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Welcome to the Healthy Access Database

There were as many as 45 million Americans that went without health insurance coverage at some point during the last year. Many of these people may not have obtained needed medical care as a result, and all took a significant financial gamble. The National Association of Health Underwriters, a professional association of more than 20,000 health insurance agents, brokers and benefit specialists, is extremely concerned about the problem of the uninsured. One of our primary goals is to help ensure that Americans have access to appropriate health coverage. To help address this problem, we have developed the Healthy Access Database, an online tool to help make American health care consumers aware of all of the coverage options available to them. The Database contains information about private health insurance coverage, as well as the many public and private programs available to Americans to help them obtain the medical care they need. Policymakers, the media and other interested parties can also use the Database as a means of comparing health care coverage options for Americans on a state-by-state basis.

The Database is broken up in to four components:

Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage
The majority of Americans have group health insurance coverage through either their employer, or the employer of a family member. This section is designed for consumers who need more information about what requirements apply to group health insurance coverage, or need to know what their options are if they are about to lose access to their group coverage. It also provides contact information for the state and federal regulators who oversee private group health insurance in America, in case consumers have questions or need to report a problem. Consumers who are looking to purchase a group health insurance product can go to NAHU's Find An Agent feature to find an NAHU member in their area to assist them in obtaining coverage.

Individual Health Insurance Coverage
Many Americans who do not have access to group health insurance coverage, like self-employed people, early retirees, students and people whose employers do not offer health benefits, choose to purchase their own coverage privately. The laws concerning individual health insurance products are different than the laws regulating group coverage, and the requirements vary significantly on a state-by-state basis. This section helps consumers understand how individual insurance is regulated in their area, and it also helps explain the state-specific options available to individual consumers who have serious medical conditions that may preclude them from obtaining traditional coverage. Furthermore, this section contains information about the entities that regulate the individual market, so that consumers can contact them if they have questions or concerns. People who are looking to purchase health insurance on an individual basis can go to NAHU's Find An Agent feature to find an NAHU member in their area to help them buy coverage.

Assistance for Obtaining Health Coverage
Many Americans need to obtain health care services but may have trouble paying for them. This section provides comprehensive information about all of the major federal and state programs to provide coverage assistance to individuals age 65 and under. It includes specifics and contact information for large-scale programs like Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program and the federal Health Care Tax Credit Program. In addition, this section contains overviews and contacts for the hundreds of smaller state and federal-level and private programs that provide coverage assistance and services to specific populations. This section may be a particularly helpful resource to people with lower incomes who are either uninsured or under-insured, and to people who are looking for either primary care or preventive assistance or help with a serious medical condition, as many of these programs target those groups.

Health Care Coverage Contacts
This section provides consumers with a quick reference list of important health coverage assistance contacts.

You can also use the database to review all of the information available for a particular state.

NAHU recommends that consumers follow these three easy steps to using the Database:

    STEP ONE - Review the 2008 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) guidelines so that you have a good idea where you fall on the income scale. Many state and federal programs and some private ones use these income guidelines to help determine program eligibility. The qualifying income thresholds can vary widely by state, by population and by program. Only the specific programs can determine a consumer's eligibility, but understanding these guidelines can help you have a better idea of what your options might be.
    STEP TWO - Review the Database sections that apply to your particular situation. Or, simply review all of the coverage option information available for your particular state.
    STEP THREE - Make a list of the programs and insurance coverage options that may apply to you and then use the contact information provided to access coverage or services.

PLEASE NOTE: The information presented in the Health Care Coverage Options Database is the exclusive property of the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU). It was prepared as an informational resource for health insurance consumers, NAHU members, state and federal policymakers and other interested parties. The information is not to be duplicated, copied, or taken out of context. Any omission or the inclusion of incorrect data is unintentional. If you have any questions about the information presented in this Health Care Coverage Options Database, please contact NAHU at either (703) 276-0220 or hcod@nahu.org.