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Results-Oriented Assistance:
A USAID Sourcebook

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This Sourcebook is an electronic resource to assist in the design, award, and administration of results-oriented grants and cooperative agreements to implement foreign assistance activities.

Intended Audience: The Sourcebook is intended for both USAID staff and Development Partners.

Sourcebook Objectives: To create a "user friendly" resource for USAID staff and Development Partners (e.g., private voluntary organizations (PVOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), cooperative development organizations, educational institutions, and private firms) on USAID's programming policies and procedures.

The Sourcebook will help USAID staff and Development Partners improve their ability to:

  • Manage for results through partnership relationships with the people and governments of assisted countries, U.S. businesses, private voluntary organizations (PVOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), cooperatives, the academic community, and other U.S. Government agencies;
  • Use results-oriented assistance instruments to plan, monitor, and evaluate achievement of results and performance targets;
  • Gather, analyze and report overall performance against intended results and Strategic Objective(s); and
  • Use performance monitoring and evaluation information to inform decision-making, make flexible adjustments when necessary, and highlight achievement of results.

What the Sourcebook is not is a collection of rigid rules or an Agency directive. It is a resource, not a requirement. While some of the primary sources discussed in this web site are mandatory, this Sourcebook is not intended to be cited as prescribing methods of achieving results. Examples and links are for reference only, and do not imply USAID endorsement of their content.

The Sourcebook is based on managing for results best practices developed by USAID and Development Partners. Throughout the Sourcebook, users have an opportunity to link to appropriate statutes, regulations, USAID policies, directives, and programming documents, such as results-oriented Requests for Applications (RFAs). In addition, there are links to other organizations whose managing for results practices have been reviewed. Send comments and suggestions to: Ms. Jean Horton, e-mail, telephone 202-712-1431.

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Last Updated on: October 10, 2002