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Intern with Disabilities Takes on Challenges at TSA

News & Happenings

July 5, 2007

Photo of Jason Corning with his guide dog Spencer

Jason Corning is deafblind. He is also an accomplished wrestler, runner and swimmer from Beloit, Wis., a nationally recognized presenter and advocate, an active member of the Residence Hall Association at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and, most recently, a valuable new intern at TSA.

Corning, a junior, applied for the internship provided to information technology (IT) majors by the American Association of People with Disabilities and Microsoft. He will spend his summer as the Section 508 compliance officer and disability program specialist in TSA's Office of Civil Rights and Liberties Disability Programs Division.

Corning was born legally deaf and blind. He has minimal hearing with the assistance of a hearing aid and can see and read objects up close. His unique perspective will be helpful as he tackles projects such as ensuring that all IT is accessible to individuals with disabilities, reviewing transportation security officer training materials on screening individuals with disabilities, and sharing his award-winning presentation, "Look, Listen and Learn About Deafblindness with other TSA employees."

He hopes to demonstrate through his work the abilities of employees with disabilities, drawing awareness to the benefits of working with and employing individuals with disabilities.

"I want to show other people what I can do and how I do it, said Corning."

Corning and his dog guide Spencer will spend their summer in Washington, D.C., continuing to demonstrate to TSA employees the value of diversity of employment.

"I hope to go home knowing that I made a difference in TSA," he said. "And maybe even come back again later to continue my work."