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Guide To Assisted Living
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Maryland Guide to Assisted Living Facilities

This Assisted Living Guide contains information on more than 300 Assisted Living Facilities (providing 10 or more licensed beds) in the State of Maryland.

Assisted living facilities provide a home and support services to meet the needs of residents who are unable to perform, or who need help in performing certain activities of daily living. Facilities may provide assistance with meal preparation, household chores, managing medications, dressing or bathing. People who live in assisted living facilities generally have less complicated medical problems than people in nursing homes. This housing option enables seniors to remain in a home-like setting in their communities and promotes their independence and dignity.

Not all assisted living facilities are the same, and different residents will have different needs. Facilities may range from a small home with one resident to larger facilities with 100 or more living units. Selecting an assisted living facility that fits your needs is an important and personal decision.

This Guide is intended to provide useful information to help you choose an assisted living facility that is right for you or someone you care about.

You may begin your search by “clicking” facility search to search for a facility by name, zip code, or county. You may also conduct comparisons of two or more facilities by “clicking” facility compare". The Guide also provides a number of resources and information on what to do if you have a complaint.


Caution: This website does not reflect the endorsement of any specific facility by the MHCC. It simply provides information that you can use when choosing a facility for you or a family member. Each facility serves a unique population of individuals. It is important to consider the information in this Guide with reference to the population served by the facility.

The Maryland Health Care Commission collects data for this Guide annually through a survey completed by each assisted living facility.

It should be noted that the Maryland Health Care Commission only surveys facilities that are 10 beds or more. There are many facilities with fewer than 10 beds that do not appear in the guide. For a complete list Click here.

Before making a decision you should visit any facility that you are considering and talk with the facility administrator and/or admissions representatives and the residents.

Copyright © 2005 by Maryland Health Care Commission. All rights reserved.