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Nuclear Ship Savannah - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the Savannah open to the public? Can it be visited?

The ship is not open to the general public.  It can be visited, however.  The Savannah Technical Staff will receive requests to visit the ship, and will schedule periodic tours provided that these can be accommodated without interference to normal ship’s business.  For more information about touring the ship, please send an e-mail to: Savannah@dot.gov and include “Tour Request” in the subject line.

What documents about the Savannah are available?

We have several documents available for download in the N.S. Savannah Library including the following:

  • Savannah public meeting presentation (July 2008)
  • Nuclear Regulatory License and Technical Specifications
  • Final Safety Analysis Report (Current Revision)
  • Environmental Assessment (EA)
  • Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Nuclear Ship Savannah Environmental Assessment

How may I get a copy of available documents?

Most documents can be found in the N.S. Savannah Library and are available for download.  Specific documents related to the N.S. Savannah may also be found on the NRC (www.nrc.gov) website in their Agency wide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS).  Useful reference information for searches includes the facility name: N.S. Savannah; License No.: NS-1; and Docket No. 50-238.

If you would like a copy of a meeting presentation, or other documents related to the Savannah, please send an e-mail request to Savannah@dot.gov and include "Document Request" in the Subject Line.

I don’t have e-mail; how can I contact you?

If you do not have access to e-mail, you can contact us be telephone or regular mail:

Phone: (410) 633-4973 or FAX: (410) 633-4974
Mailing Address:

Savannah Technical Staff
c/o Keystone Shipping; N.S. Savannah
Canton Marine Terminals, Pier 13
4601 Newgate Ave.

Maritime Security
Intermodal Development
Ship Operations Cooperative Program
Maritime Research & Development
Inland Container on Barge
Intermodal Access to U.S. Ports and Marine Terminals
Financial and Rate Approvals