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What is an interpreter?

An interpreter must speak English and another language fluently to assist you and Social Security staff in communicating with each other.  

If you prefer to provide your own interpreter, what will he/she do?

If you provide your own interpreter they must restate the interviewer's words to you in your language and also translate your replies to English for the interviewer, without adding any comments or asking any questions of their own.  

What are Social Security's requirements to use an interpreter I provide?

To be qualified to interpret for you with Social Security, an interpreter must:

  • Be able to read, write, and demonstrate fluency in the English language
  • Be able to read, write, and demonstrate fluency in your language
  • Agree to comply with our disclosure/confidentiality requirements
  • Agree to provide an exact interpretation of responses and not to assume or infer facts or dates not actually provided by you
  • Being able to translate terminology used in Social Security materials/interviews
  • Have no personal stake in the outcome that would be contrary to your interests


Can a minor child interpret for me?

We will not use minor children as interpreters. We may ask a minor child to help identify the language needed or to help set the time for a future appointment, but a minor child will not be used as an interpreter, unless our interpreter service does not have an interpreter that speaks your language.


How does the Social Security Administration assure that an interpreter is acting in your best interest?

If you request that we use your own interpreter, the individual must sign the following statement:


"I am acting as an interpreter for (your name) to perform the specific function of providing accurate interpretation between (your name) and the interviewer"


  • Interpreter's name, address and telephone number
  • Interpreter's relationship to you (e.g., son, mother, friend, minister, etc.)
  • Any relevant comments the interpreter wishes to include
  • Any relevant comments we think are necessary to document over the interpreter's signature

If your interpreter refuses to sign this statement, SSA will provide another interpreter

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
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