Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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(in thousands of dollars)

Identification code 69-1730-0

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    FY 2006
FY 2007
FY 2008
  Obligations by Program Activity      
0001 Salaries and Administrative Expenses 4,554 4,606 5,964
0002 Hydrogen materials R&D 0 931 500
0003 RD&T Coordination 382 915 536
0004 Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System 0 0 5,000
0100 Direct Program by Activities - Subtotal (running) 5,637 6,452 12,000
0901 University Transportation Center 61,000 77,000 77,000
0902 Transportation Safety Institute 14,000 17,000 17,000
0903 Other Programs 12,000 32,000 32,000
0909 Reimbursable program - subtotal line 87,000 126,000 126,000
1000 Total new obligations 92,637 132,452 138,000
  Budgetary resources available for obligation      
2140 Unobligated balance - start of year 736 759 0
2200 New budget authority (gross) 92,528 131,693 138,000
2210 Resources available from recoveries of prior year obligations 112 0 0
2390 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 93,376 132,452 138,000
2395 Total new obligations −92,561 −132,452 −138,000
2398 Unobligated balance expiring or withdrawn −56 0 0
2440 Unobligated Balance - End of year 759 0 0
  New Budget Authority (gross), detail      
4000 Appropriation 5,774 5,693 12,000
4035 Appropriation permanently reduced −58 0 0
4300 Appropriation (total discretionary) 5,716 5,693 12,000
6800 Offsetting collections: cash 13,511 126,000 126,000
6810 Change in orders on hand from federal sources 73,301 0 0
6890 Spending auth from offsetting collections (total) 86,812 126,000 126,000
7000 Total new budget anthority (gross) 92,528 131,693 138,000
  Changes in obligated balances      
7240 Obligated balance, start of year −2,614 −2,263 569
7310 Total new obligations 92,561 132,452 138,000
7320 Total Outlays (Gross) −47,295 −129,619 −137,369
7340 Adjustments in expired accounts (net) −5,247 0 0
7345 Recoveries of prior year obligations −112 0 0
7400 Change in uncollected customer payments (unexpired) −73,301 0 0
7410 Change in uncollected customer payments (expired) 33,745 0 0
7440 Obligated balance, end of year −2,263 570 1,200
  Outlays (gross), detail      
8690 Outlays from new permanent authority 46,000 131,124 136,800
8693 Outlays from permanent balances 1,295 −1,504 569
8700 Outlays (Gross) 47,295 129,620 137,369
8800 Federal funds 42,412 126,000 126,000
8895 Non-federal funds 73,301 0 0
8896 Total offsetting collections −28,902 0 0
  Net budget authority outlays      
8900 Budget Authority (net) 5,716 5,693 12,000
9000 Outlays (net) 4,883 3,619 11,369

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