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Security Initiatives
Date Description Format
Security Manpower Planning Model

The Security Manpower Planning Model is a flexible decision support tool created to enable transit security planners the ability to assess impacts of strategic decisions on resources and staffing. Based on the data inputted, the model identifies staffing levels and budgeting. The SMPM is can be used by any transit agency with existing or planned security resources, regardless of operating mode(s) or size. Further, the model can assist security planners in assessing impacts of various scenarios on resource and deployment strategies.

Security and Emergency Management Technical Assistance for the Top 50 Transit Agencies - Final Report

Between May 2002 and July 2006, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provided technical assistance to the top 50 transit agencies through the Security and Emergency Management Technical Assistance Program (SEMTAP). This report includes a program background and summary, the methodology used, findings and results gathered during the technical assistance visits and a description of the next generation technical assistance program.

Click here for related "Dear Colleague" letter.

TSA/FTA Security and Emergency Management Action Items for Transit Agencies

This Action Item list addresses current security threats and risks that confront transit agencies today, with particular emphasis on priority areas where gaps need to be closed in security and emergency preparedness programs.

12/2006 Transit Agency Security and Emergency Management Protective Measures

This document has been developed by the Federal Transit Administration, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Transportation Security Administration and Office of Grants and Training and the American Public Transportation Association. It replaces the prior document entitled, Federal Transit Administration Transit Threat Level Response Recommendation. This document provides a more comprehensive systems approach and framework for a transit agency to use in integrating its entire security and emergency management programs with the DHS Homeland Security Advisory System's five color-coded graduated threat conditions. In addition, this document provides protective measures to be implemented in the event of an Attack or Active Incident and during the Recovery phase following an incident.

05/2005 Transit Security Design Considerations

This document provides security design guidance on three major transit system components - bus vehicles, rail vehicles, and transit infrastructure. It provides a resource for transit agency decision makers, members of design, construction and operations departments, security and law enforcement personnel and consultants and contractors, in developing an effective and affordable security strategy following the completion of a threat and vulnerability assessment and development of a comprehensive plan.
04/2004 Immediate Actions (IAs) for Transit Agencies for Potential and Actual Life-Threatening Incidents

This FTA guidance document is intended to help transit agencies reinforce and improve how well their front line employees quickly react & respond to potential and actual life-threatening incidents.

Click here to view an executive summary of this document.
12/2003 Transit Watch and Transit Watch Toolkit

During her keynote speech at the Opening Session of the American Public Transportation Association's (APTA) Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, FTA Administrator Jennifer Dorn announced a new nationwide safety and security awareness program designed to encourage the active participation of transit passengers and employees in maintaining a safe transit environment.

04/2003 Employee Guide to System Security - Commuter Rail

One in a series of pamphlets to serve transit agencies in guiding employees on dealing with security prevention and response.

04/2003 Employee Guide to System Security - Light Rail

One in a series of pamphlets to serve transit agencies in guiding employees on dealing with security prevention and response.

04/2003 Employee Guide to System Security - Heavy Rail

One in a series of pamphlets to serve transit agencies in guiding employees on dealing with security prevention and response.

03/2003 Employee Guide to System Security - Bus Operations

One in a series of pamphlets to serve transit agencies in guiding employees on dealing with security prevention and response.

1/3/2003 Briefing: Update on the Status of FTA Security Initiatives

Since September 11th, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has undertaken a series of major steps to help prepare the transit industry to counter terrorist threats. FTA has provided direct assistance to transit agencies through on-site readiness assessments, technical assistance teams, regional forums for emergency responders, grants for drills, training, and accelerating technology and research projects.

10/02/2001 Dear Colleague Letter

To assist transit agencies in coping with increased security demands and an uncertain future in the wake of the September 11 attacks, several initiatives were announced in a Dear Colleague letter issued by FTA Administrator Jennifer L. Dorn on October 2, 2001.

This letter address issues such as:

  • Safety and Security Took Kit
  • Practical Advice
  • Emergency Preparedness and Security Regional Forums
  • Security / Emergency Management Survey
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