASO) will focus on ten APS schools that have both 21st CCLC and SES programs. The goal of PICAASO is to build a model for collaboration around academic after-school that will foster communication and coordination between schools, 21stCCLCs, and SES providers to create a seamless set of after-school services that maximizes participation and leads to improved academic outcomes for students.

PICAASO will feature the following: (a) representative advisory group for planning, policy development, coordination, and administration; (b) instructional manager to promote coordinated and research-based practices, including consolidated and coordinated professional development to SES and 21stCCLC providers and a clearer connection to the school day; (c) training and technical assistance to site coordinators to facilitate coordinated case management for after-school enrollment and placement; (d) collection of data for program evaluation activities for SES and 21stCCLC; and (e) continuous improvement through ongoing information sharing among partners.


Grantee Name:Northwest Buffalo Community Center
Project Name:Buffalo Area Supplemental Instruction Services (BASIS)
Project Contact:Sean McCrossan (716) 876-8108, Ext.18
Mailing Address:155 Lawn Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14207
SES Partner Entity:Huntington Learning Center

Northwest Buffalo Community Learning Center, in partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns of WNY, will collaborate to implement a pilot project integrating supplemental educational services into four 21st Century Community Learning Centers (two school-based and two community-based sites). As a partner in this project, Huntington Learning Center will offer SES to eligible students on-site at each participating after-school program. Student assessment will precede academic intervention focusing on English language arts (both reading and writing) and mathematics. The goal is to increase academic achievement on state assessments for eligible students.

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Last Modified: 02/10/2009