Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF263.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF263.2 Rules of construction.
TEXT PDF263.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF263.4 Authority of the Board.
TEXT PDF263.5 Authority of the administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF263.6 Appearance and practice in adjudicatory proceedings.
TEXT PDF263.7 Good faith certification.
TEXT PDF263.8 Conflicts of interest.
TEXT PDF263.9 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF263.10 Filing of papers.
TEXT PDF263.11 Service of papers.
TEXT PDF263.12 Construction of time limits.
TEXT PDF263.13 Change of time limits.
TEXT PDF263.14 Witness fees and expenses.
TEXT PDF263.15 Opportunity for informal settlement.
TEXT PDF263.16 The Board's right to conduct examination.
TEXT PDF263.17 Collateral attacks on adjudicatory proceeding.
TEXT PDF263.18 Commencement of proceeding and contents of notice.
TEXT PDF263.19 Answer.
TEXT PDF263.20 Amended pleadings.
TEXT PDF263.21 Failure to appear.
TEXT PDF263.22 Consolidation and severance of actions.
TEXT PDF263.23 Motions.
TEXT PDF263.24 Scope of document discovery.
TEXT PDF263.25 Request for document discovery from parties.
TEXT PDF263.26 Document subpoenas to nonparties.
TEXT PDF263.27 Deposition of witness unavailable for hearing.
TEXT PDF263.28 Interlocutory review.
TEXT PDF263.29 Summary disposition.
TEXT PDF263.30 Partial summary disposition.
TEXT PDF263.31 Scheduling and prehearing conferences.
TEXT PDF263.32 Prehearing submissions.
TEXT PDF263.33 Public hearings.
TEXT PDF263.34 Hearing subpoenas.
TEXT PDF263.35 Conduct of hearings.
TEXT PDF263.36 Evidence.
TEXT PDF263.37 Post-hearing filings.
TEXT PDF263.38 Recommended decision and filing of record.
TEXT PDF263.39 Exceptions to recommended decision.
TEXT PDF263.40 Review by the Board.
TEXT PDF263.41 Stays pending judicial review.
TEXT PDF263.50 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF263.51 Definitions.
TEXT PDF263.52 Address for filing.
TEXT PDF263.53 Discovery depositions.
TEXT PDF263.54 Delegation to the Office of Financial Institution Adjudication.
TEXT PDF263.55 Board as Presiding Officer.
TEXT PDF263.56 Initial Licensing Proceedings.
TEXT PDF263.60 Scope.
TEXT PDF263.61 Opportunity for informal proceeding.
TEXT PDF263.62 Relevant considerations for assessment of civil penalty.
TEXT PDF263.63 Assessment order.
TEXT PDF263.64 Payment of civil penalty.
TEXT PDF263.65 Civil penalty inflation adjustments
TEXT PDF263.70 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF263.71 Notice or order of suspension, removal, or prohibition.
TEXT PDF263.72 Request for informal hearing.
TEXT PDF263.73 Order for informal hearing.
TEXT PDF263.74 Decision of the Board.
TEXT PDF263.80 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF263.81 Definitions.
TEXT PDF263.82 Establishment of minimum capital levels.
TEXT PDF263.83 Issuance of capital directives.
TEXT PDF263.84 Enforcement of directive.
TEXT PDF263.85 Establishment of increased capital level for specific institutions.
TEXT PDF263.90 Scope.
TEXT PDF263.91 Censure, suspension or debarment.
TEXT PDF263.92 Definitions.
TEXT PDF263.93 Eligibility to practice.
TEXT PDF263.94 Conduct warranting sanctions.
TEXT PDF263.95 Initiation of disciplinary proceeding.
TEXT PDF263.96 Conferences.
TEXT PDF263.97 Proceedings under this subpart.
TEXT PDF263.98 Effect of suspension, debarment or censure.
TEXT PDF263.99 Petition for reinstatement.
TEXT PDF263.100 Authority and scope.
TEXT PDF263.101 Standards for awards.
TEXT PDF263.102 Prevailing party.
TEXT PDF263.103 Eligibility of applicants.
TEXT PDF263.104 Application for awards.
TEXT PDF263.105 Statement of net worth.
TEXT PDF263.106 Measure of awards.
TEXT PDF263.107 Statement of fees and expenses.
TEXT PDF263.108 Responses to application.
TEXT PDF263.109 Further proceedings.
TEXT PDF263.110 Recommended decision.
TEXT PDF263.111 Action by the Board.
TEXT PDF263.201 Scope.
TEXT PDF263.202 Directives to take prompt regulatory action.
TEXT PDF263.203 Procedures for reclassifying a state member bank based on criteria other than capital.
TEXT PDF263.204 Order to dismiss a director or senior executive officer.
TEXT PDF263.205 Enforcement of directives.
TEXT PDF263.300 Scope.
TEXT PDF263.301 Purpose.
TEXT PDF263.302 Determination and notification of failure to meet safety and soundness standard and request for compliance plan.
TEXT PDF263.303 Filing of safety and soundness compliance plan.
TEXT PDF263.304 Issuance of orders to correct deficiencies and to take or refrain from taking other actions.
TEXT PDF263.305 Enforcement of orders.

