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Peaceworks are in-depth reports offering comprehensive analysis and policy recommendations on topics dealing with current events and international relations, especially on the prevention or resolution of international conflict.



Managing Crisis and Sustaining Peace between China and the United States
April 2008 | Wu Xinbo



Public Opinion in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: From Geneva to Disengagement to Kadima and Hamas
June 2007 | Jacob Shamir


Kashmir: A Problem in Search of a Solution
March 2007 | Shahid Javed Burki



Democratization in Mali: Putting History to Work
October 2006 | Robert Pringle


How Not to Make Peace: "Conflict Syndrome" and the Demise of the Oslo Accords
March 2006 | Robert L. Rothstein


Chaplains as Liaisons with Religious Leaders: Lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan
March 2006 | George Adams, CDR, CHC, USN


Religious Contributions to Peacemaking: When Religion Brings Peace, Not War
January 2006 | David Smock


Dismantling the DPRK's Nuclear Weapons Program
January 2006 | David Albright and Corey Hinderstein



Downward Spiral: HIV/AIDS, State Capacity, and Political Conflict in Zimbabwe
July 2004 | Andrew T. Price-Smith and John L. Daly



Biosecurity: Limiting Terrorist Access to Deadly Pathogens
November 2003 | Jonathan B. Tucker


Healing the Holy Land: Interreligious Peacebuilding in Israel/Palestine
August 2003 | Yehezkel Landau


Boundary Disputes in Latin America
August 2003 | Jorge I. Domínguez


The Road Ahead: Lessons in Nation Building from Japan, Germany, and Afghanistan for Postwar Iraq
May 2003 | Ray Salvatore Jennings



The Palestinian Reform Agenda
December 2002 | Nathan Brown


The Israeli Military and Israel's Palestinian Policy: From Oslo to the Al Aqsa Intifada
November 2002 | Yoram Peri


The Chaplain's Evolving Role in Peace and Humanitarian Relief Operations
July 2002 | Paul McLaughlin


The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention
July 2002 | C.A.J. Coady


Democratic Values, Political Structures, and Alternative Politics in Greater China
July 2002 | David Zweig


Training for Peace and Humanitarian Relief Operations: Advancing Best Practices
April 2002 | Robert M. Schoenhaus


The Role of International Financial Institutions in International Humanitarian Law
January 2002 | Laurie Blank



Controlling Weapons of Mass Destruction: Findings from USIP-Sponsored Projects
September 2001 | Edited by Deepa M. Ollapally


Passing the Baton: Challenges of Statecraft for the New Administration
May 2001 | With Remarks by Samuel R. Berger and Condoleezza Rice


From Revolutionary Internationalism to Conservative Nationalism: The Chinese Military's Discourse on National Security and Identity
May 2001 | Nan Li


El Salvador: Implementation of the Peace Accords
January 2001 | Margarita Studemeister


The News Media and Peace Processes: The Middle East and Northern Ireland
January 2001 | Gadi Wolfsfeld


Conflict Management Training: Advancing Best Practices
January 2001 | Robert Schoenhaus



Coercive Prevention: Normative, Political, and Policy Dilemmas
October 2000 | Bruce Jentleson


Women in War and Peace: Grassroots Peacebuilding
August 2000 | Donna Ramsey Marshall


Grappling with Peace Education in Serbia
April 2000 | Ruzica Rozandic



Three Dimensions of Peacebuilding in Bosnia
December 1999 | edited by Steven Riskin


Building Security in Post-Cold War Eurasia
September 1999 | Terrence Hopmann


New Approaches to International Negotiation and Mediation
August 1999 | Timothy Sisk


Training to Promote Conflict Management (training projects)
July 1999 | David Smock


The Challenge of Regional Cooperation in Central Asia: Preventing Ethnic Conflict in the Ferghana Valley
June 1999 | Anara Tabyshalieva


Territorial Disputes and Their Resolution: The Case of Ecuador and Peru
April 1999 | Beth Simmons


The Quest for Democratic Security: The Role of the Council of Europe and U.S. Foreign Policy
January 1999 | Heinrich Klebes



Nagorno-Karabakh: Searching for a Solution
December 1998 | Patricia Carley


Removing Barricades in Somalia: Options for Peace and Rehabilitation
October 1998 | Hussein Adam and Richard Ford


Muddling toward Democracy: Political Change in Grassroots China
August 1998 | Anne Thurston


Preventing Genocide in Burundi
July 1998 | Stephen Weissman


The China Challenge in the Twenty-First Century
June 1998


Private Peacemaking: USIP-Assisted Peacemaking Projects of Nonprofit Organizations
May 1998 | David Smock



Sovereignty After Empire: Self-Determination Movements in Former Soviet Union
December 1997 | Galina Starovoitova


Keynote Addresses from the Virtual Diplomacy Conference
September 1997 | by Solomon, Wriston,and Shultz


Greek–Turkish Relations and U.S. Foreign Policy: Cyprus, the Aegean, and Regional Stability
August 1997 | Tozun Bahcheli et al.


U.S. Responses to Self-Determination Movements: Strategies for Nonviolent Outcomes and Alternatives to Secession
July 1997 | Patricia Carley


Creative Approaches to Managing Conflict in Africa: Findings from USIP-Funded Projects
April 1997 | Edited by David R. Smock


Police Functions in Peace Operations
March 1997 | Roxane Sismanidis


Can Foreign Aid Moderate Ethnic Conflict?
March 1997 | Milton Esman


Training for Peace Operations: U.S. Army Adapts to Post–Cold War World
February 1997 |


Zaire: Predicament and Prospects
January 1997 |



State and Soldier in Latin America
October 1996 | Wendy Hunter


Peace Operations and Common Sense
June 1996 | Denis McLean


Serbian Nationalism and the Origins of the Yugoslav Crisis
April 1996 | Vesna Pesic


Self-Determination: Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity, and the Right to Secession
March 1996 | Patricia Carley


Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict in Africa
March 1996


NGOs and Conflict Management
February 1996



Sources of Conflict: "Identity and Conflict," and "'The Coming Anarchy' and the Nation-State Under Siege"
August 1995


Keynote Addresses from "Managing Chaos" Conference: Aspin and Koppel
February 1995


Central Asians Take Stock
February 1995 | Nancy Lubin


Turkey's Role in the Middle East
January 1995 | Patricia Carley




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