Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Freight Logistics and Transportation Systems
Center of Innovation

Michael G. Dinning, Director

Freight Logistics and Transportation Systems Center of Innovation (RTV-50)
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, RITA/USDOT
617/494-2422 | michael.dinning@dot.gov

picture of Michael G. Dinning

Michael Dinning is Director of the Freight Logistics and Transportation Systems Center of Innovation at the Volpe Center. The Center is the national research center of the U.S. Department of Transportation, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Dinning has extensive experience managing programs to evaluate, demonstrate, and deploy innovations in transportation, security, and logistics management systems.

Mr. Dinning has worked at the Volpe Center for over 32 years, including three years as an in-house consultant. Recently, he served as Executive Director of Business Development and facilitated new business development across the organization. Mr. Dinning has held several other positions at the Volpe Center, including: Acting Deputy Director, Office of Logistics and Information Management; Acting Deputy Director, Office of Environmental Preservations and Systems Modernization; Chief, Infrastructure Protection and Operation Division; and Chief, Systems Planning and Integration Division.

Mr. Dinning directs a wide variety of programs involving transportation and logistics planning, process improvements and technology evaluations; as well as programs to demonstrate and deploy innovative technologies and systems. His organization's work includes assessing the operational performance of transportation and logistics technologies, evaluating the resilience and security of transportation and logistics infrastructure elements and systems, and integrating global maritime and logistics information to improve operations, safety, and security.

Mr. Dinning represents the Volpe Center before a wide variety of transportation and technology industry organizations involved in innovations in transportation and logistics. He is a frequent speaker to industry, academia, and government agencies on intelligent transportation system and security technologies. Mr. Dinning is a recognized expert in applications of smart card technology to transportation, and is coauthor of the book, Smart Cards: Seizing Strategic Business Opportunities.

Mr. Dinning has been recognized by the Department of Transportation for his work in deploying advanced technology for public transit systems, and developing information technology for logistics management systems.

Mr. Dinning received his bachelors and masters degrees from Northwestern University.