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U.S. Department of Transportation
Fiscal Year 2009 Budget In Brief


Overview: The Office of the Secretary provides policy development, oversight and coordination for the overall planning and direction of the Department. The total FY 2009 request is $181 million.

Office of the Secretary Budget
(Dollars in Millions)
Salaries and Expenses 84 92 102
Transportation Planning, R&D 15 14 10
Civil Rights, MBO and MBRC 12 13 13
New Headquarters Building 50 0 0
Financial Management Capital 0 0 6
EAS/Payments to Air Carriers - (discretionary) 59 60 0
EAS/Payments to Air Carriers - (mandatory - overflight fees/transfers) 46 50 1/ 50
Total 266 229 181
1/ Pursuant to P.L. 109-171, an additional $15 million of funds from the sale of spectrum is available to the EAS program in FY 2008.

Summary of OST FY 2009 Increases and Decreases
(Dollars in Millions)
Rights &
Air Carriers
FY 2008 Base 92 14 13 50 60 0 229
Pay Inflation Adjustments 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Non-Pay Inflation Adjustments 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Annualization of FY 2008 Initiatives 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-recurring Costs or Savings -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1
Base Re-engineering, Reductions or Adjustments 7 0 0 0 0 0 7
FY 2009 Current Services Levels 101 14 13 50 60 0 238
Program Initiatives 1 -4 0 0 -60 6 -57
FY 2009 Request 102 10 13 50 0 6 181
FY 2009 Budget

Salaries and Expenses: $101.8 million is requested for FY 2009, including funding to strengthen the management of the Department's large information technology investment portfolio; continue increased enforcement activities to better protect air travelers; and respond to new requirements in the areas of intelligence policy and the dispersed alternate site program.

Transportation Planning, Research, and Development: $10.1 million is requested for FY 2009 to fund analyses of: costs/benefits of transportation infrastructure investments; congestion pricing; safe mobility; hazardous materials safety; environment and climate issues; aviation and international transportation policy; and transportation security issues.

Corner building

Office of Civil Rights: $9.4 million is requested to support and advance internal and external civil rights initiatives, administer Federal civil rights statutes, investigate Equal Employment Opportunity complaints, support the Disability Resource Center, implement the Shared Neutrals Alternative Dispute Resolution Program, and oversee and ensure compliance of environmental justice programs throughout the Department.

Financial Management Capital Program: $6.0 million is requested to begin a multi-year project to upgrade the Department's financial systems and business processes to support the President's Management Agenda goal for Improved Financial Management. The project includes implementing new government-wide accounting standards, developing a better way to relate program costs to DOT strategic goals and program performance metrics, and implementing new Treasury Department mandates.

Minority Business Programs: $4.0 million is requested for minority business programs. $0.6 million in administrative expenses and $0.4 million in subsidy will support an $18 million short-term loan guarantee program to assist small, disadvantaged and women-owned transportation-related business; and $3 million will fund the Minority Business Outreach program, which includes a clearinghouse for national dissemination of information on transportation-related projects and grants to minority educational institutions.

Essential Air Service (EAS): The budget request assumes $50 million of mandatory funding will come from overflight fees collected by the Federal Aviation Administration. The EAS program provides payments to air carriers serving small community airports and associated administrative costs. Program reforms are proposed that seek to ensure that the most isolated small communities maintain access to the national air transportation system.