Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Detailed Justification for Hydrogen Fuels Safety Research and Development

FY 2008 Request: $500,000


RITA was created by Congress with the primary objective of serving as the Department’s focal point for coordination of crosscutting research and clearing the pathway to technology deployment.  To fulfill its role as Department of Transportation’s lead agency in support of the Administration’s Hydrogen Fuels Initiative, RITA will continue to coordinate, manage and execute key components of the Department’s hydrogen activities.  Many of these activities will be conducted in collaboration with DOT, Federal, State, academic, and industry partners.

FY 2007 Base

The requested funding level for RITA’s Hydrogen program was $495,000.

FY 2007 Accomplishments

  • Complete FY 20077 Hydrogen Executive Leadership Panel deliverables including the first Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Emergency Response training and education program and begin distribution with the National Association of State Fire Marshals.
  • Complete hydrogen infrastructure analysis study and continue collaboration on other hydrogen pathways projects under the UC Davis led partnership.
  • Develop FY 2008 Hydrogen budget priorities for inclusion in the Department’s FY 2008 budget guidance to all DOT Operating Administrations.
  • Review FY 2008 RD&T Hydrogen budget requests to ensure alignment with DOT Strategic objectives and priorities.
  • Complete the first Phase of Hydrogen Materials Compatibility Research with Sandia National Laboratories.
  • Facilitate and manage multimodal transportation-related Hydrogen and related research and partnership activities in support of the Department’s Hydrogen program.
  • Manage Hydrogen and advanced propulsion and alternative fuel projects under SAFETEA-LU.
  • Identify opportunities for cross cutting and multi-modal research within DOT.
  • Continue efforts in support of the President’s Hydrogen Initiative including participation in National and international R&D partnerships.
  • RITA will continue to maintain and revise, and update the DOT and Federal Hydrogen Portal.
  • Depending on Funding availability, RITA will initiate targeted research aimed at addressing near-term gaps identified in the independent DOT safety gap analysis study completed in FY 2006.  The gaps relate to technology development and validation of hydrogen transport and storage.

FY 2008 Budget Request

  • Funding will enable RITA to continue the progress made in FY 2007.   The programs enumerated in the proposal are directly in line with RITA’s mission and objectives to coordinate and lead multi-modal research.  Each program has broad reaching benefit to multiple operating administrations within DOT.  The proposal also responds to direct stakeholder and industry needs in advancing the Hydrogen economy.
  • RITA will continue to conduct materials compatibility research and Sandia National laboratory for design and operations guidelines for hydrogen delivery and transport systems including pipeline, pressure vessels, and fuel storage systems.
  • RITA will conduct targeted research aimed at addressing near-term gaps identified in the independent DOT safety gap analysis study completed in FY 2006.  The gaps relate to technology development and validation of hydrogen transport and storage.
  • RITA will continue involvement in domestic and international partnerships, code and standards development organizations to develop safety codes, standards, and regulations and, projects and activities to ensure the safety of hydrogen transportation.
  • RITA will continue its partnership with the National Association of State Fire Marshals to conduct and execute the Hydrogen Executive Leadership Panel (HELP) and continue the national program to educate and train the state and local public safety officials and first responders.  This program works to ensure the safety of communities using or near hydrogen pipelines, infrastructure, and vehicles by improving the fire and first responder service’s ability to respond to incidents and provide guidance and education to local officials engaged in codes and standards development, implementation, and enforcement.  In FY 2008, DOT and HELP will continue to refine a hydrogen safety training program for firefighters and first responders and continue to disseminate their train the trainer and general information packages.  HELP will continue to expand its national outreach program to promote awareness of hydrogen transportation safety.  HELP will also continue to develop recommended practices and provide input into related consensus codes and standards.
  • RITA will conduct research to develop, evaluate, and validate under real world conditions non-destructive testing and other safety and inspection technologies that will facilitate the reliable and safe operation of components of the hydrogen transportation system.
  • RITA will continue to support collaborative demonstration efforts for hydrogen stations, vehicles, and infrastructure with federal, state, local, industry, and academia partners. These demonstrations will focus on evaluating real world real use operational scenarios and validation.
  • RITA will continue to maintain national and DOT hydrogen websites.
  • RITA will also continue to execute individual projects and participate in collaborative efforts including the UC Davis Hydrogen pathways program that analyze or advance the hydrogen initiative and facilitate an effective transition to the hydrogen economy.

Explanation of Funding Changes for Hydrogen Fuels Safety R&D

Amount: $5,000

The increase is due to a reallocation of funding within the R&D account.

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