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Social Security Online

Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §416.1413c Arrangement for conferences.

(a) As soon as we receive a request for a formal or informal conference, we shall set the time, date and place for the conference.

(b) We shall send you and any other parties to the reconsideration a written notice about the conference (either by mailing it to your last known address or by personally serving you with it) at least 10 days before the conference. However, we may hold the conference sooner if we all agree. We will not send written notice of the time, date, and place of the conference if you waive your right to receive it.

(c) We shall schedule the conference within 15 days after you request it, but, at our discretion or at your request, we will delay the conference if we think the delay will ensure that the conference is conducted efficiently and properly.

(d) We shall hold the conference at one of our offices, by telephone or in person, whichever you prefer. We will hold the conference elsewhere in person if you show circumstances that make this arrangement reasonably necessary.

[45 FR 52096, Aug. 5, 1980. Redesignated at 51 FR 305, Jan. 3, 1986]

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