GSA Events


Sponsored by GSA Office of Small Business Utilization NCR

This hands on workshop assists small businesses in understanding the MOBIS solicitation and proposal process.

This free workshop is designed to support small businesses interested in obtaining a GSA Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) Schedule 874: includes consulting, facilitation, survey, training, privatization support, and program management services to support business management functions.

During this workshop participants will learn about the MOBIS solicitation requirements and review the MOBIS solicitation online. The major elements of MOBIS are to provide professional services to support agencies in the development, improvement or implementation of mission-oriented business services. The Special Item Numbers (SINs) for the services covered by the MOBIS solicitation are: SIN 874-1 Consulting Services, SIN 874-2 Facilitation Services, SIN 874-3 Survey Services, SIN 874-4 Training Services, SIN 874-5 Support Products, SIN 874-6 Acquisition Management Support and SIN 874-99 Introduction of New Services.

Prerequisite to attend this MOBIS e-Lab :

  • You must be a small business located in the Washington DC or within the surrounding area served by GSA's NCR.
  • Your business must have performed one or more of the services covered in the solicitation (see SIN Definitions above) for a minimum of two (2) years.
  • You must download MOBIS Solicitation Number TFTP-MC-000874-B, review the requirements and bring the complete document to the workshop.
  • Online registration is required prior to the day of the event is required.  Seating is very limited and pre-registered attendees will be given first preference to computer workstations. 
Date: Thursday, May 19, 2009; 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library
901 G Street, NW - Room 311
Washington, DC  20001

Metro Stations: Gallery Place Metro/Metro Center - Stations at Gallery Place-Chinatown (Red/ Green/Yellow) and Metro Center (Red/Blue/Orange) are each a block away from the Library. Leave Gallery Place by the 9th Street/Galleries exit or Metro Center by the 11th Street exit for the shortest walk.
Parking: No parking is available for the participants.

To Register: Please select "Register Online Now", on the upper right hand side of this page. For information contact NCR's Small Business Utilization Center at or (202) 708-5804


Last Reviewed 04/24/09

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library
Room 311
901 G Street, NW
Room 311
Washington, DC 20001

Event Registration

Register Online Now

NCR Small Business Utilization Center
(202) 708-5804
View Contact Details