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Model Underground Storage Tank Environmental Results Program Workbook

Model Underground Storage Tank Environmental Results Program Workbook (EPA 510-R-04-003) June 2004.

This model workbook is a tool to help state underground storage tank (UST) programs and state funds improve owner and operator compliance with UST regulations. States may need to modify the model workbook to reflect their own state laws. States may then request or require tank owners and operators follow the final, state-specific environmental results program workbook, which can help owners remain in or achieve compliance with UST requirements. The primary audience for the workbook is UST owners and operators who either volunteer or are required to use the workbook to determine whether or not their facilities comply with UST requirements. The 164-page workbook contains general information about ERP; instructions on how to use the workbook; regulatory requirements, best management practices, and compliance checklists for USTs; and draft forms and worksheets in the appendices.

ERP is an innovative program that can improve the environmental performance of a large number of small sources within a state's regulatory system. Some states have successfully used ERP to improve environmental performance in other small business sectors, such as auto repair, dry cleaning, printing, and photo processing. ERP consists of three related components - inspection and performance measurements, self-certification, and compliance assistance - which work together to produce an integrated system that holds facility owners accountable for their environmental UST regulations.

For more information about ERP:

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