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Federal PKI Contacts

Cheryl Jenkins
- Federal PKI Program Manager
- Chair, FBCA Technical Working Group (TWG)
- Chair, Path Discovery & Validation (PDVAL) Working Group
Phone # 202-577-1441 | Email: cheryl.jenkins@gsa.gov
GSA, 1800 F St., Room 2013, NW, Washington, DC 20405

Judith Spencer
- Acting Chair, Federal PKI Policy Authority (FPKIPA)
- Co-Chair of the Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) Subcommittee
- Chair, PKI Shared Service Providers (SSP) Working Group
Phone # 202-208-6576 | Email: judith.spencer@gsa.gov
GSA, 1800 F St., Room 2011, NW, Washington, DC 20405

Judith Fincher
- Secretariat, Federal PKI Policy Authority (FPKIPA)
Phone # 703-299-4709 | Email: judith.fincher@pgs.protiviti.com
Protiviti Government Services, 1640 King Street, Alexandria, VA

Brant G. Petrick
- Webmaster for the E-Authentication site, the Federal PKI Policy Authority site, the FPKIA site, the Government Smart Card Interagency Advisory Board site, the HSPD-12 Architecture Working Group, and the Identity Management site
- Special Assistant to the ICAM Subcommittee
Phone # 202-208-4673 | Email: brant.petrick@gsa.gov
GSA, 1800 F St., Room 2013, NW, Washington, DC 20405

 Page Last Updated: 15 Apr 2009
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