Budget and Performance Integration
Archived Information

In 2002, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) required Federal agencies to use performance results to determine budget decisions for "budget and performance integration." Programs that show they are working are generally maintained; those that are not working are reviewed for reform or elimination. OMB provided a Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) to help OMB and agencies determine the progress of each Federal program in meeting its intended performance.

Resources across the government are limited. The Department seeks to allocate its budget dollars to programs and office initiatives that work. By integrating budget execution with strategic plans and performance results at the program and office level, the Department holds its operating units accountable for establishing performance plans aligned with its overall goals and objectives. The Department's programs must demonstrate results to get funds, as well as demonstrate progress in the effective implementation of their plans, to ensure that the use of Federal dollars leads to high-performance results for populations served by the Department.

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Last Modified: 07/13/2005