BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Egypt Local time: 04:06 AM

International Company Profile (ICP)

International Company Profile

Need Faster background checks on Egyptian Partners? The International Company Profile (ICP) helps U.S. companies evaluate potential business partners. The report includes factual data as well as the post's evaluation to help U.S. firms assess risk, reliability, and capability. The ICP analyzes the overall strength of an Egyptian company and provides useful information collected from our industry contacts, local publications/press, and other sources. An ICP provides:

  • A detailed background report on a prospective sales representative or partner
  • A listing of the company's senior management
  • Main business activities and product/service lines
  • Banking and financial information (An ICP is not a credit report and, therefore may not contain the detailed financial information that is obtainable from mercantile credit agencies. However, reliable basic financial information is included in the report)
  • Insight on whether the prospective partner can meet your needs - trading experience, market coverage, stature, business connections in the country
  • Opinion as to the strength of the company versus its competitors

Price and Turnaround Time

$520 - for ICP checks conducted within the city and adjoining areas that can be covered within office hours. Completed ICP reports are sent to the client via email within fifteen working days. If faster turnaround is required, a surcharge will be added.


If collected by post, our preferred method is credit card. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discovery. Checks should be sent directly to post, made payable to: "U.S. Embassy", and mailed to: The American Embassy Cairo, U.S. Commercial Service, 5 Latin America Street, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt. If payment is made through the USEAC, clients will be contacted directly by the Trade Specialist.

Ordering an ICP

U.S. firms can request an ICP through their local U.S. Export Assistance Center or by contacting our Commercial Specialists.