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Transit Watch Transit Watch Toolkit

Federal Transit Administration Updates Nationwide
Transit Safety and Security Awareness Program

Transit Watch - Let's count on each other for a safe ride

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Dear Colleague:

Launched in 2003, Transit Watch is a nationwide public awareness outreach campaign that encourages the active participation of transit passengers and employees in maintaining a safe transit environment. The campaign was also designed to help foster the role of transit as a safe haven in communities across the country. Our goal was to create a useful toolkit that enabled you to customize the materials with your own information and select the campaign and accompanying visuals that would most effectively address your community to maximize interest and involvement.

Since Transit Watch began nearly three years ago, many of you have taken the campaign and adapted it as your own, or have instituted similar public awareness campaigns. Now, building on the success of the initial campaign, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), along with its partners at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the Office of Grants and Training (G&T), recently made significant enhancements to the public awareness campaign. These improvements include messages pertaining to unattended bags, evacuation procedures, translation of the original Transit Watch materials into Spanish, and the development of a "Five Step Strategy" for use in enhancing communication with State and Local Citizen Corps Councils.

Working with DHS, one of three areas that FTA identified as a priority was increasing public awareness, so that passengers can identify suspicious or unusual behavior, communicate with transit officials, and exit safely in the event of an emergency.

Enclosed in your Transit Watch toolkit is a downloadable CD containing the transit evacuation "Listen, Look, Leave" campaign, the unattended items "Be Alert" and "Is this Yours?" campaigns, the "Five Step Strategy" for linking Transit Watch and Citizen Corps, and the Spanish language translation of the original Transit Watch campaign. This enhanced Transit Watch toolkit represents our combined efforts to make our Nation's transit systems safer and more secure. We believe these toolkits will provide an effective means for transit agencies, transit employees and the riding public to keep America safe and on the move.

If you have any questions or need further assistance in implementing the enhancements to Transit Watch, please feel free to contact Gail Taylor at FTA on (202) 366-1218, Marcus Taylor at TSA on (571) 227-2183, or Heather King at G&T on (202) 786-9489.


Sandra K. Bushue
Deputy Administrator
Federal Transit Administration Sandra K. Bushue

Kip Hawley
Transportation Security Administration
 Kip Hawley

Tracy A. Henke
Assistant Secretary Preparedness Directorate, Office of Grants and Training
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
 Tracy A. Henke

In order to better serve Transit Watch stakeholders, all inquiries concerning Transit Watch should be directed to Nancy Solkowski at the Federal Transit Administration on (202) 366-0124.
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