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Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §404.960 Vacating a dismissal of a request for a hearing before an administrative law judge.

An administrative law judge or the Appeals Council may vacate any dismissal of a hearing request if, within 60 days after the date you receive the dismissal notice, you request that the dismissal be vacated and show good cause why the hearing request should not have been dismissed. The Appeals Council itself may decide within 60 days after the notice of dismissal is mailed to vacate the dismissal. The Appeals Council shall advise you in writing of any action it takes.

[45 FR 52081, Aug. 5, 1980, as amended at 51 FR 303, Jan. 3, 1986]

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009

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