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Fire Science Briefs

These JFSP publications are a summarization of a completed research project.

A Tale of Teakettle: Fire is Key to Restoring Forests
A Toolkit for Assessing Fire Hazards
All Fired Up: Whitebark Pines are Crucial in the Cascades and Beyond
Beetles and Severe Fire: Whos on First? A Century of Disturbance in Colorados Subalpine Forests
Behavior Modification: Tempering Fire at the Landscape Level
Burned Landscapes of Southwestern Oregon: What is In It for Northern Spotted Owls?
Chainsaws or Driptorches: How Should Fire Risk Be Reduced?
Climate and Fire in the Northern Rockies: Past, Present, and Future
Earth and Fire: Forest Rely on Healthy Soils for a Well-rounded Diet
Fire Returns to Southern Appalachian Forests
Fire and Climate in the Inland Pacific Northwest: Integrating Science and Management
Fire and Ice: Fire Severity and Future Flammability in Alaskan Black Spruce Forests
Fire and Rain: Stemming the Tide of Invasive Plants in Hawaiian Ecosystems
Fire is for the Birds in Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie
Fire is for the Birds in Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie [Second Opinion]
Forecast for the Southern Boreal Forest: An Increasing Incidence of Severe Disturbance
Have It Your Way: Open Source Software Brings Common Ground to Smoke Management and Emissions Inventories
How Does a Sierran Forest Grow? Fire, Thinning, and Regenerating Trees
In a Ponderosa Pine Forest, Prescribed Fires Reduce the Likelihood of Scorched Earth
Keep the Home Fires Burning: Rare Birds and Better Abodes in Southeastern Arizona
Listening to the Message of the Black-backed Woodpecker, a Hot Fire Specialist
Mixed-fire Regime of the Klamath-Siskiyou: New Postfire Potentials
Pentimento: Fuels Reduction and Restoration in the Bosque of the Middle Rio Grande
Prescribed Burning and Big Trees: Can We Do It Without Killing the Trees?
Prevent or Reduce Fire With Goats: No Kidding!
Restoring Fire to the Longleaf Pine Forest
Restoring Mixed Conifer Ecosystems to Pre-Fire Suppression Conditions in Crater Lake National Park
Sagebrush Steppe: A Story of Encroachment and Invasion
Searching, Witnessing, Testing: Plants and Fire in Southern California
Something In the Air: Climate, Fire, and Ponderosa Pine in Southwestern Colorado
Taking the Guesswork Out of Lightning-caused Wildfire
Tested by Fire: What Happens When Wildfires Meet Fuel Treatments?
Testing the Conventional Wisdom: Fuel Management Approaches for the Central Hardwood Region
The Cone Fire: A Chance Reckoning for Fuel Treatments
The Forest, the Fire and the Fungi: Studying the Effects of Prescribed Burning on Mycorrhizal Fungi in Crater Lake National Park
The Great Lakes Landscape: Understanding Historic and Modern Fire
The Impossible Summer Burn: Techniques for Fuel Reduction, Habitat Restoration and Happy Locals in Northeastern Pine Barrens
The Tao of Treating Weeds: Reaching for Restoration in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Using Fire to Manage Invasive Vegetation: The State of the Art