Freight: STOS and RFO Library

The Freight Request for Offers (RFO) is the process by which GSA invites Transportation Service Providers (TSPs) to submit rates to provide transportation services for the shipment of freight. GSA's Standard Tender of Service (STOS) serves as the base document for the transportation of freight-all-kinds (FAK) shipments by those federal civilian agencies that participate in GSA's Freight Management Program. See the sections below for more details.

Request for Offers, 2009-2010
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2009 - 2010 General RFO Cover Letter PDF 38k 3/13/2009
  2009 - 2010 General RFO Table of Contents PDF 19k 3/13/2009
  2009 - 2010 General Freight RFO PDF 323k 3/13/2009
  Mint Codes for 2009 - 2010 General Freight RFO PDF 86k 3/13/2009
Back to top Request for Offers, 2008 - 2009 FEMA Emergency Response
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  FEMA Emergency Response RFO Cover Letter (Amended) PDF 12k 3/16/2009
  FEMA Emergency Response RFO Cover Letter (Amended) PDF 35k 9/12/2008
  2008 - 2009. FEMA Emergency Response RFO Cover Letter PDF 34k 9/10/2008
  2008 - 2009 FEMA Table of Contents PDF 17k 3/16/2009
  2008 - 2009 FEMA Request for Offers (Amended) PDF 161k 3/16/2009
  2008 2009. Amended FEMA Emergency Response Request for Offers PDF 153k 9/12/2008
  2008 - 2009, FEMA Emergency Response Request for Offers PDF 148k 9/12/2008
Back to top Request for Offers, 2008-2009, Department of State
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2008 - 2009 State RFO, Cover Letter (Amended) PDF 9k 3/13/2009
  2008 - 2009 State RFO, Cover Letter PDF 32k 9/12/2008
  2008 - 2009 State RFO, Table of Contents (Amended) PDF 17k 3/13/2009
  2008 - 2009 State RFO, Table of Contents PDF 16k 9/12/2008
  2008 - 2009 State Request for Offers (Amended) PDF 176k 3/13/2009
  2008 - 2009 State Request for Offers PDF 168k 9/12/2008
  State Quarterly Freight Weight Variations Excel 22k 9/12/2008
Back to top Request for Offers, 2008-2009, Census Bureau
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2008 - 2009, Census Bureau RFO, Cover Letter (Amended) PDF 11k 9/12/2008
  2008 - 2009, Census Bureau RFO, Cover Letter PDF 10k 9/8/2008
  2008 - 2009, Census Bureau RFO, Table of Contents (Amended) PDF 18k 9/12/2008
  2008 - 2009, Census Bureau RFO, Table of Contents PDF 15k 9/8/2008
  2008 - 2009, Census Bureau Request for Offers (Amended) PDF 107k 9/12/2008
  2008 - 2009, Census Bureau, Request for Offers PDF 103k 9/8/2008
  Optional Form 280 PDF 360k 9/8/2008
Back to top Request for Offers, 2008-2009, NIB - NISH
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2008-2009, NIB-NISH Cover Letter (Amended) PDF 13k 3/13/2009
  2008-2009, NIB-NISH Cover Letter PDF 15k 9/11/2008
  2008-2009, NIB-NISH Table of Contents (Amended) PDF 15k 3/13/2009
  2008-2009, NIB-NISH Table of Contents PDF 15k 9/11/2008
  2008-2009, NIB-NISH RFO (Amended) PDF 273k 3/13/2009
  2008-2009, NIB-NISH RFO PDF 265k 9/11/2008
Back to top Request for Offers, 2008-2009
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2008 - 2009, Amendment Notice PDF 12k 3/26/2008
  2008-2009, General RFO, Amended Cover Letter PDF 17k 9/11/2008
  2008 - 2009, RFO Cover Letter PDF 35k 3/12/2008
  2008-2009, General RFO, Amended Table of Contents PDF 19k 9/11/2008
  2008-2009 RFO, Table of Contents PDF 12k 3/12/2008
  2008-2009. General RFO, Amended PDF 321k 9/11/2008
  2008-2009 RFO PDF 220k 3/12/2008
  2008-2009, Amended MINT 11-20 Enclosure PDF 82k 9/11/2008
  Mint Codes for 2008-2009 Freight RFO PDF 52k 3/12/2008
Back to top Request for Offers, 2007-2008
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Cover Letter, Amended 2007-2008 Freight PDF 29k 10/3/2007
  2007-2008 Amended Table of Contents Amended Table of Contents PDF 20k 10/17/2007
  2007-2008 Amended Request for Offers Amended Request for Offers PDF 361k 10/3/2007
  Amended Mint Codes for 2007-2008 Freight RFO Excel 82k 10/3/2007
  Cover Letter, 2007-2008 Freight Cover Letter PDF 27k 3/2/2007
  Table of Contents PDF 10k 3/2/2007
  General 2007-2008 Request for Offers PDF 194k 3/2/2007
  Mint Codes for 2007-2008 Freight RFO PDF 53k 3/2/2007
Back to top Request for Offers, 2007-2008, Department of State
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Notice of Amendment: 2007 - 2008 Department of Statement RFO PDF 8k 11/1/2007
  2007-2008 Cover Letter, Department of State PDF 2722k 10/4/2007
  Table of Contents, State Department PDF 45k 10/4/2007
  Request for Offer, State Department PDF 10891k 10/4/2007
  Quarterly Freight Weight Variations Fillable Form Excel 15k 10/4/2007
Back to top Request for Offers, 2006-2007
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Amended Cover Letter PDF 15k 8/28/2006
  Cover Letter PDF 27k 3/8/2006
  Amended Table of Contents PDF 20k 8/28/2006
  Table of Contents PDF 18k 3/8/2006
  Amended RFO with Filing Instructions PDF 537k 8/28/2006
  Request for Offers with Filing Instructions PDF 475k 3/8/2006
  Enclosure, Amended U.S. Mint Codes PDF 53k 8/28/2006
  Enclosure, U.S. Mint Codes Excel 80k
Back to top Request for Offers, 2005-2006
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  AMENDED, Cover Letter (2) PDF 30k 9/29/2005
  AMENDED, Cover Letter (1) PDF 26k 8/31/2005
  Cover Letter PDF 34k 3/7/2005
  Table of Contents PDF 24k 3/7/2005
  AMENDED, Section 1, Filing Instructions (3) PDF 494k 9/29/2005
  AMENDED, Section 1, Filing Instructions (2) PDF 494k 8/31/2005
  AMENDED Section 1, Filing Instructions (1) PDF 491k 3/14/2005
  Section 1, Filing Instructions PDF 491k 3/7/2005
  AMENDED, U.S. Mint Codes (2) Excel 78k 9/29/2005
  AMENDED, U.S. Mint Codes (1) PDF 49k 8/31/2005
  U.S. Mint Codes PDF 47k 3/7/2005
Back to top Request for Offers, 2004-2005
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Consolidated Version PDF 1450k 8/26/2004
  AMENDED Cover Letter, Notice 2 PDF 15k
  AMENDED Cover Letter, Notice 1 PDF 14k 3/25/2004
  Cover Letter PDF 76k 3/12/2004
  AMENDED Table of Contents (8/24/2004) PDF 31k 8/24/2004
  AMENDED Table of Contents (3/25/2004) PDF 30k 3/25/2004
  Table of Contents PDF 103k 3/12/2004
  AMENDED Sections 1-17 PDF 491k 8/24/2004
  Sections 1-17, Special Filing Instructions for Supplemental Filing PDF 1003k 3/12/2004
  AMENDED Section 9, Alternating and Non-alternating Standing Route Order, USPS PDF 45k 3/25/2004
  AMENDED Section 13, Non-alternating Standing Route Order, U.S. Mint PDF 26k 3/25/2004
  U.S. Mint Codes PDF 95k 3/12/2004
Back to top Request for Offers, 2007-2008, NIB/NISH
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Cover Letter, 2007-2008 NIB/NISH PDF 41k 10/3/2007
  Table of Contents, NIB/NISH 2007-2008 PDF 12k 10/3/2007
  Request for Offers, NIB/NISH 2007-2008 PDF 501k 10/3/2007
Back to top Request for Offers, 2003-2004
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  AMENDED Notice, Request for Offers PDF 114k 7/30/2003
  Cover Letter PDF 101k 2/13/2003
  AMENDED Table of Contents PDF 102k
  Table of Contents PDF 100k
  AMENDED Sections 1-7 PDF 153k
  Sections 1-7, Special Filing Instructions and Terms and Conditions PDF 150k
  AMENDED Section 8 PDF 142k
  Section 8, General Freight Traffic, Alaska Freight Rate Offers PDF 151k
  AMENDED Section 9 PDF 1266k
  Section 9, Alternating and Non-alternating Standing Route Order, USPS PDF 1281k
  Section 10, Alternating and Non-alternating Route Order, French Camp, CA PDF 726k
  Section 11, Non-alternating Standing Route Order, Fire Suppression Support PDF 250k
  AMENDED Section 12 PDF 136k
  Section 12, Non-alternating Standing Route Order Rate Offers PDF 146k
  Section 13, Non-alternating Standing Route Offer, U.S. Mint PDF 219k
  AMENDED Section 14 PDF 65k
  Section 14, Alternating Standing Route Order, FAA, Oklahoma City, OK PDF 76k
  AMENDED Section 15 PDF 156k
  Section 15, Alternating Standing Route Order for Submission of Rate Offers PDF 169k
  AMENDED Section 16 PDF 458k
  Section 16, File Format Requirements for Electronic Rate Offers PDF 624k
  AMENDED Section 17 PDF 135k  
  Section 17, Rate Submissions and Special Instructions PDF 114k
  U.S. Mint Enclosure, Destination Codes PDF 651k
Back to top Request for Offers, 2006-2007, NIB/NISH, Western Distribution Center and Eastern Distribution Center
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Cover Letter, 2006 - 2007 Freight RFO , NIB/NISH WDC & EDC PDF 12k 3/19/2009
  Amended Table of Contents, NIB NISH WDC and EDC PDF 13k 3/19/2009
  Amended Table of Contents PDF 13k 9/14/2006
  Amendment Notice PDF 10k 9/14/2006
  Amended Enclosure 2 PDF 13k 9/14/2006
  Amended Enclosure 3 PDF 14k 9/14/2006
  Table of Contents PDF 17k 8/28/2006
  Amended Special Instructions and RFO, NIB NISH WDC and EDC PDF 141k 3/19/2009
  Amended Filing Instructions PDF 221k 9/14/2006
  Special Filing Instructions PDF 1045k 8/28/2006
  Enclosure 2 PDF 61k 8/28/2006
  Enclosure 3 PDF 81k 8/28/2006
Back to top Request for Offers, 2005-2006 NIB/NISH and Eastern Distribution Center
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  AMENDED, Cover Letter Word 50k 9/29/2005
  Cover Letter PDF 35k 9/1/2005
  Table of Contents PDF 16k 9/1/2005
  AMENDED, Special Filing Insructions PDF 1029k 9/29/2005
  Special Filing Instructions PDF 1000k 9/1/2005
  Zip Code Exclusions Excel 19k 9/29/2005
Back to top Request for Offers, 2004-2005 NIB/NISH and Western Distribution Center
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  AMENDED Cover Letter Revised 9/10/04 PDF 31k 9/8/2004
  Cover Letter PDF 31k 9/8/2004
  Table of Contents PDF 14k 9/8/2004
  Special Filing Instructions PDF 795k 9/8/2004
Back to top Request for Offers, 2003-2004 NIB/NISH
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Consolidated Version PDF 6463k 7/22/2003
  Cover Letter PDF 15k 7/22/2003
  Table of Contents PDF 71k
  Section 1-10, Filing Instructions PDF 2156k
Back to top No. 1-F, STOS, General Freight Tender of Service
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Overall: STOS No. 1-F, No. 100-D, and No. 1000-D (Consolidated Version) PDF 1642k 12/4/2001
  1-F Table of Contents PDF 92k
  1-F Section 1, General PDF 36k 8/31/2004
  1-F Section 2, Participation PDF 25k 8/2/2004
  1-F Section 3, Offers of Service PDF 63k
  1-F Section 4, Statement of Work PDF 21k 8/18/2005
  1-F Section 5, Performance Requirements PDF 120k
  1-F Section 6, Service Performance Standards PDF 67k
  1-F Section 7, Inspection PDF 40k
  1-F Section 8, Temporary Nonuse, Debarment, and Suspension PDF 46k
  1-F Section 9, Report Requirements PDF 67k
  1-F Section 10, Payment of Charges PDF 118k
  1-F Section 11, Metric Conversion Table PDF 89k
  1-F Sections 12 through 14, Reserved PDF 28k
  1-F Section 15, Carrier Certification Statement PDF 12k
  1-F Section 15, Basic Transportation Trading Partner Agreement PDF 50k
  1-F Section 15, Letter of Intent PDF 11k
Back to top No. 100-D, STOS, National Rules Tender
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  100-D Table of Contents PDF 102k 12/4/2001
  100-D Section 1, General Tender Application PDF 37k 8/18/2005
  100-D Section 2, General Rules and Specific Pickup/Delivery Charges PDF 579k 12/4/2001
  100-D Section 3, Fuel Related General Rate Adjustment Revised PDF 24k 11/27/2007
Back to top No. 1000-D, STOS, Baseline Rate Publication
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  1000-D Table of Contents PDF 67k 12/4/2001
  1000-D Section A, General Application and Filing Instructions PDF 16k 8/18/2005
  1000-D Section B, Table of Baseline Rates and Minimum Charges PDF 51k
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Last Reviewed 4/2/2009