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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Office of the CEO


CEO Message on House Subcommittee Recommendation for National Service Budget for FY 2006


Message from David Eisner, CEO
Corporation for National and Community Service
June 9, 2005

Dear National Service Colleagues:

As I noted earlier, this morning the House Labor-HHS Appropriations subcommittee recommended $914 million for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs for fiscal year 2006. We now have more details about how the numbers break down:

Domestic Volunteer Service Act

VISTA: $96.4 million
RSVP: $60.2 million
Foster Grandparent Program: $112 million
Senior Companion Program: $47.4 million
Special Volunteer Program (Teach for America): $2 million
Program Administration: $39.7 million

Total for DVSA: $357.9 million

National and Community Service Act

AmeriCorps Grants: $270 million
NCCC: $25.5 million
National Service Trust: $146 million
Learn and Serve America: $40 million
Innovation and Demonstration: $9.9 million
Evaluation: $4 million
Partnership Grants: $15 million
State Commission Administrative Grants: $12.6 million

Total for NCSA: $523 million


Salaries and Expenses: $27 million
Office of Inspector General: $6 million

Total for CNCS: $914 million

The subcommittee bill funds the President’s request except for a $5 million reduction in recommended funded for AmeriCorps Grants and a $2 million reduction in the Special Volunteer Program for Teach for America. In a very tight budget year, this is a testament to the bipartisan support for our programs by both the President and Congress.

Today’s markup is one step in a long process. The bill now goes to the full Appropriations Committee next week for consideration, and then on to the House floor. The Senate must also move a bill through its process, and the two bills must be reconciled by a conference committee before they are sent to the President for signature sometime in the fall. As each step in the process continues, we will share information with you as it becomes available.


David Eisner
Chief Executive Officer
Corporation for National and Community Service


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