
Dr. Kevin Chung is a burn specialist for the military and oversees the Army’s only burn intensive care unit.  Patients that arrive at the ICU are severely injured and require consistent medical attention.  Through the use of telemedicine, Dr. Chung is able to provide a specialty level of care to these soldiers. Dr. Chung makes his rounds through the assistance of a medical robot, nicknamed “Chungbot.”  The robot...
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Speakers Confirmed for Telerehabilitation Brown Bag Seminar!
Our August 31st Washington Live! Brown Bag Telehealth Seminar will be on the topic of Reimbursement for Telerehabilitation Services. We are pleased to announce our confirmation of our...
According to a study done on the EHR program at Kaiser Permanente in Denver, Colorado, the program helped cut cardiac deaths by 73 percent, also keeping patients healthier as long as two years later,...

From: California Healthline, published for the California HealthCare Foundation by the Advisory Board Company. 2008.

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Center for Telehealth & E-Health Law
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