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You are here:Home Research, Technical Assistance & Training International Public Transportation Program Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer

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Tokyo Metro fare gates.
Tokyo Metro fare gates.
Stair lifts in Seoul, Korea
Stair lifts in Seoul, Korea.


The International Public Transportation Program (IPTP) engages in the exchange of innovative U.S. and foreign technologies through international conferences and workshops that have the potential to increase U.S. global market share and further improvements of U.S. transit operations. Topics of recent international cooperative efforts include:

Advanced Propulsion Vehicles – The IPTP works with foreign countries to develop the next generation of vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells, battery-electric, hybrid-electric and other alternative energy technologies.

Standards – The IPTP works to promote adoption of U.S. standards abroad. Harmonization of standards holds important benefits not only for increasing global market share but also for operational efficiency, safety, and security. 

Accessibility and Mobility - Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and subsequent legislation, the U.S. has become a global leader on accessibility issues.  The IPTP shares this expertise with the international community and assists in improving mobility for persons with disabilities abroad. 

Sustainability and Climate Change – The IPTP surveys and evaluates international policies and best practices related the role of  transit in lessening environmental impacts and promoting land use strategies that encourage public transit use.  

Examples of Recent Technology Transfer Programs:

• U.S./Japan Workshop 2008 – In October 2008, the FTA hosted the U.S./Japan Workshop on Public Transportation during the APTA Annual Meeting and Expo in San Diego, CA.  Delegates from both the U.S. and Japan made presentations and shared information on a host of topics including high speed rail standards, bus rapid transit, and hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicle technology.  Read More

• NIST 2008 Brazil  –The FTA participated in the Dept. of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Workshop on Standards in Transit in April 2008 in Sao Paulo.  The program addressed the voluntary consensus-based standards process in the U.S. and the benefits of adoption of these standards for developing countries. 

• APEC 2008 Philippines and Peru – FTA participated in the Asia Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) Working Group meeting in April and August 2008.  In the April meeting, the ITS Experts Group developed a position statement that was endorsed by APEC on the importance of developing international ITS standards on communication systems for transit buses.  In the August meeting, the ITS Experts Group endorsed several project proposals for potential APEC funding including a proposal to conduct a survey leading to a cost-benefit analysis of the use of global navigation satellite system technology to improve land-based transportation systems.  

• Korea Accessibility 2008 – The Korean Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (KSRPD) requested a meeting with the FTA as part of an international studies program called “Global Challenges for Young Persons with Disabilities.”  Michael Winter from the FTA provided information on the impact of ADA in public access and discussed how ADA has been implemented and monitored.   Read More

• U.S./European Workshop on Accessibility 2008 - In late June - early July, the FTA, with APTA and Easter Seals Project Action, took part in the first U.S./European Accessibility workshop in Amsterdam.  Participating countries included France, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom, as well as the host country, the Netherlands. Discussion topics included the status of accessibility legislation and implementation, ITS technologies that support accessibility, best practices, and areas of potential cooperation and next steps.  Read More   

• Workshop on Public Transportation in Russia 2007 - In May 2007, FTA organized the 5th International Workshop on Public Transportation in Moscow Russia.  The workshop, which was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation and the City of Moscow, provided a forum through which U.S. and Russian transportation officials could share information and experiences in the areas of transit planning and congestion management, safety and security, accessible services for the mobility impaired, and training tomorrow’s transit workforce.  Conference Report

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