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BLM>Utah>Kanab >Planning>Draft RMP/EIS
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Kanab Field Office Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement

Welcome to the Kanab Resource Management Plan Website

KOA & Bryce HoodoosThe Kanab Field Office, Utah Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is developing a Resource Management Plan (RMP) for all the federal surface and mineral estate managed by BLM within the Kanab Field Office boundary throughout two counties in south central Utah – Kane, and Garfield Counties.

The overall objective of the Kanab RMP planning effort is to provide a collaborative, community-based planning approach that assists BLM in updating the management and resource allocation decisions of several other Management Framework Plans (MFPs) and an RMP. Considerable changes have occurred within the planning area, including heightened public awareness, increased public demand for use of the lands, new threatened/endangered species listings, and increases in conflict between competing resource values and land uses. The creation of the monument also removed over a million acres out of the Kanab FO.

The RMP will explain or ideintify the current management situations, desired future conditions to be maintained or achieved, management actions necessary to achieve objectives, and a schedule and cost estimate for implementing the actions for achieving those goals.

The plan will be comprehensive in nature, and will resolve or address a wide variety of issues, including but not limited to:

Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Paleontological Resources
Fire Management
Woodland Harvest and Management
Hazardous Sites, Materials, and Wastes
Lands and Realty
Rangeland Management and Health/Rehabilitation
Minerals Management
Off-Highway Vehicle Use
Riparian Resources
Vegetation and Special Status Plants
Visual Resources
Watersheds and Water Quality
Wild and Scenic Rivers
Special Management Areas
Wildlife and Fish Habitat, and Special Status Species Management


As part of the plan preparation, a supporting Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will also be prepared. Both the RMP and EIS will be developed concurrently following specific BLM and NEPA processes. For a full explanation of the planning process, visit the RMP Process section of this website.

An integral component of the Kanab RMP development process is community involvement. Throughout the plan development, BLM expects that various partners - Cooperating Agencies, the Resources Development Coordination Committee (RDCC), Indian Tribes, Kane and Garfield Counties as well as the Five County Association of Governments, other Federal Agencies, BLM Field Offices, Congressional Delegations, the Utah Resource Advisory Committee (RAC), as well as numerous interest groups and other organizations will become involved in the process and will assist in providing a wide variety of data in support of this effort.

The BLM will work collaboratively with interested parties to identify the management decisions that are best suited to local, regional, tribal, and national needs and concerns.

This website is your source of information for participating in the planning process. Here you will find the latest information on the development of the RMP and EIS, including background documents, maps, meeting announcements, published bulletins, and other documents.

You can also use this website to add yourself to the project mailing list or to submit a comment during scoping and during the comment period for the Draft EIS/RMP.



Download the complete text of the Kanab Draft RMP/EIS (Excluding maps) here.  (8549KB)

To download by section, click on the links below.

Cover page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary (886K)

Chapter 1 - Introduction (288K)

Chapter 2 - Alternatives (777K)

Chapter 3 - Affected Environment (762K)

Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences of Alternatives (1406K)

Chapter 5 - Consultation and Coordination (193K)

Glossary, Acronyms, References (328K)

Volume II Cover, Table of Contents (731K)

Appendix A - Best Management Practices for Land Use (147K)

Appendix B - Best Management Practices for Raptors and their Associated Habitats (205K)

Appendix C - Surface Stipulations Applicable to Oil and Gas Leasing and Other Surface Disturbing Activities (271K)

Appendix D - Recreation Management for Special Recreation Management Areas and the Kanab Extensive Recreation Management Area (140K)

Appendix E - Lands Designated for Potential Disposal Via FLPMA Section 203 Sale (117K)

Appendix F - Coal Unsuitability Report (813K)

Appendix G - Wild and Scenic Rivers Study Process (334K)

Appendix H - Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Evaluation Report (989K)

Appendix I - Reasonably Foreseeable Development Scenario (138K)

Appendix J - Summary of County General Plan Public Land Decisions (137K)

Appendix K - Travel Management/Route Designation Process (132K)

Appendix L - Wildland Fire Resource Protection Measures and Reasonable and Prudent Measures, Terms and Conditions, and Reporting Requirements Identified Through Section 7 Consultation (218K)

Appendix M - Conservation Measures, Oil and Gas Lease Notices, and Recovery Plans for Threatened and Endangered Species (222K)


Draft RMP/EIS Maps

Map1-01_Land-Ownership (3846K)

Map2-01_Existing-Plans (502K)

Map2-02_Veg-Treatments-AltA (435K)

Map2-03_Veg-Treatments-AltsBD (482K)

Map2-04_Veg-Treatments-AltC (462K)

Map2-05_VRM-AltA (456K)

Map2-06_VRM-AltB (464K)

Map2-07_VRM-AltC (463K)

Map2-08_VRM-AltD (462K)

Map2-09_SRMAs-AltB (432K)

Map2-10_SRMAs-AltC (431K)

Map2-11_SRMAs-AltD (430K)

Map2-12_OHV-AltA (450K)

Map2-13_OHV-AltB (447K)

Map2-14_OHV-AltC (464K)

Map2-15_OHV-AltD (447K)

Map2-16_Route-Designations-AltA (493K)

Map2-17_Route-Designations-AltB (494K)

Map2-18_Route-Designations-AltC (490K)

Map2-19_Route-Designations-AltD (489K)

Map2-20_ROW-AltB (437K)

Map2-21_ROW-AltC (440K)

Map2-22_ROW-AltD (431K)

Map2-23_Locatable-AltB (427K)

Map2-24_Locatable-AltC (438K)

Map2-25_Locatable-AltD (425K)

Map2-26_FLPMA-AltB (447K)

Map2-27_FLPMA-AltC (447K)

Map2-28_FLPMA-AltD (447K)

Map2-29_Oil-Gas-Categories-AltA (448K)

Map2-30_Oil-Gas-Categories-AltB (460K)

Map2-31_Oil-Gas-Categories-AltC (455K)

Map2-32_Oil-Gas-Categories-AltD (452K)

Map2-33_Coal-Suitability-AltsBCD (467K)

Map2-34_Mineral-Materials-AltB (431K)

Map2-35_Mineral-Materials-AltC (436K)

Map2-36_Mineral-Materials-AltD (425K)

Map2-37_ACECs-AltA (426K)

Map2-38_ACECs-AltB (426K)

Map2-39_ACECs-AltC (434K)

Map2-40_WSRs-AltA (507K)

Map2-41_WSRs-AltB (507K)

Map2-42_WSRs-AltC (506K)

Map2-43_Surface-Disturbance-AltA (438K)

Map2-44_Surface-Disturbance-AltB (462K)

Map2-45_Surface-Disturbance-AltC (491K)

Map2-46_Surface-Disturbance-AltD (446K)

Map3-01_Surface-Geology (559K)

Map3-02_Physiographic-SubUnits (528K)

Map3-03_Precipitation (503K)

Map3-04_Fragile-Soils-Relict-Veg (443K)

Map3-05_Watersheds (3928K)

Map3-06_Veg-Communities (523K)

Map3-07_Riparian-Wetland (462K)

Map3-08_MSO-Critical (484K)

Map3-09_Greater-SG-Brooding-Winter-Habitat (442K)

Map3-10_Mule-Deer-Habitat (516K)

Map3-11_Elk-Habitat (493K)

Map3-12_Pronghorn-Habitat (452K)

Map3-13_Desert-Bighorn-Sheep-Habitat (440K)

Map3-14_Paleo-Sensitive (536K)

Map3-15_Wilderness-Characteristics (541K)

Map3-16_Livestock-Grazing (537K)

Map3-17_Inventoried-Routes (503K)

Map3-18_Existing-Oil-Gas-Leases-Potential (473K)

Map3-19_Coal-Development-Potential (467K)

Map3-20_Gypsum-Development-Potential (466K)

Map3-21_Sand-Gravel-Development-Potential (564K)

Map3-22_Stone-Clay-Development-Potential (522K)

Map3-23_WSA-Wilderness (449K)

Map3-24_Byways-Backways (484K)

Map3-25_Socioeconomic-Study-Area (650K)

Map4-01_EPCA-Analysis-AltA (453K)

Map4-02_EPCA-Analysis-AltB (468K)

Map4-03_EPCA-Analysis-AltC (312K)

Map4-04_EPCA-Analysis-AltD (457K)