Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Message from the Administrator, Research and Innovative Technology Administration

Paul R. Brubaker - Administrator, Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
Paul R. Brubaker
Administrator, Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)

The constant and efficient movement of people and goods across the U.S., and  around the globe, is crucial to sustaining our global economic leadership and ensuring the quality of life for all Americans.

Our Nation’s growing population and changing demographics coupled with the demands of a growing global economy are placing unprecedented stress on our transportation system. Overcoming these challenges will increasingly rely on the development and deployment of new technologies and cutting-edge solutions.

U.S. DOT is committed to achieving America’s vision of a world-class national transportation system. But to do so, we must innovate. An innovative transportation system will apply effective, integrated, sustainable, intermodal, and cost-effective transportation solutions to our Nation’s most complex challenges. Only through the introduction of new concepts and new technologies will we see dramatic improvements in the safety, security, resilience, independence, sustainability, and reliability of our transportation system.

Transportation Vision for 2030 will help guide investment decisions and research. These investments will stimulate innovation and enhance U.S. competitiveness. By maximizing the investment of our transportation research, development, and technology dollars, we can vastly accelerate America’s ability to realize its vision of the future transportation system.

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