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General Aviation Partners Recognized for Efforts

News & Happenings

July 27, 2007

Photo of 3 men having a discussion next to an airplane.

Six general aviation (GA) airports in Illinois were recently given Security Awareness Partnership awards for their vigilance in reporting suspicious activity to The Freedom Center, which is TSA's 24/7 operations center, and local TSA offices.

The airports are Quincy Regional - Baldwin Field; Galesburg Municipal; Mount Carmel Municipal; Southern Illinois (Carbondale); Saint Louis Regional (East Alton); and Canton Ingersoll.

"The excellent work of our transportation security inspectors, in concert with our local GA partners, shows the nation that all eyes are watching and we are working together to secure the skies," said Pat Broderick, the federal security director at Quad City International Airport who oversees the six GA airports.

On several occasions these airports investigated suspicious incidents. For example, Quincy staff received unusual telephone calls regarding flight instruction. And at Galesburg an individual observed taking photos became irate when questioned. In each case, investigators determined there was no threat.

Programs such as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association/TSA Airport Watch strengthen security at smaller non-commercial airports. Local TSA partnerships with the GA community are critical given the threat terrorism poses to America's aviation system.