Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF614.4000 Farm Credit Banks.
TEXT PDF614.4010 Agricultural credit banks.
TEXT PDF614.4020 Banks for cooperatives.
TEXT PDF614.4030 Federal land credit associations.
TEXT PDF614.4040 Production credit associations.
TEXT PDF614.4050 Agricultural credit associations.
TEXT PDF614.4055 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation loan participations.
TEXT PDF614.4060 Affiliates established pursuant to section 8.5(e)(1) of the Farm Credit Act of 1971.
TEXT PDF614.4070 Loans and chartered territory--Farm Credit Banks, agricultural credit banks, Federal land bank associations, Federal land credit associations, production credit associations, and agricultural credit associations.
TEXT PDF614.4080 Loans and chartered territory--banks for cooperatives.
TEXT PDF614.4100 Policies governing lending through Federal land bank associations.
TEXT PDF614.4110 Transfer of direct lending authority to Federal land bank associations and agricultural credit associations.
TEXT PDF614.4120 Policies governing extensions of credit to direct lender associations and OFIs.
TEXT PDF614.4125 Funding and discount relationships between Farm Credit Banks or agricultural credit banks and direct lender associations.
TEXT PDF614.4130 Funding and discount relationships between Farm Credit Banks or agricultural credit banks and OFIs.
TEXT PDF614.4150 Lending policies and loan underwriting standards.
TEXT PDF614.4155 Interest rates.
TEXT PDF614.4160 Differential interest rate programs.
TEXT PDF614.4165 Special credit needs.
TEXT PDF614.4200 General requirements.
TEXT PDF614.4231 Certain seasonal commodity loans to cooperatives.
TEXT PDF614.4232 Loans to domestic lessors.
TEXT PDF614.4233 International loans.
TEXT PDF614.4240 Collateral definitions.
TEXT PDF614.4245 Collateral evaluation policies.
TEXT PDF614.4250 Collateral evaluation standards.
TEXT PDF614.4255 Independence requirements.
TEXT PDF614.4260 Evaluation requirements.
TEXT PDF614.4265 Real property evaluations.
TEXT PDF614.4266 Personal and intangible property evaluations.
TEXT PDF614.4267 Professional association membership; competency.
TEXT PDF614.4325 Purchase and sale of interests in loans.
TEXT PDF614.4330 Loan participations.
TEXT PDF614.4335 Borrower stock requirements.
TEXT PDF614.4336 Borrower rights in connection with loan sales.
TEXT PDF614.4337 Disclosure to borrowers.
TEXT PDF614.4340 General.
TEXT PDF614.4341 Financial assistance.
TEXT PDF614.4345 Guaranty agreements.
TEXT PDF614.4350 Definitions.
TEXT PDF614.4351 Computation of lending and leasing limit base.
TEXT PDF614.4352 Farm Credit Banks and agricultural credit banks.
TEXT PDF614.4353 Direct lender associations.
TEXT PDF614.4354 Federal land bank associations.
TEXT PDF614.4355 Banks for cooperatives.
TEXT PDF614.4356 Farm Credit Leasing Services Corporation.
TEXT PDF614.4357 Banks for cooperatives look-through notes.
TEXT PDF614.4358 Computation of obligations.
TEXT PDF614.4359 Attribution rules.
TEXT PDF614.4360 Lending and leasing limit violations.
TEXT PDF614.4361 Transition.
TEXT PDF614.4365 Applicability.
TEXT PDF614.4366 Definitions.
TEXT PDF614.4367 Required disclosures--in general.
TEXT PDF614.4368 Disclosure of differential interest rates.
TEXT PDF614.4440 Definitions.
TEXT PDF614.4441 Notice of action on loan application.
TEXT PDF614.4442 Credit Review Committee.
TEXT PDF614.4443 Review process.
TEXT PDF614.4444 Records.
TEXT PDF614.4450 General requirements.
TEXT PDF614.4460 Loan approval responsibility.
TEXT PDF614.4470 Loans subject to bank approval.
TEXT PDF614.4510 General.
TEXT PDF614.4511 Federal land bank association compensation.
TEXT PDF614.4512 Definitions.
TEXT PDF614.4513 Uninsured voluntary and involuntary accounts.
TEXT PDF614.4514 Protection of borrowers who meet all loan obligations.
TEXT PDF614.4516 Restructuring policy and procedures.
TEXT PDF614.4517 Restructuring decision.
TEXT PDF614.4518 Notice of denial of restructuring and right to review.
TEXT PDF614.4519 Notice before foreclosure; limitation on foreclosure.
TEXT PDF614.4521 Participation in State agricultural loan mediation programs.
TEXT PDF614.4522 Right of first refusal.
TEXT PDF614.4525 General.
TEXT PDF614.4530 Special loans, production credit associations and agricultural credit associations.
TEXT PDF614.4540 Other financing institution access to Farm Credit Banks and agricultural credit banks for funding, discount, and other similar financial assistance.
TEXT PDF614.4550 Place of discount.
TEXT PDF614.4560 Requirements for OFI funding relationships.
TEXT PDF614.4570 Recourse and security.
TEXT PDF614.4580 Limitation on the extension of funding, discount and other similar financial assistance to an OFI.
TEXT PDF614.4590 Equitable treatment of OFIs and Farm Credit System associations.
TEXT PDF614.4600 Insolvency of an OFI.
TEXT PDF614.4700 Financing foreign trade receivables.
TEXT PDF614.4710 Bankers acceptance financing.
TEXT PDF614.4720 Letters of credit.
TEXT PDF614.4800 Guarantees and contracts of suretyship.
TEXT PDF614.4810 Standby letters of credit.
TEXT PDF614.4900 Foreign exchange.
TEXT PDF614.4910 Basic authorities.
TEXT PDF614.4920 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF614.4925 Definitions.
TEXT PDF614.4930 Requirement to purchase flood insurance where available.
TEXT PDF614.4935 Escrow requirement.
TEXT PDF614.4940 Required use of standard flood hazard determination form.
TEXT PDF614.4945 Forced placement of flood insurance.
TEXT PDF614.4950 Determination fees.
TEXT PDF614.4955 Notice of special flood hazards and availability of Federal disaster relief assistance.
TEXT PDF614.4960 Notice of servicer's identity.

