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Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §416.1520 Fee for a representative's services.

(a) General. A representative may charge and receive a fee for his or her services as a representative only as provided in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Charging and receiving a fee. (1) The representative must file a written request with us before he or she may charge or receive a fee for his or her services.

(2) We decide the amount of the fee, if any, a representative may charge or receive.

(3) A representative shall not charge or receive any fee unless we have approved it, and he or she shall not charge or receive any fee that is more than the amount we approve. This rule applies whether the fee is charged to or received from you or from someone else.

(4) If your representative is an attorney, or a non-attorney who is eligible to participate in the direct payment demonstration project, as defined in §416.1517, and you are entitled to past-due benefits, as defined in §416.1503, we will pay the authorized fee, or a part of the authorized fee, directly to the representative out of the past-due benefits, subject to the limitations described in §416.1530(b)(1). If the representative is a non-attorney who is not eligible to participate in the direct payment demonstration project, we assume no responsibility for the payment of any fee that we have authorized.

(c) Notice of fee determination. We shall mail to both you and your representative at your last known address a written notice of what we decide about the fee. We shall state in the notice—

(1) The amount of the fee that is authorized;

(2) How we made that decision;

(3) Whether we are responsible for paying the fee from past-due benefits; and

(4) That within 30 days of the date of the notice, either you or your representative may request us to review the fee determination.

(d) Review of fee determination—(1) Request filed on time. We will review the decision we made about a fee if either you or your representative files a written request for the review at one of our offices within 30 days after the date of the notice of the fee determination. Either you or your representative, whoever requests the review, shall mail a copy of the request to the other person. An authorized official of the Social Security Administration who did not take part in the fee determination being questioned will review the determination. This determination is not subject to further review. The official shall mail a written notice of the decision made on review both to you and to your representative at your last known address.

(2) Request not filed on time. (i) If you or your representative requests a review of the decision we made about a fee, but does so more than 30 days after the date of the notice of the fee determination, whoever makes the request shall state in writing why it was not filed within the 30-day period. We will review the determination if we decide that there was good cause for not filing the request on time.

(ii) Some examples of good cause follow:

(A) Either you or your representative was seriously ill and the illness prevented you or your representative from contacting us in person or in writing.

(B) There was a death or serious illness in your family or in the family of your representative.

(C) Material records were destroyed by fire or other accidental cause.

(D) We gave you or your representative incorrect or incomplete information about the right to request review.

(E) You or your representative did not timely receive notice of the fee determination.

(F) You or your representative sent the request to another government agency in good faith within the 30-day period, and the request did not reach us until after the period had ended.

(3) Payment of fees. We assume no responsibility for the payment of a fee based on a revised determination if the request for administrative review was not filed on time.

[45 FR 52106, Aug. 5, 1980, as amended at 72 FR 16725, Apr. 5, 2007]

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