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CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  Appendix V to Subpart C of Part 404—Computing the Special Minimum Primary Insurance Amount and Related Maximum Family Benefits

These tables are based on section 215(a)(1)(C)(i) of the Social Security Act, as amended. They include the percent cost-of-living increase shown in appendix VI for each effective date.
June 1979
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $12.70 $19.10
12 25.30 38.00
13 38.00 57.00
14 50.60 75.90
15 63.20 94.90
16 75.90 113.90
17 88.50 132.80
18 101.20 151.80
19 113.80 170.70
20 126.40 189.60
21 139.10 208.70
22 151.70 227.60
23 164.40 246.60
24 177.00 265.50
25 189.60 284.50
26 202.30 303.50
27 214.90 322.40
28 227.50 341.30
29 240.20 360.30
30 252.80 379.20
June 1980
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $14.60 $21.90
12 29.00 43.50
13 43.50 65.30
14 57.90 86.90
15 72.30 108.50
16 86.80 130.20
17 101.20 151.80
18 115.70 173.60
19 130.10 195.20
20 144.50 216.80
21 159.00 238.60
22 173.40 260.20
23 188.00 282.00
24 202.40 303.60
25 216.80 325.20
26 231.30 347.00
27 245.70 368.60
28 260.10 390.20
29 274.60 411.90
30 289.00 433.50
June 1981
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefits
11 $16.30 $24.50
12 32.30 48.50
13 48.40 72.70
14 64.40 96.70
15 80.40 120.70
16 96.60 144.90
17 112.60 168.90
18 128.70 193.10
19 144.70 217.10
20 160.70 241.10
21 176.90 265.40
22 192.90 289.40
23 209.10 313.70
24 225.10 337.70
25 241.10 361.70
26 257.30 386.00
27 273.30 410.00
28 289.30 434.00
29 305.40 458.10
30 321.40 482.10
June 1982
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $17.50 $26.30
12 34.60 52.00
13 51.90 78.00
14 69.10 103.80
15 86.30 129.60
16 103.70 155.60
17 120.90 181.30
18 138.20 207.30
19 155.40 233.10
20 172.50 258.90
21 189.90 285.00
22 207.10 310.80
23 224.50 336.90
24 241.70 362.60
25 258.90 388.40
26 276.30 414.50
27 293.50 440.30
28 310.70 466.10
29 327.90 491.90
30 345.10 517.70
December 1983
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $18.10 $27.20
12 35.80 53.80
13 53.70 80.70
14 71.50 107.40
15 89.30 134.10
16 107.30 161.00
17 125.10 187.60
18 143.00 214.50
19 160.80 241.20
20 178.50 267.90
21 196.50 294.90
22 214.30 321.60
23 232.30 348.60
24 250.10 375.20
25 267.90 401.90
26 285.90 429.00
27 303.70 455.70
28 321.50 482.40
29 339.30 509.10
30 357.10 535.80
December 1984
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $18.70 $28.10
12 37.00 55.60
13 55.50 83.50
14 74.00 111.10
15 92.40 138.70
16 111.00 166.60
17 129.40 194.10
18 148.00 222.00
19 166.40 249.60
20 184.70 277.20
21 203.30 305.20
22 221.80 332.80
23 240.40 360.80
24 258.80 388.30
25 277.20 415.90
26 295.90 444.00
27 314.30 471.60
28 332.70 499.20
29 351.10 526.90
30 369.50 554.50
December 1985
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $19.20 $28.90
12 38.10 57.30
13 57.20 86.00
14 76.20 114.50
15 95.20 142.90
16 114.40 171.70
17 133.40 200.10
18 152.50 228.80
19 171.50 257.30
20 190.40 285.70
21 209.60 314.60
22 228.60 343.10
23 247.80 371.90
24 266.80 400.30
25 285.70 428.70
26 305.00 457.70
27 324.00 486.20
28 343.00 514.60
29 361.90 543.20
30 380.90 571.60
December 1986
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $19.40 $29.20
12 38.50 58.00
13 57.90 87.10
14 77.10 115.90
15 96.40 144.70
16 115.80 173.90
17 135.10 202.70
18 154.40 231.70
19 173.70 260.60
20 192.80 289.40
21 212.30 318.60
22 231.50 347.50
23 251.00 376.70
24 270.20 405.50
25 289.40 434.20
26 308.90 463.60
27 328.20 492.50
28 347.40 521.20
29 366.60 550.20
30 385.80 579.00
December 1987
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $20.20 $30.40
12 40.10 60.40
13 60.30 90.70
14 80.30 120.70
15 100.40 150.70
16 120.60 181.20
17 140.70 211.20
18 160.80 241.40
19 180.90 271.50
20 200.80 301.50
21 221.20 331.90
22 241.20 362.00
23 261.50 392.50
24 281.50 422.50
25 301.50 452.40
26 321.80 483.00
27 341.90 513.10
28 361.90 543.00
29 381.90 573.30
30 402.00 603.30
December 1988
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $21.00 $31.60
12 41.70 62.80
13 62.70 94.30
14 83.50 125.50
15 104.40 156.70
16 125.40 188.40
17 146.30 219.60
18 167.20 251.00
19 188.10 282.30
20 208.80 313.50
21 230.00 345.10
22 250.80 376.40
23 271.90 408.20
24 292.70 439.40
25 313.50 470.40
26 334.60 502.30
27 355.50 533.60
28 376.30 564.70
29 397.10 596.20
30 418.00 627.40
December 1989
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $21.90 $33.00
12 43.60 65.70
13 65.60 98.70
14 87.40 131.30
15 109.30 164.00
16 131.20 197.20
17 153.10 229.90
18 175.00 262.70
19 196.90 295.50
20 218.60 328.20
21 240.80 361.30
22 262.50 394.00
23 284.60 427.30
24 306.40 460.00
25 328.20 492.50
26 350.30 525.90
27 372.20 558.60
28 393.90 591.20
29 415.70 624.20
30 437.60 656.80
December 1990
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $23.00 $34.70
12 45.90 69.20
13 69.10 104.00
14 92.10 138.30
15 115.20 172.80
16 138.20 207.80
17 161.30 242.30
18 184.40 276.80
19 207.50 311.40
20 230.40 345.90
21 253.80 380.80
22 276.60 415.20
23 299.90 450.30
24 322.90 484.80
25 345.90 519.00
26 369.20 554.20
27 392.20 588.70
28 415.10 623.10
29 438.10 657.90
30 461.20 692.20
December 1991
I. Years of coverage II. Primary insurance amount III. Maximum family benefit
11 $23.80 $35.90
12 47.50 71.70
13 71.60 107.80
14 95.50 143.40
15 119.40 179.10
16 143.30 215.40
17 167.20 251.20
18 191.20 287.00
19 215.10 322.90
20 238.90 358.60
21 263.10 394.80
22 286.80 430.50
23 310.90 466.90
24 334.80 502.70
25 358.60 538.20
26 382.80 574.70
27 406.70 610.40
28 430.40 646.10
29 454.30 682.20
30 478.20 717.80

NOTE: The amounts shown in the above table for years of coverage less than 19 are not payable for June 1981 through December 1981 because the corresponding values shown in column II are less than the $135.70 minimum primary insurance amount payable for that period. For months after December 1981, a special minimum primary insurance amount of $128.70 will be payable.

[47 FR 30734, July 15, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 8248, Mar. 17, 1987; 57 FR 44097, Sept. 24, 1992; 57 FR 45878, Oct. 5, 1992]

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009

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