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Archived Events

  • Earth Day – April, 22, 2009
    April 22, is the annual U.S. celebration of the environment and a time for Americans to assess the work still needed to be done to protect the natural gifts of our planet. Learn more about the history of Earth Day and additional resources.

  • World TB Day 2009 – March 24, 2009
    This year's World TB Day celebrates the lives of TB patients and the accomplishments of health care workers and people everywhere who are doing their part to stop TB.

  • World Water Day – March 22, 2009
    March 22 was World Water Day, which aimed to raise awareness around the world about the importance of access to clean, safe water.

  • International Women's Day – March 8, 2009
    International Women's Day celebrated the many achievements and contributions of women around the world and brought attention to the many issues and challenges that remain in the effort to achieve gender equity.

View Conferences and Events Archive from 2002-2008

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