Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal
Latest News

Product Stewardship Prospectus
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EPA Revises Needle Disposal Options

City reminds area of proper needle disposal

Coalition secures a win for safer needle disposal
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US EPA changes options for Safe Needle Disposal
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Figeuroa introduces measure to properly dispose of medical sharps

Established in August 2002, the Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal is a collaboration of businesses, community groups, non-profit organizations and government that promotes public awareness and solutions for safe disposal of needles, syringes, and other sharps in the community.

Advisory Council Members include:

American Association of Diabetes Educators
American Medical Association
American Pharmacists Association
National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
National Association of County and City Health Officials
National Association of Home Care and Hospice
National Recycling Coalition
National Solid Waste Management Association
U.S. Conference of Mayors

The Coalition supports:
– Federal policies that encourage safe disposal of sharps by individuals.
– State and local laws that provide safe community disposal programs for sharps.
– Community-based disposal solutions that are available, affordable and discreet.
– Effective public education about safe needle disposal for all “at-home” users of sharps.

The Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal is sponsored by: