Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Transportation Vision for 2030

The transportation system in 2030 will be:

"Our current transportation model is broken. We need fresh approaches like new technology, congestion pricing, and greater private-sector investment to get America moving again."

Mary E. Peters
U.S. Secretary of Transportation

Safe, Less Congested
Free all of us to make daily decisions, confident that people and goods will reach their destinations safely and on time.

Economically Competitive
Strengthen America’s leadership role in the global economy and spur economic growth and job creation.

Energy Independent
Guarantee our energy independence by reducing our Nation’s dependence on foreign oil.

Environmentally Sustainable
Ensure environmentally sustainable communities and curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Provide security for national and international passenger, freight, and hazardous materials movement.

Prepare for, and respond and be resilient to, manmade and natural disruptions.

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