Title 45--Public Welfare



TEXT PDF2508.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2508.2 What is the purpose of this part?
TEXT PDF2508.3 What is the Corporation's Privacy Act policy?
TEXT PDF2508.4 When can Corporation records be disclosed?
TEXT PDF2508.5 When does the Corporation publish its notice of its system of records?
TEXT PDF2508.6 When will the Corporation publish a notice for new routine uses of information in its system of records?
TEXT PDF2508.7 To whom does the Corporation provide reports regarding changes in its system of records?
TEXT PDF2508.8 Who is responsible for establishing the Corporation's rules of conduct for Privacy Act compliance?
TEXT PDF2508.9 What officials are responsible for the security, management and control of Corporation record keeping systems?
TEXT PDF2508.10 Who has the responsibility for maintaining adequate technical, physical, and security safeguards to prevent unauthorized disclosure or destruction of manual and automatic record systems?
TEXT PDF2508.11 How shall offices maintaining a system of records be accountable for those records to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information?
TEXT PDF2508.12 What are the contents of the systems of record that are to be maintained by the Corporation?
TEXT PDF2508.13 What are the procedures for acquiring access to Corporation records by an individual about whom a record is maintained?
TEXT PDF2508.14 What are the identification requirements for individuals who request access to records?
TEXT PDF2508.15 What are the procedures for requesting inspection of, amendment or correction to, or appeal of an individual's records maintained by the Corporation other than that individual's official personnel file?
TEXT PDF2508.16 What are the procedures for filing an appeal for refusal to amend or correct records?
TEXT PDF2508.17 When shall fees be charged and at what rate?
TEXT PDF2508.18 What are the penalties for obtaining a record under false pretenses?
TEXT PDF2508.19 What Privacy Act exemptions or control of systems of records are exempt from disclosure?
TEXT PDF2508.20 What are the restrictions regarding the release of mailing lists?

