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Kansas City Management Analyst Honored

News & Happenings

June 1, 2007

FSD Rich Curasi shakes hands with Hal Tyson. Photo by Dan Commiato.
FSD Rich Curasi shakes hands with
Hal Tyson. Photo by Dan Commiato.

Hal Tyson, a TSA management analyst at Kansas City (Mo.) International Airport, was honored with the Distinguished Administrative/Professional Service Award at the 14th annual Public Employees Recognition Day in Kansas City in early May.

Tyson was chosen for his dedication to public service from among dozens of nominees from federal, state, county and city agencies in Kansas City.

His responsibilities include developing the daily, weekly and monthly metrics reports for airports statewide. Tyson serves as point of contact for the Performance Measurement Information System and is the driving force behind the airport's and spokes' staff allocation model efforts, which involves gathering flight schedule, passenger and baggage information to determine proper staffing levels. In addition, he volunteered to be the technical representative for the airport's Screening Partnership Program contract with TSA.

"Hal is the guy who makes the gears turn behind the scenes," said Federal Security Director Rich Curasi, who presented Tyson the award at the May 10 ceremony. "He is the absolute definition of hard work, competence and integrity, and we are proud to have him as part of our team."