Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF1102.1 Authority, purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF1102.2 Requirements for requests.
TEXT PDF1102.3 Other requests and information submissions.
TEXT PDF1102.4 Notice and comment.
TEXT PDF1102.5 Subcommittee determination.
TEXT PDF1102.6 Waiver extension.
TEXT PDF1102.7 Waiver termination.
TEXT PDF1102.20 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF1102.21 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1102.22 Appearance and practice before the Subcommittee.
TEXT PDF1102.23 Formal requirements as to papers filed.
TEXT PDF1102.24 Filing requirements.
TEXT PDF1102.25 Service.
TEXT PDF1102.26 When papers are deemed filed or served.
TEXT PDF1102.27 Computing time.
TEXT PDF1102.28 Documents and exhibits in proceedings public.
TEXT PDF1102.29 Conduct of proceedings.
TEXT PDF1102.30 Rules of evidence.
TEXT PDF1102.31 Burden of proof.
TEXT PDF1102.32 Notice of Intention to Commence a Proceeding.
TEXT PDF1102.33 Rebuttal or Notice Not To Contest.
TEXT PDF1102.34 Briefs, memoranda and statements.
TEXT PDF1102.35 Opportunity for informal settlement.
TEXT PDF1102.36 Oral presentations.
TEXT PDF1102.37 Decision of the Subcommittee and judicial review.
TEXT PDF1102.38 Compliance activities.
TEXT PDF1102.39 Duty to cooperate.
TEXT PDF1102.100 Authority, purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF1102.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1102.102 Times, places and requirements for requests pertaining to individual records in a record system and for the identification of individuals making requests for access to records pertaining to them.
TEXT PDF1102.103 Disclosure of requested records.
TEXT PDF1102.104 Special procedure: Medical records.
TEXT PDF1102.105 Requests for amendment of records.
TEXT PDF1102.106 Review of requests for amendment.
TEXT PDF1102.107 Appeal of initial adverse agency determination regarding access or amendment.
TEXT PDF1102.108 General provisions.
TEXT PDF1102.109 Fees.
TEXT PDF1102.110 Penalties.
TEXT PDF1102.300 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF1102.301 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1102.302 ASC authority and functions.
TEXT PDF1102.303 Organization and methods of operation.
TEXT PDF1102.304 Federal Register publication.
TEXT PDF1102.305 Publicly available records.
TEXT PDF1102.306 Procedures for requesting records.
TEXT PDF1102.307 Disclosure of exempt records.
TEXT PDF1102.308 Right to petition for issuance, amendment and repeal of rules of general application.
TEXT PDF1102.309 Confidential treatment procedures.
TEXT PDF1102.310 Service of process.

