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The Federal Railroad Administration Passenger train traveling through New England, autumn

Adoption and application of new technology in railroad services is a key focus in the FRA Research and Development program. Throughout the last few decades, FRA has provided funding and technical supports to search and stimulate development of new equipment, new infrastructure and new processes to enhance the safety, capacity and efficiency of both passenger and freight services in the railroad industry. One particular area of new development to help achieving this goal is in the advanced train control system, such as the new concept of Positive Train Control (PTC), which uses microprocessors, advanced navigation and tracking systems, and wireless technology to interconnect the various segments of railroad operation to virtually eliminate train to train collision and over-speed derailments, as well as to provide roadway worker protection. It should be pointed that this solicitation centers around advanced train control systems, and only proposals relating to PTC will be considered.

Broad Agency Announcement 2009-1: BAA 2009-1 Proposal Preparation Package

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