Cultural Program

The cultural program is divided into two sub-programs: archaeology (often refered to as "cultural") and paleontology.

Archaeology Program

America's Heritage Resources

Cliff Dwelling, Cedar MesaBLM identifies and manages a wide variety of cultural resources on Utah’s public lands. The BLM conserves and protects scientific archaeological sites that chronicle the thousands of years of human-initiated land use in Utah.

Inside the Store, John Jarvie RanchMany historic and prehistoric interpretative sites are open to visitors. BLM strives to protect and preserve representative samples of the array of cultural resources on public lands for the benefit of present and future generations.


BLM Utah Archaeology Page

National Cultural Heritage Page 

Paleontology Program

America's Fossil Resources

Metoicoceras geslinianum from Muddy CreekAllosaurus is the state fossil of Utah and exceptionally preserved in BLMs Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur QuarryMore kinds of fossils can be found on the BLM-managed public lands than under any other Federal or State agency's control, and all Americans share in this unique natural legacy. Fossils are the remains and traces of once-living organisms, preserved in rocks of the Earth's crust. They convey the story of origins and endings of extraordinary varieties of ocean-dwelling, fresh-water, and terrestrial creatures, played out over nearly 4 billion years of the Earth's 4.6 billion-year history.

BLM Utah Paleontology Page

National Paleontology Page