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Previous Items of Interest

On November 3, 2008, the Board announced the release of Christensen Associates' A Study of Competition in the U.S. Freight Railroad Industry and Analysis of Proposals that Might Enhance Competition. The study is available here.

Chairman Charles D. Nottingham wrote a letter to railroads on July 25, 2008 requesting their plans for managing service demands through the end of 2008. To see the Chairman's letters and the railroads’ responses, click here.

On March 17, 2008 the U.S. Department of Energy filed an application for authority to build and operate an approximately 300-mile railroad line in Nevada. In connection with this proposed transaction, the STB has developed a fact sheet explaining the STB’s procedures for evaluating the proposal, and providing jurisdictional and other background information. To see the STB’s fact sheet, click here.

On June 16, 2008, the Surface Transportation Board instituted an expedited rulemaking, in the proceeding Waybill Sample, STB Ex Parte No. 385 (Sub-No. 6), concerning railroad reporting of carload waybill-sample information. The Board's proposal would require all reporting railroads to submit fuel-surcharge revenue information in a separate waybill field newly created for that purpose. Separate reporting of fuel-surcharge revenue information would begin with the Waybill Sample to be filed for January 2009.

2007 Uniform Rail Costing System (URCS) information is now available on the home page, under Industry Data/Economic Data/URCS. The URCS information applies the Board's 2007 cost-of-capital finding for the rail industry. The 2007 Public Use Waybill is also available on the home page, under Industry Data/Economic Data/Waybill (see "2007 Public Use Waybill"). Additionally, the 2007 Carload Waybill Sample has been re-costed. The rules for release of the Carload Waybill Sample are codified at 49 CFR 1244.9.

The Surface Transportation Board has posted reports filed by Class I railroads (the Nation’s largest) on their fuel costs and consumption, and on fuel-surcharge revenues, beginning with the quarter ending December 31, 2007. To see reports received, click here.

The next meeting of the Board's Rail Energy Transportation Advisory Committee will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Board's headquarters in Washington, D.C. For more information, click here.

The Rail Energy Transportation Advisory Committee will hold its next meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at the Board's headquarters in Washington, D.C. The meeting will be open to the public. For more information, click here.

The Rail Energy Transportation Advisory Committee will hold its next meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at the Board's headquarters in Washington, D.C. The meeting will be open to the public. For more information, click here.

The next meeting of the National Grain Car Council will be held Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. at the STB’s headquarters at 395 E Street, SW, Washington, DC. The meeting is open to the public. For more information, click here.

On January 25, 2008, the Surface Transportation Board advised the public that, as required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, the Board's filing fees for certain types of rate complaints have been reduced. To view the Board’s notice, click here.

On January 16, 2008, the Surface Transportation Board advised the public of the enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, which affects the Board’s ability to allow certain activities at solid waste rail transfer facilities. To view the Board’s notice, click here.

Christensen Associates is conducting for the STB an independent study of competition in the freight railroad industry. As part of its research effort, Christensen has created an electronic forum for anyone interested in the state of competition in the U.S. freight railroad industry to visit and participate. The website can be accessed by clicking here.

Throughout the month of January 2008, the Surface Transportation Board will hold a series of “scoping” meetings, in Illinois and Indiana, concerning the “Canadian National-Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway” proceeding in STB Finance Docket No. 35087. To learn more about the scoping meetings, click here.

Chairman Charles D. Nottingham wrote a letter to railroads requesting their plans for managing service demands through the end of 2007. To see the letter and the railroads’ responses to it, click here.

Chairman Charles D. Nottingham wrote a letter to railroads on August 15, 2007 requesting their plans for managing service demands through the end of 2007. To see the Chairman’s letter, click here.

Click here to view proposal by the U.S. Surface Transporation Board for an independant study on Competition and Related Issues in the U.S. Railroad Industry.

The STB's Office of Compliance and Enforcement has been renamed the "Office of Compliance and Consumer Assistance" (OCCA) to better reflect its mission and purpose. The Rail Consumer Assistance Program is housed within OCCA and may be accessed using a nationwide toll-free telephone number, (866) 254-1792; by fax, at phone number (202) 245-0462; and via an e-mail address, at Click here to learn more about the OCCA and its Rail Consumer Assistance program.

STB’s move to new headquarters located at 395 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20423 has been completed. Our new information number is 202-245-0245.

The July 18, 2007 public hearing in Kansas City, Missouri will begin at 9:00 a.m. CDT. There will not be a live Webcast; however, a video recording of the proceeding will be posted on the STB Web site as soon as possible. A notice will be posted under “Items of Interest” when the recording is available.

On July 18, 2007, the Board will hold a public hearing in Kansas City, Missouri. The topic will be issues related to rail transportation of resources critical to the nation's energy supply, including coal, ethanol, and biofuels.

The STB has announced plans to relocate near the end of February 2007, and has provided details about the temporary suspension of business operations during the agency's move. Click here to learn more.

The STB held a fall 2006 public hearing concerning certain issues related to the railroad transportation of grain. For more details,

click here for initial announcement
click here for announcement of date
click here for list of speakers

The STB’s Chairman wrote a letter to railroads requesting their fall 2006 “peak-season” service plans. To see the letter, the railroads’ responses to the letter, and prior years’ peak-season letters and the railroads’ responses to them, click here.

Volume 6, the latest of the STB Reports series of significant STB decisions, has been placed in the agency’s electronic library. To see Volume 6, as well as preceding volumes, click here.

On January 3, 2006, the STB announced appointments to the Railroad-Shipper Transportation Advisory Council. To see the news release, click here.

On December 30, 2005, the STB issued its Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad’s Powder River Basin Expansion Project. To see the news release, click here.

On December 22, 2005, the STB issued an activity report covering the past several years. To see the news release, click here.

On December 20, 2005, the STB Members voted to name Vice Chairman W. Douglas Buttrey as Chairman upon the departure of Chairman Roger Nober. To see the news release, click here.

On December 15, 2005 STB Chairman Roger Nober announced his intention to resign. To see the news release, click here.

On July 18, 2005 the STB posted to this site the largest railroads' responses to Chairman Nober's June 16, 2005 letter asking each railroad to report its plans for the Fall 2005 "peak" shipping season. To see the news release containing the railroads' responses, click here.

On June 16 2005, Chairman Nober asked, by letter, each of the seven largest railroads to report in 30 days its plans for the Fall 2005 "peak" shipping season. To see the release, click here.

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